Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase until 8:57 PM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon/Solar Eclipse occurred on the 26th in the sign of Capricorn, and the First Quarter Moon will happen on January 2nd.
- Uranus Rx
- Mercury spends its first full day in Capricorn (Mercury is in Capricorn from December 28-January 16).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Group activities or cooperative efforts can be in focus and especially useful or dynamic now, dear Aries. You can be very relationship-focused, and others are paying you special attention. You want to be active and get things done with someone in your corner. Energies today enliven your romantic or social connections and can also boost your magnetism. It can be stimulating and rather straightforward to come to a balance of give and take in a relationship. Desires can feel pressing, but channels for expressing them seem to open up. You are giving off good vibes, and relations can be spontaneous, freeing, and positive with friends or a partner. Interchanges are lively today. Ambitions may be high but can cause some tension until you sort out your thoughts. The tendency to make too much of a situation is a potential problem. Consider, however, that trying to explain your way out of something is likely to be a waste of time. By tomorrow, you’ll be in a great position to determine your next move or to drum up a plan related to life path, financial, or career goals.
While you’re inclined to keep things simple for the most today, dear Taurus, the day holds some exciting energy that can prompt you to move into new territory nevertheless. There can be a pleasing focus on putting your affairs into order or for beautifying and organizing your work environment. It’s a good day to connect with others in general, but mainly to make nice with a partner, customers, co-workers, or boss. There can be a method breakthrough that excites you now. You are noticed for your dynamism and strength with Venus, your ruler, aligned with Mars in declination. A fresh attitude can make life easier. Still, there can be a lot going on just under the surface of things that can sometimes interfere with clarity and purposefulness. You could also be feeling somewhat drained or demotivated, but the pressures to perform and to get things done are just as high. The result can be inertia. Sorting things out will come easier tomorrow. For now, do your best to separate the wheat from the chaff with incoming information.
Creative efforts can be rewarding, and personal magnetism is strong today, dear Gemini, particularly when you are moving away from your routines and embracing new ideas and possibilities. Teaching, authoring, and communications, in general, can be dynamic and exciting now. Good energy is with you for work matters as well as playful activities, creative charm, and romantic connections. You seem to get along with everyone — from all walks of life. Romantically speaking, you’re in great form. You can successfully combine grace and assertion. There can be good feelings of support and freedom experienced on creative levels, and your experiences are broad and satisfying. Later today, however, signals easily get crossed. Insecurities about being able to meet your goals may lead to uncomfortable situations or tension in your relationships. Watch for putting too much value in things that don’t deserve your attention, and overlooking important details! Otherwise, you have wonderful energy with you for doing detective work, investigating, or uncovering information that you need today and tomorrow.
Arriving at the right balance between work and play or intimacy and fun seem almost easy today, dear Cancer. There can be a freeing feeling associated with the release of a private or personal problem. Ideas you entertain today are both creative and practical, fortunately. This is a time for intimate excitement and perhaps some positive movement in your financial affairs. Nevertheless, it’s not particularly straightforward to make a decision today. You may be hedging a little. Try to release the pressure to fill specific goals quickly. It’s better to focus on what you can do to move forward. Frustrations can be magnified, but you’re working toward a beautiful new perspective once you work beyond fears or insecurities.
The Moon spends the day in your partnership zone, dear Leo, bringing out your need to be with others, but most of all, with a significant someone. One-on-one seems the most appealing and beneficial. This can be an exciting day for home life, learning of all kinds, communicating with increased charm and punch, and making stimulating connections. There can be especially lively interactions today, or you could be working on your projects with great vigor and passion. You are more able to put plans into motion or to pursue your desires right now. Allowing and exercising more freedom in your relationships is essential now. Later today, you’re inclined to question your decisions. Try not to pressure yourself too hard to be on the ball. You may need some time to center yourself since information is inclined to be contradictory or missing. Aim to focus on improvement and be sure not to rush things that don’t have a deadline.
Today is excellent for thinking breakthroughs on work projects and methods, dear Virgo, as well as new ideas about money. It can be a very creative and resourceful time when you make the most of what you have. While you can probably make some exciting purchases now, there can be a little impulsiveness or a larger appetite for things, in general, that you may want to watch for. People are drawn to you today, primarily through your communications or ideas. There can be the discovery of new ways to handle matters and thrive on the level of health and wellness or in your work. As the day advances, there can be a triggering of buried feelings, and while it can be frustrating, it may be best to treat it as a chance to rid yourself of old resentments.
Personal magnetism is strong today, dear Libra, and your interactions are likely to be animated. The Moon transits your sector of joy, and Venus, your ruler, forms a parallel with Mars. You crave harmony, and you’re entirely willing to take real steps to get to a position of mutual benefit, making negotiations potentially very successful now. Your creative needs are stronger than usual, and friendly competition may be part of this — you want to do something special! You might find support in unexpected places, too. In fact, the day is strong for connecting and bonding with others. Try to put others’ expectations behind you so that you can enjoy the pleasing, freeing energy available to you. Helping others can be one such way, as you can feel especially good about responding to others’ needs and wants and doing what you can to support them. Later today, a doubt can surface, but don’t let it drag you down. You’ll arrive at a broader perspective later.
The Moon in your home and family sector all day points to the need for some familiarity and comfort, dear Scorpio. While you’re emotionally geared to take it easy, the connections you do make can be satisfying now. You might arrive at exceptionally creative, dynamic ideas about handling your home or personal life today. The day’s energies tend to favor emotions and pleasures over practical activities. As such, it might be wise to allow more time for yourself to get things done. There is good energy for personal matters — perhaps new freedom is afforded you now that feels good. Your appeal is high. Others admire you for your dynamism and straightforward approach.
The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, dear Sagittarius. Venus is in this sector, also encouraging you to connect and share. Plans enliven you or news you’ve been waiting for arrives. Communications can range from pleasant to inspiring. There is charm in your presentation. Your magnetism runs high among friends and over your networks. You may be taking the lead and succeeding at it. There can be new interests or the reawakening of interests experienced now. Still, there can be a lot going on behind the scenes, in your mind, and under the surface of things. There can be a private meeting or affair, a fun secret, and excitement in your personal life. Later today, however, it can be difficult to fully back a decision, as there is a sense that something is exaggerated or magnified, good or bad.
Emotions are mostly steady today, dear Capricorn, and you’re emotionally geared towards practical activities. The Moon spends the day in your solar second house, prompting a stronger interest in the structures in your life, and how to stabilize them is your top concern! There can be special interest in, and focus on, money, possessions, valuables, and comfort today. You might want to look into ways to increase your income through networking, expanding your audience, or connecting with people far and wide. Venus and Mars form a parallel aspect, sparking your ambitions and creativity. This can create opportunities on practical levels, with money, money-making ideas, business, career projects, and reputation matters. You might find a great buy. Vague disappointments from your past or feelings of guilt have their way of creeping up on you as the day advances. A good time to talk about or analyze personal matters arrives tomorrow.
You have a stronger desire for pleasure and excitement today, dear Aquarius, and you can be feeling particularly motivated and creative with your work or goals. You are projecting both strength and warmth, and people are taking note! It’s a beautiful day for magnetic attraction with Venus in your sign boosted by a parallel to Mars. Starting something with high profile appeal is attractive now, or you may be taking the lead or managing in especially charming, successful ways today. Later today, though, there is a tendency for worries and concerns to magnify, and you may want to watch for a tendency to see the best or the worst of a situation rather than merely seeing it for what it’s worth. Recent pressures may negatively impact your relationships, and misunderstandings or hurt feelings may result. You’ll find it rather easy to switch gears and see things far more positively by tomorrow when Mercury harmonizes with Uranus.
While there is a retiring quality to the day, dear Pisces, there’s especially creative energy with you now. You may want to allow for some free time and space to benefit from it, if you can arrange it. Passions from deep within are stimulated, and perhaps a strong desire can emerge, possibly even from a dream. You are looking for harmony in your relationships, and willing to go to great lengths to achieve it, but you’re not shying away from conflict if it will get you there. You could be looking into the past for benefits, or reviewing the past for ways to improve the future. The day is strong for going after what you desire with increased charm and warmth. As the day advances, there can be some challenges getting a message across tactfully. Making mountains out of molehills is entirely possible now. Solutions to problems are unusual but useful, however, and original ideas continue to emerge tomorrow.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 29, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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