Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries until 8:00 PM, after which the Moon is in Taurus.
- A void Moon period occurs from 8:44 AM to 8:00 PM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 19th in the sign of Aquarius.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from August 5th to 28th).
- Mercury is Rx, Saturn is Rx, Neptune is Rx, Pluto is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
- The Sun spends its first full day in Virgo (the Sun is in Virgo from August 22nd to September 22nd).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You’re learning much about the world around you, dear Aries, determined to step out of your comfort zone and gather new experiences that open your eyes further. Still, a focus on the past now seems important before you move forward. Reviewing old ideas today can bring new methods to light. You might find yourself in problem-solving mode. Watch for overthinking creative and romantic matters, however. You do need to review and backtrack in these areas, but it’s not as urgent as you might imagine right now. There can be openness in your communications or a breakthrough in a project or learning endeavor. At the same time, the Sun is turning more and more of your attention to your work, duties, and routines, and the practical side of your life is firmly on your mind now.Taurus
Practical pursuits thrive now, dear Taurus, although with Mercury’s retrograde, there may be some waiting or editing to do before you can push plans forward. Even so, you get the sense that you can make improvements that will impact your life, and it’s about working hard and being patient. The desire to revise and renew is strong. You can also have satisfying conversations and interactions today. Your enthusiasm is strong, and that helps you get caught up in the moment. You feel terrific about yourself if you are feeling efficient today. You’re likely to be especially reasonable and objective in any discussion that ensues now. You tend to analyze or go over the past, particularly about or with family. What others say can nevertheless touch you deeply today. Money can come in from unexpected or forgotten sources, or somebody could return an item you had given up on.Gemini
You can make good progress today, especially with studies, errands, and communications, dear Gemini. Still, be cautious when making formal statements or commitments, as these can be more impactful but error-prone. You can apply yourself once you get motivated today. You can be determined to work on the attitudes that have been holding you back from presenting your best to others. Sharing ideas with others is fruitful, although extra sensitivity may be necessary when it comes to choosing your words. There can be helpful conversations about the past or previously tricky topics. You can be mentally busy. While not everything is moving as swiftly as you’d like, pouring extra energy into a special project can be especially satisfying and successful.Cancer
You’re more able to talk about practical matters and develop real solutions to problems today, dear Cancer. The key is approaching old issues from a new angle or perspective. Conversations about money can be very beneficial, particularly if you are going over past ideas and endeavors. With retrograde Mercury in generally good shape today, you’re gathering, processing, reviewing, and recycling information. You’re ready to improvise, and your ideas are particularly enterprising. Your initiative is stronger than usual, and interactions can be passionate and energetic today. A spirit of openness emerges, and it can open doors to you for self-expression. With the Sun now transiting your sector of communication, it comes as a nice jumpstart.Leo
With retrograde Mercury in your sign and busy today, dear Leo, some introspection can be beneficial now. Watch for overthinking today, but lean in to the opportunities to enjoy interesting ideas and perspectives. You’re inclined to separate from your affections and feelings when making a decision. But while some inward focus is good now, there is a spirit of openness and friendly energy in the air that inspires positive thinking. Goals that involve creating and sharing can be furthered. You can gain respect for your intelligence and unique energy now, and it’s a good time to find the information you need and enjoy energizing interactions with others. There is more energy in your conversations and information exchanges. At the same time, people may be particularly interested in what you have to say.Virgo
The Sun is now in your sign, dear Virgo, and you’re more outgoing or confident. However, today’s retrograde Mercury connections also encourage a look at your private world or a turning to the past for analysis. You might pull out an old project or cherished possession and work on improving it. A private matter or secret might reveal itself, or you speak of a personal, private issue, confiding in someone. Interactions can be passionate and energetic, and it can be a busy day for thinking and fantasizing. You are bringing new energy to matters of the past and looking at things from a different perspective. You are more inclined to examine old matters for answers these days, but while the tendency is to do so analytically, you may benefit a lot more if you engage your feelings.Libra
There is some tendency to overthink things today, dear Libra, particularly related to your social life, networks, and friendships. Try not to let this go too far. You may need to remind yourself to be tactful if being forthright, as this can extend to conversations. Still, you can be quite enthusiastic about a plan, topic, or idea. Do watch for impatience, but consider gently pushing your usual boundaries now. It’s an especially good time for cultivating and enhancing old connections. It’s a day in which the mind figures more strongly than the heart. You’re focused on and revering or glamorizing the past, remembering the good times. This is an important day for processing and recycling ideas. Connecting with a partner creatively can occur, and there can be quite a bit of intrigue and mutual interest.Scorpio
There is some tendency to overthink your long-term plans today, dear Scorpio, and possibly to fret over things that are not under your control. For the best results, don’t let this overpower your gut feelings or overshadow your emotional needs. In fact, you have strong opportunities to strengthen ties and find peace with your past today, or at least a new understanding of a long-term issue, especially if you commit to avoiding too much analysis. Panning out or taking a step back can help. You’re observing others and learning more about their motivations. Recycling old ideas can lead to great discoveries and new methods. There can be a lot of talk about the past but with new energy and a different perspective.Sagittarius
There can be some tendency for mental nervousness today, dear Sagittarius. Try to avoid overthinking and aim to connect with what you want to do so that you can factor your heart in as well. You may be looking to feel vital through your experiences with others. While there can be some problems with misunderstandings, your good cheer and optimism can help strengthen close relationships. Ideas that come to you intuitively today can be significant. You’re thinking about ways to expand your life experience beyond the routine, and you can be very excited about your prospects, new insights, and mind-expanding theories today. Sharing ideas with or about a partner can be in focus.Capricorn
Today’s transits fire you up mentally, dear Capricorn. Watch for overthinking to the point that you ignore what you feel about a matter. There are better times for hard and fast decision-making. However, it’s a great time to approach things a little differently, especially if you pace yourself. With your work or daily routines, you seem to bring added energy and zip to your approach or methods. Productivity increases when you’re enjoying what you are doing, and this is especially evident today. You might come to a new understanding of a topic or problem, and going over or talking about a personal issue can figure strongly. It might be a review of past relationships or financial matters. You might be investigating someone, or someone could be looking into your past. Fortunately, you have more courage to do something different, creative, and unique. Motivation runs high to reorganize your life in meaningful ways.Aquarius
It’s a good idea to avoid living too much in the head today when relating to others, dear Aquarius. The tendency is to separate from your feelings when connecting or communicating, which can lead to some confusion or mixed messages. Nevertheless, your stronger desires and passions are stirring, especially through your exchanges and conversations. There can be extra sizzle in a love relationship or your creative world. You have more persuasive power and verbal punch, so be careful with that. You might receive some news about a social event or close relationship, and the emphasis is on looking at the past differently. You might also enjoy a complicated but illuminating conversation with or about a partner.Pisces
The tendency to overthink is sometimes high today, dear Pisces. You might aim to handle problems before they take over, but give yourself frequent breaks if possible. It’s not easy to make the right choices or decisions without all the information you need. Still, there is good energy for home-related activities and mental enthusiasm. You can be deeply motivated to put your thoughts into order and to be effective and useful in your communications. You’re inclined to approach a problem from a new angle, which can be very helpful. Do watch, however, for making erroneous statements, as you’re unlikely to get away with much right now, and the tendency is to be hasty! A practical mindset and positive outlook can take over, and you can find that applying yourself to problems, even if you’re not yet resolving them, can be enjoyable.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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