Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurred on November 30th in the sign of Gemini, and the Last Quarter Moon will occur on December 7th.
- Mars is not retrograde but is in its post-retrograde shadow until January 2, 2021.
- Current retrogrades: Chiron Rx and Uranus Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The tendency to make rash decisions runs high early today, dear Aries. Skipping steps or ignoring precautions can lead to poor choices if you’re not careful. It’s all too easy to get riled up by differences of opinion, but it may be best to conserve energy rather than snap back. As the day advances, the desire to focus strengthens. Facing realities and realigning your thinking and your plans comes naturally. While your thinking is becoming very big and broad, and this overview approach benefits you, life asks you to fill in some important details today. Fortunately, you’re equipped to do so. You might thoroughly enjoy going over finer points.Taurus
Feeling unsettled early today with a Mercury-Mars tense aspect, dear Taurus. Taking quick action may not have desirable outcomes if you’re acting from this state. Avoid the tendency to jump to conclusions or to make unstudied choices. As the day advances, you’re more inclined to exercise patience and foresight. A Mercury-Saturn influence helps you slow down and handle issues step by step. You might consider attitudes that may need changing to more effectively go after what you want and need. You may need to make decisions on financial matters, and it would be wise to weigh all of the pros and cons. It’s a good time for finding ways to improve your finances by cutting back. This can also be a good time to take a more serious look at your closest relationships or have an important talk that clarifies matters.Gemini
Watch for impatience when communicating early today, dear Gemini. Skipping steps or information is a real tendency. We can be quick to argue or nitpick with Mercury’s minor challenging aspect to Mars. As the day advances, it’s easier and more natural to take time with your ideas and get them straight. Conversations with a significant someone can have a serious or practical overtone, and decisions you make now tend to be long-term ones. Practical concerns in a relationship tend to take higher priority with today’s energies, or you may be getting serious about a project that involves joint decision-making. It’s a day for getting smart and real about your associations.Cancer
You can be itching for change early today, dear Cancer. Have faith in your ability to better manage your life, but avoid the traps of thinking that’s too quick. You could find yourself at odds with someone over an issue of values or ownership, although it’s likely to be resolved (or put behind you) rather quickly. The tendency to jump to conclusions or argument is strong, but you’re likely to be far better off observing and using a wait-and-see approach, which comes more naturally as the day progresses. It’s back to business as the morning’s restless energy fades and solid, practical energy replaces it. Responsibilities weigh more heavily, or others remind you of them. You tend to feel stronger knowing where you and everything stands. There is freedom in seeing the truth and accepting it. Co-workers, work itself, or duties and chores can feel more demanding or pressing. You may come across wise advice about a health issue. People see you as more authoritative, competent, or “in the know” today.Leo
Early today, unresolved problems can be glaring, dear Leo, but it’s hard to know how to tackle them. Watch for trying to apply band-aid solutions to problems that require more depth and energy. Making too-quick decisions today may not be the best idea. As the day advances, however, it’s easier to draw on patience. Facing realities can feel empowering, especially after feeling directionless. Love relationships, pastimes, or projects can have serious or possibly heavy energy surrounding them. You might make or reconsider a commitment. This is a good day for thinking about how to monetize or add more structure to a hobby, make better use of your leisure time, or cut out those things that interfere with getting the most out of your downtime. The Moon spends another day in your solar twelfth house, encouraging you to take some moments to reorient yourself.Virgo
While you might be encouraged to do some inner exploration today, dear Virgo, the early day can feel a bit hectic. Tension is largely due to a Mercury-Mars aspect that can convince you that you need to get things done immediately, but pushing is likely to lead to frustration. Aim to feed your mind’s need for stimulation, but avoid jumping to conclusions or communicating too quickly. Note that mental stress could interfere with your ability to think clearly and take action confidently for the time being. As the day advances, strategy comes more naturally. Your thinking is clearer and more serious, benefiting home and family or practical matters. You could be feeling a little pressed to make decisions, but also quite equipped to make them as the day advances.Libra
Early today, watch for some impatience with others, and perhaps also with your work or communications, dear Libra. It can be tempting to skip steps or jump to conclusions, but neither is advisable. You could be called to task for something that needs your attention. As the day advances, it comes naturally to know the benefits of a wait-and-see approach. It’s easier to translate recent ideas into real terms. You’re craving more organization, structure, and predictability. It’s a good time to draw up realistic plans or find good advice or helpful information and tips. Concentration and focus improve, but the day’s not necessarily strong for light conversation or social activity, as you have more serious things to think about.Scorpio
Watch for off the cuff remarks or quick decisions and conclusions early today, dear Scorpio. Mind you, keeping things to yourself can be frustrating as well. Try to arrive at a compromise wherein you choose your words more carefully but express your discontent nonetheless. Aim to use tense energy to be productive rather than to argue or fret. As the day advances, it’s far easier to take things a step at a time. You see the value of pacing yourself, taking everything in before passing judgment. You’re mentally equipped to take care of business that, by extension, increases your peace of mind. Financial thinking is good right now, although you are inclined to hold on more tightly to money and possessions just for the moment.Sagittarius
A Mercury-Mars transit can point to tense feelings early today, dear Sagittarius. At its best, this aspect can encourage you to take care of important business, and its worst, may lead to impulsive speech or unnecessary arguments. Make it a goal to let go of negative feelings if they’re not motivating you to make improvements. Avoid jumping to conclusions. As the day progresses, it’s far easier to concentrate, which fuels your ambitions and improves your productivity. There’s a need to be realistic or perhaps to face reality, leading to a stronger character and sense of being in control. Do watch for being too self-critical, but some self-assessment can be appropriate if it helps you discipline yourself and take care of priorities.Capricorn
Early today, a Mercury-Mars aspect can make it all too easy for impatience to get the best of you, dear Capricorn, but don’t let it rule you. There is some tendency to bicker or nitpick. Use this energy for its ability to quickly size up a situation, but avoid jumping to conclusions. As the day advances, it becomes more straightforward to take your time with your assessments and communications. Life is a little more private and introspective for you these days, and today, you could be thinking seriously about the past or reassessing recent events. There is a tendency to keep things to yourself. This can weigh you down somewhat, but doing some deeper thinking may be just what you need at the moment.Aquarius
Early today, try to resist a feeling that you need to rush something, dear Aquarius. Impatience can produce some waves in your life, and while you can feel a bit restless, it may be best to avoid random changes. It’s best not to push too hard, particularly with a friend. As the day progresses, you’re likely to find it far easier to observe and strategize. Responsibilities to others can make themselves known, or your mind could turn to something owed, and you want to balance things out. Aim to spend some moments loosening up a little if you find yourself more focused on something than is good for you. Today’s energies are good for sorting out problems that can be resolved step by step.Pisces
Early today, impulsiveness is a tendency, dear Pisces. It’s best to aim to avoid jumping into something prematurely and watch for tensions over expectations from others. Messages can be conflicting right now. A Mercury-Mars minor challenge might stimulate nervousness or argumentativeness. Try not to take disagreements personally and find ways to set your own pace rather than rely on others who may not be moving at the right speed for your liking right now. Tensions are likely to dissipate as the day advances, and you find it far easier to identify and concentrate on your priorities. Responsibilities become clearer, and there seems to be a stronger need for organization, realism, and discipline. A sense that you’re in the know can feel good.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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