Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- We are in between the New Moon, which occurred on November 26th, and the First Quarter Moon, which will happen on December 4th.
- Chiron Rx and Uranus Rx.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You are better able to help people understand your point of view today, dear Aries. You might choose this time to clarify a misunderstanding. This is also an excellent time to do an inventory of your feelings and reconnect with more profound needs. You’ll do exceptionally well for yourself by clearing up old projects, errands, or duties so that you can start fresh. You get a window into which attachments may be holding you back from growing and thriving this week. You can find many channels for expressing yourself today, mainly through a partner or significant someone. You’re also in good shape for sharing ideas, learning, and guiding. Opt for a more relaxed, creative, and easygoing approach. There may be some head vs. heart issues to deal with, but nothing you can’t sort out rather quickly. The Moon is in your friendship sector all day, encouraging you to seek out like-minded people or friends who accept you for who you are.
You are taking care of unfinished business now that will help move things forward, dear Taurus. Fortunately, you have many channels for self-expression. Relationships tend to fare well, particularly with patience. You might consider which habits or attachments in your life are holding you back from improving and thriving, particularly on a mental level or related to the ways you communicate and think. Stay alert to possible opportunities to advance your interests instead of sticking to the same old comforts. Lean towards activities and people that encourage you to improve, grow, and develop for best results now. Use your diplomatic talents in your dealings, but do watch for a tendency to please and appease that might later come back to haunt you! Business strategy can thrive today. Effective plans can be drawn, and problems solved. Intimate matters benefit from further thought or conversation. The Moon is in your sector of reputation, status, and career all day, and you readily take the lead, preferring to get your responsibilities out of the way.
Look for opportunities to clear up debts or settle accounts now, dear Gemini. It’s a great time to consider letting go of unnecessary attachments. For example, you might want to seek ways to pay off debts or recover loans. You are certainly drawn to comfortable situations today, but you may be missing an opportunity that’s right in front of you in the process. You have a strong desire to know that your future is secure and that achieving your goals will satisfy you in the long run. You may be finishing paperwork or overlooked errands to get the ball rolling to move forward, receive money, or move beyond a tricky situation. Today is also dependable for problem-solving that gets results in a partnership. Applying yourself to artistic or other creative pursuits and hobbies can bring fantastic rewards down the road.
This is a very strong day for putting effort into restructuring and organizing your life, dear Cancer, particularly when it comes to home life, healthy routines, and your work. It’s a good time for finding something lost or for discovering information that was previously hidden to you or overlooked. Watch, however, for relying too heavily on someone when you’d be better off getting things done independently. It’s an excellent time to see where you may be taking the easy road to your own detriment now with Venus opposing the North Node in your sign. Tying up loose ends may be necessary before you feel right and confident about moving ahead. Take advantage of the powerful energy available for problem-solving in the areas of work and health, as well as with long-term plans that help you secure your future in a significant way.
This is a good time for getting over a hump through handling the tasks that you need to put behind you so that you can move forward, dear Leo. It can be a time for running errands and settling accounts. Consider whether you’re holding onto something that no longer serves you well, especially an idea or attitude. It can be hard to distinguish between your own needs and those of a significant person in your life right now, as you may be taking on others’ wants and needs and telling yourself that their needs are yours! However, interactions that empower one another do exceptionally well today, and they can boost up a relationship. Words of encouragement may do the trick, but gestures can also work well. Today is solid for creative pursuits of all kinds, especially since your sense of harmony and balance is powerful.
Today is good for problem-solving around the home and with family or personal matters, dear Virgo, and it’s also strong for bringing more beauty and balance to your domestic world. Venus is heading into alignment with the South Node, and you might watch for a tendency to fall back on quick fixes or the easy route instead of moving in the direction of challenge, reward, and growth. Avoid carelessness with creative projects and romantic relationships, particularly. There can be a meeting with an old love interest or friend today for some of you or much sentimentality about an old love or pet project. You can benefit from looking to the past now, as you may reawaken a worthwhile pursuit. However, it’s essential to consider where you may be over-attached. This is a good time for taking a closer look at your finances to eliminate expenses that truly are unnecessary. There may be an unexpected source of income coming into your life now or a new way to make use of a resource you already have.
You might seek out alternative methods to the usual way of doing things right now, dear Libra, and can be quite satisfied as a result. You can discover ways to communicate more effectively, which can benefit you not only today but also as you go forward. You might want to take advantage of this energy by pitching an idea or having a conversation that means a lot to you. A discussion can put you in high spirits. Opportunities to express yourself, promote an idea, or to push a project can arise. You can easily find the motivation to get going on your plans and initiatives. Still, there is a tendency to fall back on comfortable behaviors rather than challenge yourself or aim to grow and learn. Old habits seem to have a strong pull on you now, and a good deed from the past can benefit you. Using your talents can reap the rewards, but it may also be wise to challenge yourself in a small way. There is great energy for solving problems, mainly mechanical and learning/schooling ones. It’s an excellent day for smoothing over differences.
You can become exceptionally clear about what steps you need to take to improve your finances this week, dear Scorpio, or to take charge of your earnings. Income from your own efforts seems to benefit from current transits more than anything. Still, you might also be putting faith in a special someone. You may be tempted to fall back on talents and resources you already have instead of putting yourself out or challenging yourself. This can be fine much of the time, but it’s vital to avoid appeasing or passing up on opportunities now. Avoid promises or deferrals, even though they seem far more attractive than usual. Someone from behind the scenes is likely on your side, or a surprise show of support can surface. Good energy is also with you for problem-solving with business, financial, and practical affairs.
A little appreciation from others can go a long way towards your efforts at self-improvement today, dear Sagittarius. You can feel as if you’re on a personal mission! It’s also a good day for friendships. Recent reflection has clarified what you genuinely want, and this makes it easier to ask for it and be heard. It’s a time for being generous and forthcoming. Classmates, siblings, children, and romantic interests can be supportive. At the same time, you could be settling accounts and clearing away obstacles related to money and business. There has been a tendency to want to do it all yourself these days, but sharing, trusting, and pairing up to accomplish something is the way to go for the rewards, even if it seems the more challenging route to take at the moment. Look to let go of things you don’t need. Connections to people who help you feel comfortable or who have a reassuring effect on you may be made today. Today is most excellent for sharing ideas with others, as it can be valuable for lifting spirits and contributing to a sense of overall well-being.
Strong energy for releasing yourself from something from the past is with you today, dear Capricorn. It’s a creative time as well, and intuition heightens. Family can be supportive, and money matters are likely to improve. Nevertheless, in order to grow, you may need to face something that feels uncomfortable at first. There is some tendency to fall back on doing things on your own when pairing up or sharing the load would be much better for you at the moment. You may be dealing with loose ends or settling accounts for the time being, and while you may not feel the progress immediately, you’re busy clearing the pathway for smoother endeavors and activities in the future. The Moon spends the day in your resources sector, acting to steady your emotions. You are thinking more in terms of the long view than the immediate, and it’s helpful.
A friend can come through for you now, dear Aquarius. There can be unusual connections made, or you might bump into an old friend. Today holds favorable energy for naturally attracting friends or attention from current friends. Influences now are rather easygoing, and if you tap into this emotionally while also getting things done, you can be very productive. This is also a day for making small changes that ultimately lead to stronger feelings of security. A Venus-South Node connection helps you let go of stress and tension. However, this can also be a day in which you tend to take the easy way out. Sometimes you simply need a break, but other times, you miss opportunities to grow and learn if you back away from a challenge, and the latter may be the case today.
Strong energy for facing tricky matters is with you today, dear Pisces. More patience is at your disposal. Expressing your confidence in your more unique qualities comes naturally today on a professional level. The best approach to relationships today is a supportive one–empowering one another works best, leading to increased trust and bonding. Socially, you could be in the mood to get comfortable. A connection with an old friend or strong memories of someone from your past can figure strongly now, and you’re in a more sentimental mood than usual. Nevertheless, don’t let this stop you from making some connections, as an opportunity can emerge for exciting personal discoveries through your interactions. There is good energy for new creative approaches to a work project or your career in general. Pouring more energy and heart into your work and projects comes naturally and brings rewards now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is December 1, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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