Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Gemini until 4:47 AM, after which the Moon is in Cancer.
- A void Moon period occurs today from 3:13 AM to 4:47 AM.
- The Moon is waning and in its Third Quarter phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 26th.
- Mercury stations and turns direct today (Mercury was retrograde from August 5th to 28th).
- Saturn is Rx, Neptune is Rx, Pluto is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Mercury ends its retrograde cycle today, dear Aries, and communication blocks, misunderstandings, or mechanical breakdowns are set to decrease. While communications still may not get through swimmingly quite yet, expect things to straighten out as you advance. Information that was clogged can come in, helping round out your understanding. Treat slowdowns as a chance to catch your breath and refine your goals. Recent plans could now be less attractive or applicable, but the plans that genuinely count will soon get the go-ahead or gain traction. During the shift today, watch for misperceptions. A Venus-Neptune opposition also occurring now can bring some level of exasperation or wonder to your life. You could feel deflated by a matter, likely related to work, your dreaming world, or health. Feeling a bit in the dumps is possible temporarily and might even inspire you to aim higher later. Double-check all facts and figures. What you see now may not be the full story, and there’s no need to push to know everything just yet. ‘Taurus
Mercury stations as it turns direct today, dear Taurus, ending a retrograde cycle that lasted since the 5th. While this change of direction brings more clarity and less indecision in the future, today can be a transition day. It’s not a good idea to rush to implement new initiatives. Take your time. Over the coming weeks, you’ll find life a little easier to navigate as ventures advance, motivation increases, appointments happen, and home projects that were left unfinished resume. There’s also a Venus-Neptune opposition happening today, and you’re inclined to sort out your perceptions of people and relationships in your life. Sometimes, disillusionment gets you to a more realistic and empowering place emotionally, and that could be the process you’re going through now. Letting go of an outdated dream may make room for a new, more meaningful and realizable goal. You may be feeling up and down now, mainly due to an inability to know what to believe, but letting go of the need to know can help you enjoy yourself. If someone is draining you of your energy, you may need to consider making changes down the line.Gemini
Mercury is ending its retrograde cycle today, dear Gemini, and in the week ahead, you’ll enjoy more clarity as information unclogs. It’s time to come at problems from a new angle. Recent plans may not seem as viable or important. However, this means your planetary ruler is no longer retrograde, and you’ll soon see forward movement in significant projects, particularly related to learning, writing, and connecting. While Mercury turns direct in your communications sector, the shift today can magnify problems or stimulate fuzzy thinking. Take things slowly now. Reinforcing the need to reserve judgment is today’s Venus-Neptune opposition. While there is a decent potential for a spiritual awakening or sudden realization, you should wait things out before coming to definite conclusions. Confusion about long-term goals can threaten to spoil your mood now. Similarly, try not to let evasive dreams interfere with your relationships in the moment. If you can take a healthy escape from responsibilities now, do so, but try not to borrow too much from your future in the process.Cancer
Today’s transits make it rather difficult to see things clearly, dear Cancer. It can be confusing or romantic – or a bit of both! Some confusion can surround goals, instructions, and conversations, and the tendency to sugar-coat things can get you into trouble if you’re not careful. Discerning between reality and fantasy can be a challenge, and it’s probably better not to try too hard in this respect unless you are dealing with essential facts and figures. It may be best to defer important decisions and conversations for a better time. Focusing can be difficult now, and distractions can take the form of interruptions from the outside or unusual feelings from within. The more you talk about a particular plan or try to get an answer from someone, the more confused you become. After over three weeks of retrograde (or apparent backward) motion, the planet of communication, Mercury, begins direct motion today. Tricky problems and indecisiveness will likely clear up as you advance, and more clarity is around the corner, particularly surrounding financial matters. You may decide to scrap certain projects or ideas, but others regain momentum. Slowly but surely, you’ll feel more equipped to make informed decisions. For now, as this shift occurs, take special care in your interactions with others. You may hit brick walls if you move too fast or push too hard. Life doesn’t seem to be following all of the rules temporarily.Leo
Mercury has been retrograde since the 5th, dear Leo, and today, it turns direct in your sign. While it signals that communication problems will likely clear up soon, take things slowly but surely. For one, Mercury is moving direct through your sign slowly, and you shouldn’t be rushing into decisions as this transition happens. For another, today’s Venus-Neptune opposition makes things even more unclear than usual. For now, take care with the words you choose to express yourself. Distinguishing between wishful thinking and intuition may seem near impossible. The Venus-Neptune opposition ultimately can expose some of our illusions. Because this aspect falls along your resources sector, it may be best not to lend out money or valuables. People can drain you right now, whether materially or emotionally. Being firm yet sensitive is your best bet for nipping boundary problems in the bud. The spirit to create and build is strong in you now, but there may be some discouragement about reaching your goals, perhaps due to problems gaining others’ support or securing enough funds to move forward. While you may be itching to come to a conclusion regarding a close relationship or money/support matter, it can be difficult to arrive at a realistic one just for now. Today’s energies are undoubtedly complicated, but you’ll benefit from information unclogging soon.Virgo
Mercury began its retrograde on the 5th in your sign, dear Virgo. Today, it turns direct in the sign behind yours, and over the coming days and weeks, communication problems will tend to blow over. Delays will lift, or new information will come to light that clarifies your next steps. You’re less likely to brood or feel as if you’re in limbo. Take this transition slowly, however, not only because Mercury stations should always work this way, but also because Venus opposes Neptune today. Further, Mercury is still in the sign behind yours, and there is much more to the story that will unfold in the weeks ahead. Soon enough, you’ll have a stronger sense of how to deal with troubling issues from the past. Today, do your best not to harp on trivial matters that will likely seem unimportant later. The Venus transit can leave you feeling confused by others and their motives. People in your life, or merely the thought of a relationship situation, can be draining. Take the time to understand yourself, and don’t confuse others’ needs with your own as much as possible. You’ll enjoy more peace of mind if you keep things moderate today.Libra
Today marks the end of Mercury’s retrograde cycle since the 5th, dear Libra, and the resolution of many recent misunderstandings. The shift itself has the initial effect of magnifying problem areas, but you’ll be enjoying fewer delays or blocks going forward. Information can arrive that rounds out your understanding in the days ahead. Today, take special care in your interactions with others and consider that you may be missing important details. Venus opposes Neptune, muddying the waters further. Temporarily, the ordinary doesn’t appeal, but you could also find it difficult to feel satisfied with this transit in play. Ambiguities related to a disorganized state or your work or health can leave you feeling a little drained and uncertain of your next step. Deception or self-deception is a possibility. Dream, be inspired, and create, but be cautious when it comes to your practical affairs. Perhaps most importantly, watch that you don’t fall for something that seems a lot more glamorous than it actually is. Distinguish between wishful thinking and intuition.Scorpio
Mercury ends its retrograde period today, dear Scorpio, and you’ll soon begin to feel the fog lifting in the areas of work, career, reputation, and friendship. Recent feelings of a lack of direction or of being in the dark about critical areas of your life have left you in a state of limbo, which is now likely to dissipate. You’ll gain more information to round out your choices, and career matters tend to resume or pick up speed. Watch for confused plans and communications today as the shift happens. Besides the Mercury station, which can be confusing, an opposition occurs between Venus and Neptune, prompting a realization that bumps someone or something off their pedestal. Problems related to boundaries with lovers, friends, or children can be an issue if you’ve been exceptionally accommodating and letting things slide to maintain good feelings or peace. Temporarily, glossing over the bad stuff can be all too easy.Sagittarius
With Mercury ending its retrograde cycle today, dear Sagittarius, you’ll soon feel more confident about making important decisions and conveying your ideas with greater certainty. Blocks begin to lift, or motivation returns to pursue special pursuits. There can be some restlessness if you’ve been squirreled away recently and you need a change of pace. Communication or transportation delays and breakdowns may have been more common for you in the past few weeks, and while you’re not entirely out of the woods on this level, more clarity is on its way, whether information comes in or delays lift. Also today, there can be some confusion about a particular plan, goal, or project as Venus and Neptune form an opposition. You can benefit from reflection and consideration of dreams and ideals that may need updating. Certainly, uncertainty in your personal life may interfere with your enjoyment and performance elsewhere. On the other side, watch for the tendency to idealize others or romanticize situations.Capricorn
After over three weeks of retrograde movement, Mercury turns direct today, dear Capricorn, and you’re likely to see some forward motion in recent endeavors that have stalled. In the week ahead, you’re in good shape for negotiating about money or time-sharing, and later, travel, educational, and publishing matters thrive as plans come together. As the transition occurs today, there can be some misunderstandings. A Venus-Neptune opposition, also happening today, compounds the problem. This transit can seem to sap you of energy. If a dream seems less realizable, you may need time to regroup. Try not to invest too much of yourself into one hope, dream, or idea today, and work on being conservative with your expectations, particularly along social, financial, and romantic lines. There may be some confusing or mixed signals in your communications temporarily. Avoid acting on ambiguous feelings.Aquarius
Mercury’s retrograde cycle ends today, dear Aquarius, and you’re likely to enjoy improved communications in the coming weeks. Mercury began its retrograde on the 5th in your intimacy sector and then returned to your partnership sector. You may have been going over past conversations or covering old ground in your relationships or with finances. Soon, it’ll be natural to move ahead. You’ll get clearer signals from others and your intuition, and information can arrive that rounds out your understanding. There can be some confusion as Mercury changes direction today, making it wise to slow down and get your facts straight. As well, today’s Venus-Neptune opposition encourages you to see matters a little differently. If you’ve been viewing someone or a situation unrealistically, this issue can peak now. Question whether you truly want or need something before making a purchase or commitment. Swinging from overly idealistic notions to negative feelings is entirely possible now. Of course, the truth lies somewhere in between, but it may take some trial and error before you arrive at it.Pisces
Mercury turns direct today after over three weeks of retrograde motion, dear Pisces. In the days ahead, you’ll be ready to make decisions that may have been difficult in recent weeks. Plans and projects, especially related to work and health, should be more straightforward, move forward, or resume. For now, confused plans and communications are still likely, and it may be better to avoid serious discussions temporarily. Not only is Mercury stationing, but Venus opposes Neptune today, and there can be mixed signals or confusing situations to manage. Your mood may be up and down. There can be a sense that you need to give up something pleasurable in order to gain in another area of life, and decisions can be difficult as a result. Once you’ve made sense of the emotions that flood your consciousness, you could discover some needs and wants you were previously avoiding or too busy to notice. However, in the meantime, take in but avoid making significant decisions based on the feelings of the moment, as they may be misleading.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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