Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius until 10:31 AM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
- A void Moon period occurs from 1:48 AM to 10:31 AM today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred yesterday.
- Mercury stations and turns retrograde today (Mercury is retrograde from December 13th, 2023, to January 1st, 2024).
- Mercury Rx, Jupiter Rx, Uranus Rx, Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
With Mercury turning retrograde today, dear Aries, it may be best to communicate clearly and perhaps tread lightly in your interactions. But while misunderstandings are all too likely as the shift occurs today, you stand to gain tremendous insight by observing and listening. You are sharper than usual, and while you are just as prone as others to making mistakes with cold, hard facts today, your perceptions are nevertheless keen regarding picking up on other vibrations. Mercury will be retrograde until January 1st and, until December 23rd, it’s in your career and reputation sector. It’s a valuable period for catching up by slowing down some areas of your life that have become too rushed! Initially, you may see this slowing down as annoying and inconvenient before adjusting to the shift and seeing its merits. You could experience more than usual delays or confusion regarding goals, career choices, business projects, or your reputation. Past matters and tasks can be rehashed or recirculated. However, consider that retrograde Mercury cycles hold excellent potential for refining current projects and doing some rethinking that benefits you tremendously.Taurus
Mercury turns retrograde today, dear Taurus, and until January 1st, can point to some delays or rethinking of matters. The key to handling any possible mishaps or miscommunications today is to understand that the communications we usually take for granted may need revision. For example, the words we choose to express ourselves may misrepresent our true feelings. Ask for clarification if something is said to you that bothers or confuses you. Allow for the possibility that communications might go awry or that transportation may not be as straightforward temporarily. While some projects and connections could stall in the weeks ahead, this is a good time for reviewing your approach to communicating your desires. There can be inconveniences and slowdowns that may be blessings in disguise as you turn your attention to problems you didn’t know existed, but that, once corrected, help you tremendously. This particular cycle doesn’t look especially hard for you. Even so, there can be minor issues with delayed transportation, publishing delays or redos, or confusing issues surrounding learning or schedules until the 23rd. There can be some cooling off or slow developments in a close relationship. You may not see the whole picture, but you might also find a new way of looking at a matter that brings on creative results.Gemini
With your ruler, Mercury, turning retrograde today, dear Gemini, you might give off the wrong signals, or the right signals can be entirely misinterpreted! During this Mercury retrograde cycle that lasts until January 1st, take extra time to arrive at important decisions or put particularly perplexing problems on hold. You might rethink a financial matter, particularly dependencies on alternate sources of income. You could encounter delays with support until the 23rd, but this can lead you to get creative with money. For the first part of this retrograde period (until the 23rd), it occurs in your solar eighth house, and you can find yourself backtracking in the areas of shared finances, intimate relationships, and matters of trust. After the 23rd, your one-to-one relationships are affected the most. It can be a time of introspection and review in a general sense. You could frequently turn to the past to understand the present, and this rumination can be particularly useful.Cancer
Mercury begins its retrograde cycle today, dear Cancer, and this cycle will last until January 1st. Until the 23rd, this cycle impacts your close personal relationships most, after which work or health matters are more prominent. You or a partner could fixate on past issues, or you’re turning to the past, and some things that started or were communicated recently might need some touching up. You could be waiting for information or otherwise in limbo. This may very well give you the chance to consider other angles that benefit you. Indeed, it can be an excellent time to revise, review, and reorganize as you see things you may have missed because you were too busy to notice the first time. Communications can be muddled today, but delays can help you better understand your situation.Leo
Mercury turns retrograde today and will remain retrograde until January 1st, dear Leo. This cycle begins in your work and health sector and ends in your romance and creativity house, affecting projects, thoughts, and activities related to these life departments. Friendships and money matters can also face a few delays or trickiness. There may be some inconveniences, slowdowns, delays, or turnarounds during this cycle, but these can lead to significant improvements and edits. You might take a second look at an old health issue or discover the need to rework a project, task, or job. Redoing work that you previously thought was complete may be required now. It’s not the ideal time for finding new work, but it’s suitable for attention to work already in progress and for renewing past projects. Be as transparent as possible with co-workers or employees now, as misunderstandings, and delays that can result from them, are more likely to occur. It’s an excellent time for researching health and nutrition programs and job skills and opportunities. Indeed, the refinements you make now can be very valuable later.Virgo
Your ruler, Mercury, turns retrograde today, dear Virgo, and this is a signal from the cosmos to be a little more mindful when expressing yourself, signing important documents, or coming to critical agreements. You may be less decisive during this cycle that lasts until January 1st. Miscommunications or delays are more likely to emerge in love relationships or with creative projects until the 23rd, after which home life is the theme. The shift occurring today tends to magnify problems. Still, going forward, you’re in a good position to look to past projects or relationships for inspiration and to do editing work. Take your time coming to conclusions and arriving at decisions during this cycle. Slow down and attend to those things you’ve passed over in haste.Libra
Mercury begins its retrograde journey today, dear Libra, and will remain retrograde until January 1st. This cycle can undoubtedly sway your thinking and change your mind about past decisions, allowing you to see things from a different perspective. At first, you may feel inconvenienced as delays or misunderstandings seem to happen more frequently than usual. However, these can open your mind to new ways of expressing yourself and alert you to problem areas that need revision, review, and editing. You may experience more delays related to home, domestic matters, and finances until the 23rd, and communications and studies from the 23rd to the 1st. Think in terms of evaluation and development rather than pushing something entirely new. Some things will have to wait. Mercury’s station today can generate some confusion around you, as communications we tend to take for granted seem to malfunction in minor, but nevertheless irritating, ways. The trick is your ability to rise above superficial matters and see into the heart of the person behind the fumbled words. Keep things simple and definite for best results.Scorpio
With Mercury’s retrograde cycle starting today and lasting until January 1st, dear Scorpio, there may be some problems with communications and transportation. Delays may be an issue. However, it’s a good time to renew old interests or projects and to edit or review work. Until the 23rd, you might review your options or rethink plans related to learning, communicating, transportation, and making contacts or connections. You might experience some delays due to misunderstood communications, transportation problems or repairs, and possibly computer-related difficulties. The speed bumps you might encounter are unlikely to be serious ones, merely inconvenient. In fact, because of them, you might discover new and improved ways of making your connections, and these you may not have considered otherwise. It would be wise to double-check your work and communications before submitting or sending them off and to allow extra time to get to appointments. However, it’s a good time for journaling and reworking studies and projects. You might enjoy renewing or recycling old ideas and interests. After the 23rd, this retrograde cycle affects your finances and things as Mercury moves back into your resources sector for the remainder of the cycle.Sagittarius
Mercury begins its retrograde journey today, dear Sagittarius, which lasts until January 1st. During this cycle, you may need to review financial affairs, income, and budgets. While this can be inconvenient, it’s preferable to throwing yourself into new commitments or agreements that may lose their appeal or glamor at a later date. There can be a change of mind or interest, possibly even a bit of regret regarding what’s said or begun now and in recent days. Mercury begins its apparent backward turn in your sector of resources but then retreats into your sign on the 23rd for the remainder of the cycle before turning direct again. Take the time to rethink your sources of income and how you spend your money during this period. Some money-making ideas or ventures may go on hold due to circumstances beyond your control. However, this can lead to finding new ways of doing things that work wonders for you. Aim to approach old problems from a new direction or perspective.Capricorn
Mercury, the planet of communications, has been in your sign since the 1st, bringing out your voice, dear Capricorn. Today, Mercury turns retrograde, which can produce apparent slowdowns or backtracking in your life in the coming weeks (until January 1st). This allows you to refine your plans. However, others might misinterpret your words or body language more than usual. People in your life may complain that you seem distant. On the 23rd, Mercury will retreat into your privacy sector, and you’ll be reorganizing, reflecting, and refining. Aim to take your time with decisions and commitments. Decision-making turns inward during this cycle, and intuition wins over pure logic.Aquarius
With Mercury turning retrograde today, dear Aquarius, and crossed wires can easily occur. Try not to take it to heart if someone says something a little off. It can be a time of people “not meaning what they say, or saying what they mean.” From now until January 1st, you’ll look at past projects and relationships and see them differently. You might redo a project or renew an old interest. Someone you used to know might resurface in your life. It’s also an important time for reviewing unfinished business and reconsidering how to take care of it. You may be in limbo about an issue you intended to put behind you. Problems cropping up seem more frequent, and there can be some inconvenient delays or turnarounds. Trusting your instincts may be more complex than usual, and you may be looking back a lot more than you are looking forward. Past mistakes can return for your attention. However, minor breaks in the mechanical aspects of communication can reconnect you with other perfectly valid means of communication. In other words, certain delays can be blessings in disguise.Pisces
Mercury, the planet that rules communication and transportation, turns retrograde today in your sector of friends, dreams, and wishes, dear Pisces. While this retrograde will continue until January 1st, Mercury will retreat into your career and reputation sector from December 23rd onward. In the coming weeks, it may be best to communicate as clearly as possible. While today can be a tad confusing when it comes to understanding others and getting your message across, you can get by as long as you avoid concentrating on the syntax of communications. You could be turning to past friendships or projects with increased interest in the period ahead. Reminders of a past goal or dream can emerge. In a general sense, you can benefit from some introspection regarding your long-term goals, group associations, or a particular friendship.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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