Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo until 8:24 PM, after which the Moon is in Virgo.
- A void Moon period occurs from 2:54 AM to 8:24 PM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Third/Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 19th, and the New Moon will occur tomorrow morning.
- Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, and Chiron Rx.
- Mercury spends its first full day in Libra (Mercury is in Libra from August 25th to September 23rd).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You can be on edge, especially if you have so much to do that you don’t know where to begin, dear Aries. Today’s transits can leave you feeling innerly conflicted or find you arguing with others — or a bit of both. Watch for impatient communications and moves. Before voicing your unsatisfied desires, see if the feeling passes, particularly if the urges come on very suddenly. Try not to make rash decisions based solely on today’s events. If people are not catching on to your point of view, try waiting it out and resolve to present the same ideas at a later date. Transits bring a somewhat unpredictable or disorienting theme, mainly because it upsets the routine. There can be some unexpected events in your relationships, social life, or regarding money and business matters, which can throw you off temporarily and adversely affect timing. You may decide to ride on the competitive energy with you today and use it to fix problems or areas of your life that have gotten out of hand. Later today, the Moon heads into your work and health sector, and early tomorrow, a New Moon will occur. Today, aim to lay low and tie up loose ends.Taurus
Watch for impulsiveness with today’s transits that stir impatience with current conditions, dear Taurus. Your attention turns to limitations and ambitions regarding resources (including money), which clashes with personal enjoyment, a romantic venture, or filling your desires. You might also experience a conflict between wanting to be comfortable and feeling stifled by closeness or bored with the usual. If an urge for something comes on very suddenly, it may be best to wait and see if it passes before indulging it. Foresight may be a little lacking temporarily. It can also be a day of interruptions and changes of plans, particularly in the home, which can irritate you but help establish your priorities. The potential pitfall of the day is hastiness. However, competitive or frustrated feelings can challenge you to make meaningful changes and improvements. You may get into a more playful mood with the Moon’s move into your joy and pleasure sector later today.Gemini
With transits influencing today, dear Gemini, it can be all too easy to want too much too soon–impatience can trip you up. For example, your desire to settle in clashes with a need for more independence. With Mars in your sign clashing with the Sun, your inner unrest can be so palpable that others sense it even if you attempt to hide it, contributing to a sense that everyone around you is on edge. Family or others close to you may not see things the same way you do, and it’s best not to take things personally, although challenging. Being direct and honest in your dealings is excellent, but the day requires extra sensitivity. You enjoy conversing and connecting these days with Venus in your solar third house, more so than usual, but today you can be unsure how close you want to get, or you could feel disconnected and misunderstood. Recognize the need for a little more freedom and space so that you find ways to attain these things without too much drama. Aim to channel excess energy into something that will be genuinely useful to you.Cancer
Complicated feelings can readily bubble up to the surface today, dear Cancer. Mars is currently transiting an area of your chart that rules all that’s hidden, undercover, or left behind. It tends to stir up leftover anger or resentment that you may have buried or brushed to the side in recent weeks, months, and even years! The Sun’s square to Mars can stir the pot. A Venus-Uranus square can also throw you a bit off-center by a money or ownership matter, or you can feel pulled out of your comfort zone by unexpected events. While feelings emerging now can be confusing at first and you should surely deal with them, do not let them control you, either, through impatient communications or moves. Tap into your inner courage, find your passion, and look for ways to express it all for best results. The Moon enters your communications sector later today, and there can be a helpful focus on connecting, communicating, and learning.Leo
With today’s tense aspects, dear Leo, you might feel that others are nitpicking or meddling too much in your affairs. Or you have strong ambitions or a desire for action but don’t know where (or how) to direct these things. There is some tendency to butt heads over issues that have been frustrating you. You might also see-saw between wanting to be close to someone and craving your independence. Focusing on practical matters can be a challenge now. It may be best to avoid pushing something you can’t change and allow for unexpected detours. Ideally, competitiveness stimulates you to do your best or take care of business, and if this is the case, it’s a great time to tap into it. Still, pacing yourself is important.Virgo
Rushing and impatience tend to cause the most problems right now, dear Virgo, with today’s challenging aspects. However, these transits can motivate you to make improvements. What may begin as minor disagreements can too quickly escalate and become more than they need to be. With the Sun in your sign square fiery Mars, instant results may not appear and won’t be genuinely gratifying even if they do! You might quickly become offended if others are not recognizing your competence or needs. Consider that part of you could be craving a change of pace or some other form of emotional refreshment. You may also feel that you need to fight to get your needs met. However, if you can center yourself and draw upon your inner wisdom, you’ll see that butting heads with others will not resolve matters. As much as you want to do it all right now, it’s best to pace yourself. The Moon moves into your sign later today, and your heart tends to rule your head. Your sensitivity heightens.Libra
Tension can arise today if you have too much on your plate or give in to the temptation to rush things, dear Libra. Current transits can create an atmosphere of urgency, yet blocks are likely if you try to push something forward. One of these transits is working behind the scenes in your chart, obscuring the real source of your discontent. Watch for overconfidence that leads to taking on more challenges than you can reasonably meet. Following a routine, instructions, or a schedule can prove difficult. However, it may be wise to tackle things one at a time rather than wear yourself out. Social interactions can also be confusing, as surprising feelings can emerge and throw you for a loop. Your appetite for pleasure or instant gratification is big today, but the results are unlikely to satisfy you in the long term. But if you can channel excess energy into a constructive endeavor, you might get a chance to learn a little more about desires. A detour from your usual routine may even ultimately be enjoyable.Scorpio
Today’s energies can rile you up in spots, dear Scorpio, but it’s a good idea to wind down on this day before a New Moon. Nevertheless, you can be hungry for emotional stimulation, and it’s a good idea to observe what’s bringing you to the point of frustration. Disagreements can to be due to underlying competitiveness now. Boundaries and commitments can also be issues. It’s not an ideal time for financial planning or solid decision-making since the tendency is to jump into or out of something without thinking. Consider whether you’re getting ahead of yourself. There can also be some mixed feelings or tension with others, and you may not agree with someone on the direction you’re heading, but perhaps you need some space to think things through. The Moon heads into your sector of friendship, hopes, and wishes later today, and you put your social life and happiness goals at the top of your list right now.Sagittarius
Relationships today are dynamic and stimulating, dear Sagittarius, but not temporarily not very steady with current transits. You could be annoyed by others’ assertions. Someone may be vying for your attention right now, but this can be disruptive. You may face changes in plans and schedules that temporarily throw you off course. The good news is that there’s likely a learning experience involved as you head in a slightly different direction. Through upset schedules or interruptions, you can discover a new approach or method that can quite effectively pull you out of a rut or a mindless habit. A good strategy for today’s tensions would be to channel excess energy into something productive and worth your attention. You need creative outlets!Capricorn
You seem to have energy to spare today, dear Capricorn. If you don’t know where or how to use it, you could be impatient, missing necessary steps, or pushing yourself unnecessarily. While you’re busy trying to see the big picture, interruptions and annoying details frequently surface today. Try not to rush things. Today’s transits can certainly generate restlessness as you have a strong desire to expand your horizons and a compelling need to attend to your routines. You can’t do it all, so aim to pace yourself. You could also have conflicting feelings as you wrestle with a desire to harmonize and a simultaneous need for independence. You may crave more depth in a relationship or project on the one hand, but on the other, you’re concerned about the possibility of having to follow others’ schedules or agendas. You may need to entertain some unusual ideas to stretch your mind out of a rut.Aquarius
Tensions can be highly stimulating, but they can ramp up quickly today with current transits, dear Aquarius. Assertiveness is one thing, but impatience can lead to abruptness. Restlessness can lead you to seek some instant gratification, and it’s a good idea to identify the root cause of your dissatisfaction instead of giving in to a random or sudden desire. Your love life or affections can be exciting but tumultuous, perhaps even a rollercoaster ride. When others crowd you to the point that you can’t process your feelings for them, some emotional space helps you gain perspective. Let things calm down before making important conclusions or decisions, especially with a New Moon that could redirect you tomorrow. It’s best not to try to go forward too quickly.Pisces
Passions run high today, dear Pisces, but there can be blocks to navigate. You may be dealing with some frustration, particularly involving close relationships with current transits ramping up tensions and calling attention to problem areas. Sudden urges and desires may reflect inner unrest, and it may be best to take more time to arrive at conclusions. You could feel caught in the middle of a no-win situation or argument. People may be hard to pin down, or there can be so many distractions and interruptions that it’s hard to hear yourself think. While ups and downs are distracting, some competitiveness could be stimulating and might lead to positive change and improvement. Excess energies might be channeled productively rather than wasted on bickering or impatience.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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