Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We’re in between the First Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 10th, and the Full Moon, which will happen on the 18th.
- Uranus Rx and Chiron Rx.
- Venus is not yet retrograde, but is in its pre-retrograde shadow until December 19th, when it will turn retrograde.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Contacts you make now can be quite fruitful and may expand your perspective on a matter, dear Aries. However, the Moon is in your solar second house all day, reminding you of your needs for comfort, familiarity, and predictability. It can be beneficial to keep things simple right now. Aim to feel and enjoy your accomplishments before considering whether you should shoot for more just yet! You might find ways to meet your need for variety while feeling emotionally safe, which can be most satisfying now. Somebody may be looking up to you for your wisdom, or people seem more compassionate. You are bound to come up with innovative ideas that can be put into practice at a later time. Improvements and opportunities are likely in your practical affairs, including money and career.Taurus
You appreciate that people are more reasonable than usual today, dear Taurus. If you seek answers to personal problems, this can be the time to find the resources with only a little effort. The Moon is in your sign all day, and you’re finding ways to get some “me time.” Situations seem to highlight your unique and original offerings. You’re seeking outlets for expressing or connecting with your feelings. Your viewpoint is changing, and you see opportunities where you previously saw obstacles. It’s also a time for gathering inspiration. You’re exploring new ideas and approaches and learning exciting new things.Gemini
You’re in good shape to connect and bond with someone special, or friends in general, dear Gemini. While your ideas are well-received, a partner or significant person can stir you into action or create another type of stir! The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector, reminding you of the need to slow down a little, get extra rest, build strength, and take a break from demanding or competitive situations. You’re connecting with a desire to go under the radar just for now for emotional refreshment. Good energy is with you to work on a cherished dream. There can be breakthroughs on a psychological or intimate level, giving you a solid sense that you’re moving forward. Helping and supporting others can help build your confidence.Cancer
Today’s transits support formulating goals, dear Cancer, and perhaps connecting with people who can help you advance your objectives. With the Moon’s stay in your solar eleventh house all day, you crave something relatively light on an emotional level. It’s possible that you again question certain things you do for work or in service to others and make some adjustments accordingly. However, it’s a fine time to work with someone towards shared long-term goals. Your long-term vision helps enhance or attract a relationship. You’re letting go of preconceived or outdated ideas of friendships and relationships, and it feels good to move forward.Leo
As your faith that things will work out for the best strengthens, dear Leo, problems that were perplexing seem less daunting. The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, drawing your attention to your broader goals, reputation, performance, or career. You’re seeking inspiration. While you can grapple with a sense of being stuck in the past, as the day advances, you’re more forward-focused. Practical matters, business, and recognition for hard work and skills can be in the foreground, and thinking outside of the box works to your advantage. Opportunities for improved working conditions and advancement can emerge. Discovering new ways to take care of the practical side of life feels freeing.Virgo
Today’s transits support learning and guiding others through sharing ideas, concepts, or cultural tidbits, dear Virgo. You may very well build bridges in this manner. A new topic of interest or a greater understanding can be empowering. You’re ready to use intense emotions constructively. A loan or judgment may settle in your favor, a love opportunity, or someone inspires you to begin anew. Connecting with others romantically or creatively comes a little more easily today. Publishing or international business can be in focus and in favor. Your openness to share can open up opportunities for you.Libra
Transits today support resolving conflicts and connecting with someone over the deeper issues, dear Libra. You feel especially tuned into others on emotional and mental levels today. You could feel a strong desire to make peace with someone, and personal and social needs blend well. The Moon spends the day in your solar eighth house, and you pay more attention to your deeper feelings. Especially as the day advances, you can enjoy a spirit of progress–it feels good to move on from a problem. Letting go of outdated expectations can figure strongly. Family and intimate relationships can improve with new ways to interact.Scorpio
Connecting and bonding to someone satisfies an emotional need with today’s Moon in your partnership sector all day, dear Scorpio. It’s relatively straightforward for you to balance your need for personal time with social activities. You’re discovering ways to put certain attitudes towards business and money matters behind you so that you can grow and improve. It’s more natural to enjoy a friendship, partnership, projects, and communications today with more openness to updating styles of interactions or different ways to get things done. You’re feeling freer to express yourself, and you quite enjoy focusing on self-improvement or taking a step toward an improved lifestyle. Transportation or communications channels can open up for you, and people especially seek your viewpoint and insights.Sagittarius
Today’s transits support throwing yourself into a project or some interesting research, dear Sagittarius. It can be a time of helping someone out, and you can find creative ways to combine personal time and getting work or chores done today. The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, and you want to get a leg up on your tasks and duties. You are looking to grow and improve, and your timing is excellent. It’s a good time for resolving matters, and you’re anxious to put something behind you. You can feel a boost of motivation to get your life organized. Discoveries now can help you improve your lifestyle, health, or wellness. Unexpected bonuses might be part of the picture now. It’s best not to push your agenda too hard today, however.Capricorn
Today’s transits support design or creative work or for expressing your more romantic and thoughtful side, dear Capricorn. A release from pressure or worry can figure strongly now. Dealing with understanding people cheers you up. Today’s Moon encourages you to seek a little more excitement, and your mood is exploratory. It feels natural to put effort into putting something that’s been weighing you down behind you. A spirit of openness helps to bring new opportunities into your life. Others seek your viewpoint, or they gravitate to your insights and ideas.Aquarius
Today’s transits especially support your efforts to balance your home life or inner world, dear Aquarius. You see the value in harmonizing your personal environment and close relationships. It may be that you can use some extra comfort or safety with the Moon in your solar fourth house all day, and it’s a good time to do some self-nurturing. Still, you feel more capable of moving forward and overcoming obstacles today. Freeing yourself from limiting expectations or restrictions can figure strongly now. As you improve your domestic life, you feel more confident all around.Pisces
Today’s transits support talking through problems and building bridges, dear Pisces. You’re putting more faith in your powers of reasoning, and others are responding well. Communicating comes smoothly, and it’s refreshing. Pursuing new studies or interests can also be exciting at this time. You tend to seek more independence and creative self-expression, and it’s a good day for realizing these things. Today’s Moon in your communications sector ignites your curiosity as you crave some intellectual stimulation or variety. You can make progress with friends and groups. It’s an excellent time for networking, sharing your ideas, and writing. Your sense of freedom gets a boost through fewer inhibitions.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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