Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Cancer.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 7th in the sign of Gemini.
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from October 30th, 2022, to January 12th, 2023).
- Mars Rx, Uranus Rx, and Chiron Rx.
- Venus spends its first full day in Capricorn (Venus is in Capricorn from December 9th, 2022, to January 2nd, 2023).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s Moon can prompt you to spend more time with familiar faces and places, dear Aries. The need for time to relax and wind down is strong. You’re investing more heart in your personal life or home-related activities. Still, influences today challenge you to find a better balance between your personal and outer lives. You might feel torn between rest and work. It may be best to seek new ways to entertain yourself or do business, as a fresh approach can keep you engaged, but avoid burning the candle at both ends. Be sure to devote some time to recouping and gathering strength. Later today, excellent energy is with you for helpful conversations, particularly related to business.Taurus
Today’s Moon spotlights connecting, learning, sharing, and communicating, dear Taurus. While you may want to block out all else, you may find yourself limited by outside responsibilities or demands. As well, a bit of boredom with the routine can play with your mood. Keep your mind stimulated by mixing up the routine, but try to follow some rules today for the best results. Traditional approaches to your work or projects are favored most now, but innovative thinking or updates to your methods are still very likely. As the day advances, there is good energy for determination and effort. You’re ready to take on a challenge or deal with a matter directly, and verbal exchanges are clearer than usual.Gemini
Today’s Moon in your resources sector vibes well with a Mercury-Vesta aspect that encourages a practical, step-by-step approach to life, dear Gemini. You seek some predictability and comfort. This is the time of the lunar month when you’d prefer to keep things simple! However, some minor challenging aspects point to moods and desires that seem impermanent, and you’re probably right that they won’t last long. It can be a bit tricky arriving at a compromise, but it’s certainly not out of reach. Fortunately, good energy is with you for uncovering a mystery, settling a debt or account, and making professional plans.Cancer
With the Moon in your sign all day, dear Cancer, your emotions are colorful. It’s the time of the lunar month to listen to and interpret your feelings. You have a stronger need for acknowledgment and emotional connectedness right now. While you crave a break from the routine, another part of you wants to be productive. As divided as you may feel about work and play, you’re in great shape to find a nice compromise. Later today, productivity improves, particularly with your heart engaged.Leo
The Moon spends the day in your solar twelfth house, signaling a need to recharge emotionally, dear Leo. Taking time for yourself is valuable and necessary for healing and revitalizing yourself. You can benefit from the type of emotional refreshment that comes through time spent on reflection. Still, responsibilities can drop into your lap or surprise you. A slight change of pace may be in order, and it’s best to recognize your need for change rather than wait for it to happen to you. Aim for balance as much as possible now. As the day advances, you get into a more determined frame of mind. You can be anxious to tie something up, possessing all the right tools to do so.Virgo
Today’s Moon prompts a focus on your friendships or goals related to happiness and enjoyment, dear Virgo. You need some extra-curricular enjoyment, but it can be challenging to achieve in spots, primarily because your responsibilities loom. Compounding issues, you may discover that you’re subconsciously looking for a change of pace. While part of you craves more time away from demanding settings, branching out now can also be refreshing. Once you decide on a focus, it’s a great time to specialize. There is, in fact, good energy for concentration as the day advances, and working on a project can be satisfying. You can then express excess energy constructively. Influences now can help you reason through a problem or tie up a loose end. It’s a time for sound decision-making and healthy relating.Libra
Today’s Moon highlights your long-term goals, which can assume more importance in your mind for now, dear Libra. You’re more emotionally invested in your performance, responsibilities, or reputation. However, it can be challenging to accomplish all you want in spots today. There could be shows of independence from others that throw you for a loop. Of course, they can also prompt you to find other activities and discover you can do just fine solo! The fewer expectations you have for your interactions today, the better. While there is good energy for innovative ideas, detours, and conversations, you’ll want to center yourself and take things step by step. Finding a balance becomes achievable as the day advances. A Mercury-Vesta aspect comes into play and is excellent for taking care of business and focusing on priorities. Taking your time crafting a plan of action can be helpful.Scorpio
With the Moon’s transit of your spirit sector all day, you gravitate to activities that break you out of the routine, dear Scorpio. It’s a time for nourishing your mind and spirit. A Venus-Uranus aspect today can inspire following whims, but they’re likely to detract from what you truly need. The atmosphere is ripe for surprise elements, and staying flexible seems your best bet. Avoid putting too high expectations on yourself today, and let yourself explore your ideas and desires without making commitments. This mission is more straightforward as the day advances. There is easy, productive energy with you, in fact, particularly for applying to studies and creative projects. People are reasonable, and conversations practically helpful. It’s also a good time for positive feedback from people you care about.Sagittarius
Today’s Moon can put you in a reflective frame of mind, dear Sagittarius, encouraging you to pay more attention to your deeper needs. However, frustrations today require a positive channel for release, and they can be distracting. In some ways, the day is better for playing things by ear, and people seem to be clamoring for your attention. But you need some time to focus and concentrate to feel emotionally refreshed now, which leads to being in limbo or feeling divided. Fortunately, there is productive, sensible, and practical energy with you as the day advances, and you can enjoy the good feeling that being thorough gives you now. It takes time to get there, but once focused, you can accomplish much.Capricorn
Today’s Moon finds you particularly accommodating, dear Capricorn. You’re more invested in bringing balance to your environment and relationships at this time of the lunar month. There can be a very strong desire to change the pace of your life, but there’s some unreliability to manage. While it’s not the best time to pour out your heart and soul, consider making small changes in your life to feel more engaged and connected. Tensions today are minor; fortunately, friction can push you to meet or exceed your goals. As the day advances, there is lovely energy with you for applying yourself to the things that need attention the most. Your words are more potent than usual, and you have a real knack for communicating.Aquarius
Today’s Moon tunes you into the details of your everyday life, dear Aquarius. You invest more of yourself into your work or daily routines, and fixing problem areas of your life can be satisfying. Still, inner restlessness can distract you in the first part of the day. The need for predictability competes with your desire for collaboration now. Ideally, this tension can work to your advantage by stirring creative thinking and solutions. It’s easier to apply yourself as the day advances. You’re more willing to approach things step by step until everything’s working up to par. Discussions with others about finances can be useful.Pisces
Today’s Moon encourages special attention to pleasure, romance, and creation, dear Pisces. You put more of yourself into your heartfelt pursuits. Personal and social needs vie for your attention. However, you might find others too detached or unreliable for your liking in the first half of the day. Watch for too-quick decision-making that stems from frustration rather than true instinct. As the day advances, there’s terrific energy with you for tying up loose ends of a project or reviewing what you need to do next. Feeling organized is the key to feeling on top of things right now!* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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