Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces until 2:44 PM, after which the Moon transits Aries.
- The void Moon occurs from 3:14 AM to 2:44 PM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred yesterday, and the Full Moon will happen on December 12th.
- Chiron Rx and Uranus Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

Instead of doing things the same way, let your imagination lead you in the first half of the day, dear Aries, as it can take you to a wonderful new place. Your desires are unusual right now, and your dreamy state can serve as a pleasing detour from the daily routine. Daydreaming can actually be productive. Of course, this is only true if you can do so appropriately and safely. Today’s energies support letting go of bad habits and past disappointments. The Moon entering your sign later today helps to turn the focus back to you! You’ve been giving a lot of yourself, which has been rewarding, but now you need some valuable “me time.” Today and tomorrow, you’re far more visible than you usually are, and especially than you have been in recent days. There can be some recognition that helps to fuel your ambition and commitment.

The focus is on sharing and interacting again today, dear Taurus, in a non-judgmental, fun, playful, and compassionate way. Until the afternoon, the Moon continues its transit of your solar eleventh house, which is considered a rather lucky, happy sector, in part because it allows for just enough detachment on an emotional level to truly enjoy yourself. The Moon later enters your privacy sector, and it’s a signal to decompress and simplify. Try not to commit yourself to what might look like amazing plans now, as your idealism is strong, but when your pragmatic side kicks in later, the venture could then look quite impractical.

You can be focused on making long-term improvements today, dear Gemini. You’re thinking about the future and what may benefit you not just today, but down the line. You seem to be attracting the right resources or people your way. Later today, there can be many distractions and some restlessness. Promises made to you can be difficult for people to keep later. You may be fascinated with, or persuaded by, someone today. Positively, you can feel a rush of new energy to begin handling a relationship problem. As difficult as it may be, try to focus on what you truly feel rather than living your life in reaction to others–it’s the path to empowerment right now.

People tend to be in good humor in a general sense today, dear Cancer, although perhaps prone to impracticality and exaggeration. It’s a potentially strong day for expanding contact, strengthening ties, and finding peace with your past, but there can be some ups and downs in the process. Aim to see the opportunities to put the negative elements of the past behind you, particularly in a relationship. Be courageous now, even if someone seems to be putting a damper on your plans, as an emotional breakthrough is entirely possible. Refresh your senses with a change of scenery, if possible. Later today, you can feel quite motivated to take care of business or your responsibilities. Rely on your intuition to take you to the next step.

You are especially interested in what motivates others, and even yourself, dear Leo, and you can gain new insight into these very things today. The less dependent you feel on loved ones, the easier it is to feel compassion for them. There is more warmth or concern in your intimate relationships now. As well, you can be very productive in any work or pursuit that benefits from depth research or analysis. The Moon moves into your sector of spirit, adventure, and expansion later today, pulling you out of your shell. Even so, there can be a healing moment, perhaps due to an epiphany or discovery, about a past love relationship or your love life, in general.

The first half of today is likely to be more sociable than usual, dear Virgo, and while you could feel that others are in charge, you may be quite content taking a break from being a leader. Later today, you’ll crave more exclusivity. It may be a challenge to focus on mundane affairs, and work can suffer as a result. Past mistakes or wrongs can figure strongly in your mind, and you may be dwelling. Let your imagination wander if it takes you to creative places, but not if it brings you in maddening circles. It has the potential to be an imaginative day. Getting a window into your vulnerabilities is a useful exercise as the Moon aligns with Chiron in your intimacy sector. On an emotional level, at the very least, you’re making excellent progress today.

You’re in good shape for getting your daily routines, habits, self-care programs, health, and domestic matters straightened out today, dear Libra. With the Moon moving into your partnership sector later today, the tendency is for you to need company more than usual. The Moon’s alignment with Chiron in this sector of your chart can offer you a nice little window into what’s going on under the surface so that you can see what exactly needs special attention. It’s showing you, through feelings and events of the day, where you seem to be most vulnerable. Try not to over-identify with a person in your life if it’s subtly undermining your relationship. On the other hand, you might find yourself tiptoeing around someone who can be especially sensitive and whose ego seems a little fragile at the moment. You can be feeling a little off and concerned about a lack of support, but you’re also ready to see where changes can be made to make improvements.

There is a distinct move from a playful, creative approach to your day to a more practical focus from about the middle of the afternoon forward, dear Scorpio. You begin the day with a strong desire to enjoy yourself. With the Moon’s move into your work and health sector later today, you’re motivated to take care of business on the level of details. The bigger plans and thinking can be tackled at a later time — now is a time for taking care of the small things that hold everything up. There can be distractions as you go about your business and pursue studies, projects, or personal interests, and not everybody is likely to be on board with your plans. Still, you seem to be able to make sense out of the chaos or confusion in other people’s lives. These days and particularly now, you could be attracted to holistic or alternative health methods.

This is a natural time for anchoring and nesting on a psychological level, dear Sagittarius, although there can be some over-attachment to what’s familiar. As the day moves forward, your perceptions are less influenced by fears and insecurities, and you become sharper, more directed, and focused. A relationship can be pleasantly surprising or open. You have more courage to do something different, creative, and unique. Letting go of unhealthy expectations of others comes easily today. The Moon’s move to Aries mid-afternoon tends to pick up your spirits and turn your focus to more playful or relaxing pursuits. You are finding new ideas and areas of life to explore, which feels good. Avoid exaggeration for best results now.

While the day can begin in an especially connected, busy way, dear Capricorn, you can benefit significantly from tuning out distractions and finding some time for yourself. The Moon’s move to your solar fourth house mid-afternoon spotlights the need for more emotional space and release from pressures. Conditions are favorable for tapping into your intuition and benefiting from it, although the key will be to trust it! You might arrive at an answer or solution to recent problems, and you may come to important realizations as the Moon and Chiron align in your home and family sector. You’re finding comfort in familiar settings, and it can be a good time for home and family matters. Take any opportunity to recharge emotionally, and if you can benefit from opening up communications with family, this is a good, open, tolerant time to do so. It’s a time for bringing healing and wholeness, as well as some refinement and organization, to your home life and family relationships.

There can be a real desire to keep things simple today, dear Aquarius, but people in your life–or life itself–seem to pull you into dramas. If you consciously work on centering yourself, it can be a great time for examining those things to which you’re overly attached and finding ways to rethink these attachments if you do decide they are not in your best interest. As the day advances, it can become quite busy, or you may find yourself more distractable! You can be in the position to take care of many different matters with very little chance to focus and concentrate. Reaching out to someone can be favorable now, particularly if you haven’t made them feel needed for awhile. You can learn a lot today from the people with whom you connect. You’re picking up new information today, and you tend to be quite hungry for some novelty as the day progresses.

The Moon continues to transit your sign for part of the day, dear Pisces, and you have a strong desire to feel more emotionally connected with the world around you. The Moon moves out of your sign by mid-afternoon, and some of the urgency you’ve been feeling to feed your emotional needs begins to subside. Emotions start to feel less urgent, but as the Moon aligns with Chiron, they’re no less potent. It’s a powerful day for discovering the deeper needs and fears behind your relationship with things, money, and close relationships. It’s also a fine time for finding answers to business or financial problems. You can bring a special touch to whatever you do. You may be in the position to defend or support someone you care about.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 5, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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