Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo.
- The void Moon occurs from 5:09 PM forward (until tomorrow at 2:15 AM).
- The Moon is waning and its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 12th in the sign of Gemini, and the Third Quarter Moon will happen on the 18th.
- Uranus Rx
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

The Moon spends the day in your sector of joy, dear Aries, exciting your senses. When Mars and Jupiter are in a challenging relationship with one another as they are today, high moods are possible, but they’ll be more reliable and steady if you keep expectations reasonable. We get into trouble now if we overshoot or insist we can do more than is possible. Living in the present and enjoying what you have can help keep restlessness at bay, although pushing yourself a little can be just fine. Your intentions are good, but you may not be at your peak energetically today. Be kind to yourself and slow down a little, all the while considering new possibilities. As the day advances, this comes to you quite naturally–you tend to do some serious thinking that benefits you now.

Enjoy your good mood today, dear Taurus, and keep in mind that the good feelings will be steadier if you keep expectations reasonable. Aim to live within your means, but do stretch your mind to entertain new possibilities. Slowing down is good for you now, and if it only serves to bore you, then you may need to get in better touch with your real needs and desires. It’s about appreciating what you already have as well as those basic, simple things that pad and enhance your life but that often go unacknowledged. Still, you’re likely to enjoy enthusiasm for new ideas or projects. Novelty may be wearing off on recent endeavors, but this actually puts you into a better position to see what will stay and what will go. Releasing tension is helpful now with the Moon transiting your home and family sector, encouraging you to center yourself.

With Mars in your work and health sector these days, dear Gemini, you often go at your work or daily routines with enthusiasm, but sometimes you can push yourself a little too hard or take costly shortcuts. Try not to push your body or mind beyond reasonable limits today with Mars under strain. If possible, find ways to release pent-up frustrations through gentle and safe exercise or other satisfying activities. Watch also for falling back into old patterns of relating, as relationships need a fresh approach right now. Use any conflicts stimulated now as fuel for motivation to improve yourself. The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, keeping your mind alert and curious. It’s time to pick up some interesting news and tidbits.

A Mars-Jupiter aspect can find you feeling a little unsettled in the first half of the day, dear Cancer. Your intentions are good, but timing can be off. Watch for jumping to conclusions or taking unnecessary risks, and aim to be gentle on yourself. Try not to rush matters to a quick conclusion due to impatience. Repeatedly going over the same issues won’t necessarily solve the problems unless you aim to approach them differently. There can be some lack of clarity with a relationship primarily because you’re too close to the situation or worrying unnecessarily. Consider that if frustrations are reaching a head, the upside is that you’ll get faster resolutions. The Moon spends the day in your solar second house, and this short but useful transit helps settle your emotions, particularly if you focus on appreciating what you already have. Aim to get comfortable.

Today’s Mars-Jupiter aspect can serve to remind you to be alert to new opportunities to grow and advance, dear Leo. Still, it can stir up frustrations in the process. You might feel that others are not valuing your contributions. Loss of motivation is likely temporary if it occurs now, but it could wear you down today. Look for things that are holding you back from progress in your job or with your routines and health pursuits. This is an excellent period for these things generally, and it makes sense to find ways to unblock impediments to opportunities. You are looking forward and feeling quite good about your home life, although your enthusiasm can cause you to overshoot just a little today. Be quick to bounce back. This can be a time for discovering a new way to do something, and you’re likely to feel quite pleased with it. The Moon spends the day in your sign, and you’re alert, quick to react, and ready to start fresh.

This morning, with Mars and Jupiter in a minor challenging aspect, restlessness can be a small problem, dear Virgo. There can be some tensions with your daily affairs, as you may be trying to juggle a little too much. Energy levels are up and down now. It may be challenging to focus with so much going on. Despite feeling some moments of great enthusiasm, you may not be on the roll you imagined to be at this point, but be patient with yourself. Before you take the gamble, assess the risk thoroughly, and be tolerant. Avoid impulsive decisions for the best results today. The Moon in your privacy sector all day also points to a need to tone things down, and as the day advances, you’ll find it far easier to concentrate and prioritize.

You are especially sensitive to imbalances in family relations and domestic schedules today, dear Libra, and responsibilities can interfere with the ease and flow now. It’s a small hurdle, however. The day’s energies are not particularly smooth, but this shouldn’t drag you down. Still, slowing down just a little makes sense if you’re not entirely confident about your next move. There can be some restlessness and discontent that nags at you, and it may be wise to delay communicating something close to your heart as Mars and Jupiter clash. Try to keep expectations in check. Ideas for making money can come on quickly now, but spending or pushing something too soon can be an issue. While the day can be somewhat productive, it may be better to delay making commitments or trying to lock things down, as it can be too early to see the potential pitfalls. It’s a good time, though, to dream up something creative. The Moon spends the day in your social sector, awakening your need for inspiration from others.

With Mars in your sign these days, dear Scorpio, you’re braver, more courageous, and sometimes quite tense! Mars forms a minor challenging aspect with Jupiter today, and it can get the better of you at moments. There may be some frustrations experienced now unless you decide to pace yourself and take breaks from the action, whether this is mental or physical. Think of creative ways to pursue your desires, and be kind to yourself if you’ve been doing too much. Today’s events might give you a beautiful window into any attitudes or habits that are holding you back from taking advantage of opportunities coming your way, mainly related to communications, studies, teaching, and connecting. There can be information overload, or new information comes up that challenges a previous belief or your optimistic outlook. Find ways to straighten things out as calmly as possible.

The Moon spending the day in your adventure sector can certainly inspire you, dear Sagittarius. Focusing on the bigger picture does wonders for your mood today. Still, Mars clashes with your ruler, Jupiter, pulling up the need to reassess the time or energy required to put into your goals and plans. The temptation is to push something, but the timing is off today. And, with Mars in your privacy sector, you’re not always as energetic as you’d like, so that the physical and mental planes don’t always match well. There can be some doubting or questioning of your current path today. Pausing to understand yourself and your goals makes sense now. It’s better not to make abrupt or impulsive moves today, and as the day advances, it becomes far more comfortable to exercise patience. An important conversation can occur now.

The Moon spends the day in your solar eighth house, dear Capricorn, making it the perfect time to pour your energy into something you love. Still, life is busy these days! Your Jupiter-in-Capricorn confidence can sometimes leave you a little vulnerable to overshooting or expecting too much from yourself too soon. Today, Mars and Jupiter form a minor challenging aspect, and you can get a taste of this. You may feel a clash or conflict between your desire to go your own way and enjoy emotional space and your need to connect and team up. There is some tendency to get excited about something too soon (before you’ve clinched it), and this may lead to small disappointments. Whether to take a leap or to keep to yourself can be the dilemma now. Nevertheless, priorities and focus come more naturally later today.

There can be some tendency to misjudge the amount of energy or time required to get things done today, dear Aquarius. Timing is a little off with Mars and Jupiter forming a minor challenging aspect, but it’s a situation that you can rather quickly turn around. In the meantime, there can be impatience if people are not very forthcoming or direct, or if they’re taking their time when you want to move quickly. Discipline is a must if you’re going to advance, but this aspect inclines us to overdo or the opposite, procrastinate. Of course, both situations put undue stress on you. Aim to take on only what you can do well today, and nothing more, if possible. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, and companionship means a little more to you than usual.

With Mars in your sector of beliefs clashing with Jupiter today, dear Pisces, it’s wise to remind yourself that not everyone sees things from your angle. Of all signs, you know this most instinctually, but today, energies are such that you can easily get worked up. Aim to prove your point through your example. Consider, too, that there is a tendency to misjudge how much you are capable of doing or agreeing to something in the future that you can regret later. You’re particularly inclined to overshoot with schedules, studies, and your social calendar. Make plans, but allow for distractions or a little more time to prepare yourself. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, and some micromanagement may be in order. It’s a time of the lunar month when getting things organized helps to smooth out your emotions.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 16, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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