Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus until 11:46 AM, after which the Moon transits Gemini.
- The void Moon ends today at 11:46 AM (since yesterday at 8:12 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- We are in between the First Quarter Moon, which occurred on the 4th, and the Full Moon, which will happen on December 12th.
- Chiron Rx and Uranus Rx.
- Mercury spends its first full day in Sagittarius (Mercury transits Sagittarius from December 9-28).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

It’s better to keep your plans flexible early today, dear Aries. You need some creative license, or else you could feel very hemmed in now. The need for change is best recognized and channeled into an appropriate outlet, or there can be some minor mishaps or misunderstandings. As the day advances, you’re inclined to get serious. It’s a strong time for looking more critically at problem areas in your life since you have a more positive spirit for doing so. It’s a time for embracing your responsibilities and making mature, good-for-you choices. Being conservative, realistic, and disciplined in business reaps the most rewards. You may feel better about yourself, or you could bond with others through making a responsible choice. You may be taking on a new responsibility that involves hard work or some personal sacrifices, but feels completely worth the effort.

Early today, it’s a good idea to watch for impulsiveness, dear Taurus, but listen to your heart’s need for change, progress, and refreshment. You need extra space or at least small freedoms to feel comfortable now. As the day advances, it’s easy to steady your roll. You may be taking areas of life more seriously, mainly involving health, education, legal matters, and publishing. You might realize certain limitations of a plan or project now, or you may feel a bit tied down as you complete more work than you planned for. However, you can be attracted to learning something useful today, and might thoroughly enjoy the process. It’s an excellent time for skills development. You’re coming across in a pleasingly responsible or mature manner today and tomorrow, and plans birthed now tend to be sound.

Early today, you may need to break out of a relating rut or a particular routine that’s not getting you the results you crave, dear Gemini. Taking small steps towards making constructive changes is your best bet right now. Not recognizing this need can lead to annoying disruptions or some immature behavior. The Moon moves into your sign today, and you can feel as if you’re awakening emotionally. Still, as the day advances, Venus heads toward alignment with Saturn, and you might gain clarity on a matter related to intimate affairs, support, personal psychology, finances, or shared resources. You are accountable now, and there can be the clinching of a relationship, loan, job, or something similar. Whatever it is, it comes with responsibility! Making mature choices and decisions can be in focus now, and you might enjoy committing to making essential changes or improvements.

The mood early today is rather excitable or tense, dear Cancer. There is some tendency to rebel if you feel a little too close for comfort with someone. Give others (and yourself) a bit of extra space for best results. Feeling hemmed in can lead to unnecessary conflicts. Interestingly, as the day advances, you’re far readier to commit. A relationship might play a significant role in your motivation to reach a goal or ambition, or a common purpose with a significant other can form now. You could very well have a bonding moment with a particular person in your life over a shared responsibility, concern, or important task. If a relationship is coming up lacking, however, it can be a time when you feel the weight of your situation. You are identifying what is no longer working for you and making a commitment to take good care of your needs as you go forward.

Early today, something may be up in the air, or there are unusual circumstances that temporarily throw you slightly off-center, dear Leo. You can be dissatisfied with the status quo, and frustrations may lead to acting out of character. Still, if you seek the reasons behind your unrest, you put yourself in a better position to make the changes you need rather than merely reacting to frustrating circumstances. As the day advances, there could be a bit of a reality check, new responsibility, or problem to manage. Venus heads toward an alignment with Saturn in your work and health sector. While a little stark or serious, it puts you “in the know” and in a better position to make the right decisions for yourself. It’s a fine time for tidying up your daily routines and habits, and you may very well take pleasure in putting things into order. There can be a pleasant commitment made to a work or self-care goal.

Early today, you could be craving some extra novelty, independence, and creative room, dear Virgo. This can be disruptive if you don’t acknowledge your need for change or if you can’t find the right channels for expressing yourself. Aim to be flexible and tolerant now and seek out satisfying ways to spice up your life. As the day progresses, you’re inclined to specialize. Later day holds a bit of seriousness, and there may be a reason to rally up support or face reality about a situation, which is empowering. You may be getting serious about a relationship or project. There could be a renewal of a commitment, but a Venus-Saturn influence might bring complicated logistics or problems to light in a love relationship. It might also be a time for seeing someone more realistically, and this may be a child, a lover, or a friend. For some, it’s about seeing a project in a more realistic light.

Early today, you might be craving some emotional excitement, dear Libra, and if this desire is left unacknowledged, it can lead to uncomfortable disruptions. However, if you recognize inner wants, you can shake things up in constructive ways. As the day advances, a Venus-Saturn influence comes into play. You can feel compelled to bring more order, beauty, and structure to your home or private world. Seeing things more realistically today can be a little startling, but ultimately feels right. You are not interested in quick fixes now, as you’re more focused on what will last and stand the test of time. You may need to accept a person or situation for its limitations to get into the right frame of mind that supports progress. A responsibility or commitment to the family may need your attention. You’re likely to bond with someone over a shared responsibility or concern. Today is active for identifying priorities, particularly surrounding affairs of the heart and family matters.

While there can be some tensions early today, dear Scorpio, you can find ways to work with the energy instead of allowing it to work you up. Be flexible if there are small changes in your schedule or disruptions in your routine. Look for ways to do things just a little differently so that thinking and relating remain fresh. Some spontaneity makes sense now, and even if you feel a little uncertain in the process, it can lead to exciting discoveries. If you’re too independent, you may miss some exciting ideas. As the day progresses, you find yourself more serious or focused. Gaining a fuller sense of what you can and can’t accomplish is empowering. Venus comes together with Saturn in your communications sector, and it’s time to draw up realistic and genuinely doable plans. Conversations tend to run on the serious or business-oriented side now.

There can be a rebellious or unpredictable theme early today, dear Sagittarius. The desire for something different can take hold, and it’s best to recognize a need for change rather than allow restlessness to drive your actions. Aim to welcome disruptions to your schedule as chances to discover new approaches. New ways to approach your health and wellness can come to you now and keep you on your toes. As the day advances, you may relish the idea of a long-term plan or bond with someone over a shared goal, vision, or responsibility. You might even take some pleasure in making a budget, facing a financial situation confidently, or saving money. Paring down is not as difficult if you have a solid goal in mind. You have an eye for practical details and for things that will last over the long term.

Early today, you may need to change plans due to rather sudden revelations, dear Capricorn, or a mood swing alters your viewpoint on a matter. Look for ways of refreshing your life in areas that have become a little too dull or lifeless, and then making small changes and improvements. As the day advances, getting serious about a plan or responsibility can be in focus, and it suits you well. You’re much happier with things that feel certain or well-defined. Some of the tension you’ve been feeling lately dissipates as you take a more precise, mature, and realistic look at things. It’s empowering to understand your capabilities. While you’re clearer than usual, you’re nevertheless at risk of taking on or assuming more than your share of responsibility. Otherwise, this is a time for making mature choices and feeling good about doing so.

Early today, disruptions to the usual routine are possible, dear Aquarius, making small adjustments in thinking and attitude a useful strategy. Learning new things about your feelings can lead to exciting new beginnings, even if things are a little unsteady. As the day advances, we move toward a Venus-Saturn alignment, and you’re coming to a stronger conviction that you can reach your goals. Making mature choices feels good right now. Romantically and creatively, you are in good form. This can be a period of savoring a little extra time to yourself or your private life. You have a stronger sense of your priorities, which makes cutting out bad habits easier. Taking control of your life and meeting your responsibilities requires time and energy, and today’s transits place you in a stronger position to see what is and isn’t worth pursuing. Still, the need to see a relationship or project for what it is can feel a little uncomfortable at first.

Early today, your need for freedom, change, or independence is more insistent than usual, dear Pisces, perhaps getting you into hot water. You may be feeling restless, and you can be a little resistant to doing things exactly as others expect or ask of you. Avoid standing in your own way today, however, by knowing when you should bend just a little. As the day advances, your focus sharpens. You may gain a strong sense that you need to rally up the forces to handle an important responsibility. A friendship or alliance may solidify, and it’s likely to be a significant long-term one. You get a more realistic sense of the viability of a project or long-term goal today, making it easier to make the right decisions going forward. You can feel especially good about making mature choices.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 10, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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