Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred yesterday.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from August 23rd to September 15th).
- Venus is retrograde (Venus is retrograde from July 22nd to September 3rd).
- Mercury Rx, Venus Rx, Saturn Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You’re bringing more self-assurance to your work these days, dear Aries, although at times today, you’re uncertain about whether you want to pursue your goals independently and make executive decisions or if you’d prefer to share decisions and have some company. However, you may very well come up with creative ways to do both. Disagreements are likely but can lead to some useful brainstorming sessions. Interactions can be touchy, and people can be cranky when they don’t get their way with Venus and Mars in minor challenging aspect to one another. The line between wants and needs blurs. Distractions are plenty, and as much as you’d enjoy keeping a pleasantly busy momentum going, it can be difficult to choose any one thing to focus on. Be more careful with details than usual today. As well, relationships can feel competitive, or tempers can flare quickly. Once past the feeling of being scattered, this can be a great day for learning new things and self-taught pursuits. You’re putting your thoughts in order. It’s best to be a little more careful with your communications these days, but it’s also a great time to see problems or past matters in new ways.Taurus
You may feel the urge to shine on your own, but you also crave some input from others today, dear Taurus. Torn between sticking with what’s comfortable and taking a risk, it can be tricky to manage the extra energy you’re experiencing. Aim to channel it into something productive. You might decide to take action on a home matter, but the temptation to rush through things should be watched. As well, timing in relationships can be off. Tastes can seem starkly different, even if these discrepancies existed before and didn’t bother you quite as much as they do now. Still, you can be inspired by the information you stumble upon today. You’re willing to step outside your comfort zone on a mental level. Still, there is a focus on the past now that seems important before you move forward.Gemini
Disagreements today, although minor, can feel draining, dear Gemini, and may be about feeling dismissed. It’s a day of relative haste, so do take extra care. But while there could be some misunderstandings, they seem to lead to important clarifications and greater insight overall. Exchanges in close relationships are helpful and rewarding, even if a disconnect occurs before you get to this state. The tendency today is to analyze or go over the past, particularly about or with family. An idea that comes out of these thoughts or conversations can be significant. For example, money or something lost could turn up unexpectedly. Renewing your interest in an old project or returning to something you’ve left unfinished can be exciting. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, encouraging you to more deeply appreciate a partner or friend’s role in your life.Cancer
The desire to handle problems and sort out some details can be strong today, dear Cancer. Disagreeing on core issues can figure strongly, and it can be distracting! You may be feeling on the defensive with Venus, currently retrograde in your solar second house, in a minor challenging aspect to Mars. It can be easy to feel slighted, but taking a deep breath and thinking about it can help, as it’s probably not worth the added stress! There may be annoying things related to communications or unforeseen expenses, but once you get over this hump, you’re in good shape to enjoy some peace. As well, keeping the lines of communication open may be the key now, even if there are some missteps along the way. Especially as the day advances, there can be helpful conversations about the past or previously tricky topics.Leo
It’s easier than usual to touch sore spots or to misunderstand one another today, dear Leo. With Venus in your sign in a minor challenging aspect with Mars, you may get attention of the unwanted variety now! Instead, there can be a rather provocative aura around you. The Moon in Sagittarius all day, however, is excellent for boosting you emotionally. There may be some resistance related to your love life today, but feeding your desire to learn and share can be magical. As well, you stand to gain a greater understanding from the minor issues that emerge today. Especially as the day advances, you can enjoy more insight into your situation, even if all the information isn’t yet at your disposal. You seem particularly able to talk about practical matters and come up with real solutions–the key is approaching old issues from a new angle or perspective.Virgo
There are times when you feel all fired up and ready to go, dear Virgo, with Mars in your sign. However, Venus in your privacy sector for an extended stay can keep you in limbo on some levels. Today, this discrepancy is in the spotlight. You may not know where to direct all this extra energy, which can lead to impatience or impulsiveness. You are one part hesitant and one part raring to go. You may set yourself up for difficulties if you speak before you get all the facts, especially if what you are talking about was meant to be private. Ideally, you can divide your energy or combine your pursuits creatively. Special attention to kindness may be in order, as people can be sensitive, and crossed signals are possible. However, the day shapes up well for further thinking on a matter or sorting out your thoughts. It’s a good time to find some information you need, even if all the pieces to a puzzle aren’t yet available.Libra
You can feel somewhat competitive in spots today, dear Libra, and while this can lead to improvements, energies are a little fussy right now, and others may not be very forthcoming or cooperative. In fact, people can take things very personally under current transits. Negotiations of any sort can be tough today, as there are likely to be egos on the line. Debates can quickly become personal. However, strong energy is with you for finding alternate ways of dealing with problem areas that turn out to work beautifully. Even if a solution is not yet in sight, you can feel comforted by sorting things out on a mental plane and preparing yourself for different possibilities. You might pull out an old project or plan and enjoy reworking it. A private matter or secret might reveal itself, or there can be a new understanding of a past matter, and seeing an old problem in a new way can be liberating.Scorpio
Lots of attention to or activity in both your social and professional lives can leave you feeling divided in spots today, dear Scorpio. Instead, there can be negative attention or competitiveness stimulated now that annoys you. Ideally, you can use challenges and obstacles to your advantage, even if it’s a bumpy ride along that road today. Part of you can be intent on stirring things up and testing your feelings; another part prefers to enjoy what you already have and comfortable situations. Do your best to find a middle ground, or consider dividing your time by working hard and relaxing hard! Fortunately, as you recognize sensitive areas, solutions to problems are not far behind. While retrograde Mercury can certainly slow down some information pipelines, you’re in fine shape for inventive thinking and communicating. You might cultivate old connections or pay special attention to reviving a past project, dream, or plan.Sagittarius
The Moon is in your sign all day, dear Sagittarius, and life feels more colorful. You crave more emotional interaction. You might also feel raring to go with a goal or career matter right now, but you may need to see eye to eye with key people, putting a damper on your plans. Personal interactions can be tense or intense in spots today. Watch for a tendency to push a matter when a sensitive approach would get better results. As the day advances, you’re in good shape for strengthening ties and finding peace with your past, or at least a new understanding of a long-term issue. You do particularly well by observing and learning. Mercury’s retrograde enables a new perspective on old problems, projects, and approaches related to work and long-term goals. Still, it’s best to be clear, as your message might come across powerfully but not inclined to translate well.Capricorn
With the Moon in the sign behind yours all day, dear Capricorn, you’d benefit from reserving chunks of time for yourself. You need rest from the hectic pace of daily life now. Still, others may not be especially cooperative, or your interactions easily become tense as you feel out of tune with someone. Impatience and restlessness with the status quo can be a major reason for minor conflicts and discord today as Venus and Mars form a challenging aspect. Debates can too quickly get personal, or your own desires and wants seem conflicting. Mercury’s current retrograde can produce some problems with misunderstandings, but you’re in an optimistic frame of mind as today advances. You might go over past ideas and beliefs, now approaching them with new energy or a different perspective. Interactions and communications can be especially relevant or inspirational, setting you along a new, more enlightened path.Aquarius
The Moon today encourages your social or idealistic side, dear Aquarius, bringing out your need for a sense of belonging to something greater than yourself. It’s a good transit for experimenting with new things, even starting small. Because Venus, currently transiting your partnership sector, forms a minor challenging aspect with Mars, there can be some temptation to push a relationship matter–this influence can make a relationship matter seem urgent when a slower, gentler pace would be far better. Your desire to investigate, detect, uncover, or expose anything hidden runs very high now, so aim to use it for good, such as research and analysis, rather than stirring up problems. Seek to solve rather than create problems! Fortunately, later today, there can be engaging shared experiences. You might analyze, talk about, or pick apart the past to better understand the present.Pisces
The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Pisces, and even if you are off duty, your heart seems to be with your ambitions and goals today! You might be able to get many small tasks done at great speed, as you are more able to multi-task than usual now. However, there can be impatience to your approach, or you may be tempted to skip steps, which can result in slip-ups. You might also end up worrying needlessly over the tiniest of things, making you feel irritable and restless. Distractions are plenty, and you may feel torn between the desire for space to get things done and your commitment to others. However, if you find a middle ground, you’re likely to enjoy a more productive, satisfying day. Especially later today, going over plans can be exciting and rewarding. The emphasis is on looking at the past differently and learning from it. There might be a complicated but illuminating conversation with or about a partner.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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