Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer until 7:22 PM, after which the Moon is in Leo.
- A void Moon period occurs from 5:57 PM to 7:22 PM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 26th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from December 13th, 2023, to January 1st, 2024).
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Uranus Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Confusing or disorienting energy is possible today, dear Aries, with your planetary ruler, Mars, in a challenging aspect to Neptune. It’s a time for slowing down. In truth, you can benefit from some time to reorient yourself. You will be most successful if you examine whether your actions have real meaning, as this gives you a purpose and a direction. Now is a better time for service to others than for self-seeking efforts. However, don’t take this too far — watch for con artists and impractical schemes today. It’s difficult to see what’s true and what is only an illusion, so it makes sense to reserve judgment. There can be some confusion with education or transportation matters. It’s a time for reassessing what motivates you, and it makes a lot of sense to seek out fulfilling ventures, but don’t pressure yourself. As the day advances, a Venus-Pluto influence can bring a healthy dose of self-honesty or new insight into a relationship or venture. You’re in excellent shape for focusing on activities that promote emotional renewal. You might look to the talents and resources of others to see if these can benefit a business. Something buried regarding your relationships and feelings can emerge now for release, and it’s satisfying.Taurus
With today’s Mars-Neptune square, you can have a hard time seeing a clear path to fulfillment, dear Taurus. There can be dissatisfaction with your plans as they currently stand and perhaps a change of direction or temporary motivation dip. Maybe someone isn’t completely honest with you, or it isn’t easy to pinpoint what you want. Even if others are questioning your motives or plans or you’re questioning theirs, it’s a time to listen to your heart and recognize what you truly want. It can take some trial and error to get there, but it’s worth it. This transit is best for slowing down and realigning yourself rather than trying to push for something to go your way. However, you also benefit from a Venus-Pluto transit coming into play later today that boosts your motivation and commitment. Your feelings about a person or even a project or idea tend to intensify–and in a most pleasant way! You might get the opportunity to repair or enhance a relationship. Your negotiation skills are strong despite minor disconnects or delays. You want to see eye to eye, and remaining sincere makes it more worthwhile.Gemini
Your dreams take first place today, dear Gemini, but your confidence in achieving them may be slightly off. If you allow your heightened sensitivity to rule now, there can be ups and downs with Mars and Neptune in a square. It makes sense to consciously avoid focusing on negative issues or minor flaws and consider ways to find inspiration. Work matters can be draining if they temporarily lack meaning, or your goals, in general, can feel overwhelming. It can be challenging to see partnership, professional, and public matters clearly, and confusion about your general life direction may aggravate relationship tension. Alternatively, you might feel that someone is pushing you towards a goal that doesn’t quite suit you or that whoever you try to please, you can’t seem to get anywhere. Avoid going along with plans that don’t sit entirely right with you. Fortunately, you’re in good shape to pour your energy into something special later today. There may be a project that you find especially compelling, and you want to explore it further. Research efforts can bring good results, and even if you don’t get somewhere with them, you enjoy the process.Cancer
It may be better to engage your more creative or spiritual needs rather than take on too many projects or commitments, dear Cancer. Someone can be unreceptive to your advances or is flippant or unavailable as Mars forms a square with Neptune. Schedules seem off, and so does timing, in general, which requires flexibility. Consider that people are absorbed in their issues, and you may well enjoy the space and freedom that this affords you to do your own thing. Your expectations may need adjustment. A strong sense of self can help save the day, and it improves as the day advances. In fact, you’re in terrific shape for following a passion or strengthening a bond later today, even if there are some minor disconnects to navigate. Relationships improve with more focus, presence, and involvement. Venus and Pluto harmonize, enhancing your ability to concentrate and prioritize. Confidence in your ability to resolve conflicts or get beyond obstacles seems to be the reason for good luck. A connection made or a moment shared can be significant and meaningful. For some, this is about a project or creative work you love, and you’re ready to pour your heart into it.Leo
You may need to accommodate a distraction, delay, or disappointment today before pushing forward, dear Leo. With Mars square to Neptune, there can be confusing or bothersome boundary issues in a friendship to sort or wait out. Fortunately, this influence is temporary and might very well redirect you. In the meantime, the desire to escape or enjoy a change of pace is strong, and if you’ve been hard on yourself energetically recently, you can feel a little disoriented. Ideally, you slow down to avoid depletion. Try to avoid borrowing from the future, not only with money but also with time and energy. It becomes easier to focus on what’s doable as the day advances. You seek more depth in your interactions or meaning to your activities with a Venus-Pluto transit coming into influence. You’re in the best shape if you throw yourself into a project or activity you enjoy, especially related to family and home. You’re looking at yourself and your needs or desires with more honesty, benefiting you greatly.Virgo
Relationship issues can distract you today, dear Virgo. Someone may not be available when you need them, for example. Your vision may be off when it comes to a significant other or partner, and your imagination can take you on a ride as you imagine the best one minute and the worst the next! Try to cultivate patience today, particularly if your goals are not materializing as soon as you’d like them to–or with others who are not always as quick as you! While you’re slightly more sensitive to imbalances today, try not to spend too much time on this. In fact, feeling a little deflated can ultimately pull you to a stronger position as you readjust your priorities. Your sense of purpose increases as the day advances. It becomes a strong time to learn something meaningful about yourself, a special person, or a project in your life. Venus and Pluto head into harmony, and you have good cosmic support for throwing energy into a communications or creative project.Libra
Today’s Mars-Neptune square can be disorienting today, dear Libra, as very little may go according to plan at times. However, a change of pace may be what you need now. Misreading others’ intentions or actions could be about seeing what you want to see or otherwise feeding wishful thinking. You may have ignored some of your fundamental needs, gradually wearing you down. Instead, you need to back something up with facts and details, but you feel too disorganized to do so. Aim to work on these problems in time, particularly if they’re persistent. The day picks up nicely as it advances. A Venus-Pluto influence boosts you–you might gain a new understanding of your resources and talents. This aspect can also increase your personal presence and power. Your ability to strategize and even to hold your tongue brings the most rewards with this subtle but supportive aspect.Scorpio
It can be difficult to get satisfaction in relationships with your needs and wants clashing today, dear Scorpio, with Mars forming a square with Neptune. It may be that part of you is looking for a romantic or spiritual connection, and another part is vying for a deeper, more intimate bond. This may play out with projects instead of relationships — you don’t know how much to give of yourself to a particular pursuit. You’re only half in, and this is a frustrating position for most Scorpios! While there can be a temporary spell of deflated feelings today, the thinking you do now can redirect you in helpful ways. Focusing on the things you can manage can be beneficial to ground you. If you’re feeling particularly sensitive to imbalances, make it your priority to take things easy and aim to explore the areas where you might need some more discipline. As the day advances, this comes far more naturally. A Venus-Pluto transit comes into play and holds strong potential for attracting or enhancing a relationship. You could feel more supported and appreciated by friends or a partner. Growing and improving your connections can be in focus. You might choose to improve or build upon a special project or assess a problem and develop a strategy for resolving it.Sagittarius
You might consider visualizing your next move before making it today due to a Mars-Neptune square that requires some reorientation, dear Sagittarius. Options can be uncertain, or something/someone is draining you, and you need to take a step back to catch your breath and reimagine your plans. While there can be confusion and exaggeration to this energy, slowing down and taking a break from overthinking benefit you. As the day advances, a Venus-Pluto influence helps you prioritize. Your passions and interests come into strong focus. New insight into financial or security concerns can also emerge. Desires are especially intense as you tend to keep them to yourself, so finding ways to release them, even in small ways, can work to your advantage. There is also good energy for recycling or repurposing resources to transform them, and it can be satisfying to make the most of what you have.Capricorn
You don’t always know what you want today, dear Capricorn, or if you know your desires, how to satisfy them could stump you. You may need to get over a motivation hump with Mars in your privacy sector forming a square to hazy Neptune, clouding your vision. This transit can bring a need to reassess specific goals or endeavors regarding how meaningful they genuinely are to you. It’s not the time to jump to conclusions or sign on the dotted line. It’s best to take your time with whatever emerges now. Try to schedule undemanding activities today. Activities that delight, engage your imagination, and allow you to take some of the pressure off are especially valuable now. For best results, loosen up your schedule enough to make room for creative envisioning before making your next move. As the day advances, a Venus-Pluto transit helps you see what’s going on under the surface of things, and the insights you gain can be instrumental. Your powers of attraction are strong. You more fully enjoy contributing and sharing, and if you need to make repairs in relationships, this energy helps you do so with honesty and greater ease. You might invest some time and energy into a happiness goal.Aquarius
With today’s Mars-Neptune square, you may feel slightly out of sync if you’re trying to move quickly or ignoring your need for a checkpoint, dear Aquarius. Timing can be off as a result! Watch for focusing on inconsequential matters at the expense of what’s most important to your progress. With this aspect in play, it’s all too easy to procrastinate. In truth, you may need to take a breather and consider what you may be missing. Because Neptune is in your resources sector and Mars is in your social sector, mixing friends and business or money is not advised right now. This extends to resources such as time, energy, and heart. If you find yourself resentful over how much you’re contributing to an effort, for example, consider conserving your energy. As the day advances, you have strong energy for enjoying new insights and playing with new ideas. It’s easy to get caught up in an enjoyable pursuit with Venus and Pluto harmonizing. You’re looking for something meaningful to put your heart into, and with this motivation, you can accomplish and uncover much. The conviction behind your desires and ideas attracts support from others. Past good deeds can bring rewards to the present.Pisces
Mars and Neptune form a square today, dear Pisces, and there can be some inconsistencies or misunderstandings. There can be trouble staying focused. You may need to temporarily let go of an idea or back off from a problem just a little to understand it better. It’s not the best energy for practicality, but it’s a good time to decompress. Productivity may be low otherwise, as a desire for ease and pleasure is more potent than usual and can interfere with work. Watch for overindulgence. The need to change pace is likely to be at the heart of discontent. Your desires can be unusual or otherwise difficult to fulfill. It can be challenging to know your next move, so if you can, take extra time for yourself if going with the flow is uncomfortable. New business ventures may look better right now than they are. Also today, watch for doing all the work and others grabbing the credit. As the day advances, you might enjoy a budding passion for an idea or a project. There can be intensely creative and romantic energies flowing, drawing in an idea or person. A current project or relationship benefits from your undivided attention.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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