Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on August 15th in the sign of Aquarius, and the Last Quarter Moon will occur tomorrow.
- Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Pluto Rx.
- Venus spends its first full day in Virgo (Venus is in Virgo from August 21st to September 14th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

There can be some feelings of restriction or a sense of being bogged down with responsibility today, dear Aries. You could feel pressure or judgment about performance or long-term goals and larger responsibilities this morning, which can kill the fun just a little! Be careful if you’re tempted to take a shortcut, which can be costly. Conversations can be vague or even guilt-ridden, and there can be an escapist streak you’re battling. Directing your energy constructively may not be easy, but if it’s not necessary either, then give yourself a break. More of something is not likely to make you happier, making it wise to try to make more of what you already have for now. With the Sun and Juno joining forces and helping you out today, you may end up being a mediator or facilitator. Once you find a way to focus without distraction, creative efforts can thrive.

The desire to feel comfortable and enjoy simple activities is stronger than usual today, dear Taurus, but you’re likely to feel weighed down by tensions or restrictions. You may not be able to get out of certain duties. As well, you may want reassurance from loved ones. You could be feeling a little off and sensitive to lack of support, or there can be a disconnect with a friend. Decisions are very hard to make as alternatives seem equal in quality. Try not to seek answers outside of yourself, aiming instead to have a little more faith in your intuition. With the Sun and Juno’s alignment in your home and family sector, you can be determined to make peace with family or bring a feeling of harmony and balance in your home environment now. You are a little more sensitive to imbalances, but fortunately, you want to take action to correct problem areas. Keep in mind that it’s best to tread lightly today.

With the several planetary connections to Juno in your solar third house this week, dear Gemini, you are a powerful force with speaking, sharing, connecting, learning, and teaching. You are a natural at networking and might find yourself in the position of mediator or guide. Even so, there are some prickly aspects today that can point to minor disconnects or misunderstandings. As much as you’d prefer to keep things light and positive, circumstances seem to remind you of your responsibilities. It may be best to defer important decisions and purchases, if at all possible, for a clearer day. Relax and reflect, and avoid taking situations too seriously right now. As well, the Moon spends the day in your private solar twelfth house, pointing to the need to rest up before a new cycle begins with the Moon in your sign tomorrow.

You’re in a great position today for balancing and organizing your work or finances, dear Cancer. You’re ready to cooperate, negotiate, and solve problems. You can enjoy taking special care of others or offering some guidance. Staying on top of your things, money, or business can feel empowering now. Even so, a couple of minor challenging aspects point to possible disconnects or delays. Someone may seem to want to rain on your parade, and while feeling censored isn’t any fun, you might choose to turn the other cheek. Your frame of mind has been to want to relish in the rewards of your work or to relax. Interruptions are likely now, however. Fortunately, you tend to pick yourself up quickly. Aim to stay lighthearted and be flexible. If you’re made aware of the holes or flaws in a plan, let it motivate you to make essential edits.

The Moon spends the day at the top of your chart, dear Leo, and you have your attention on your responsibilities and ambitions. This transit reminds you of your goals and priorities. Your ability to mediate, negotiate, and treat others reasonably is in marked focus this week. Your personality is shining for your ability to create harmony, and you can be especially charming and appealing. You feel proud and stronger for expressing yourself. Even so, today’s energies are a bit tricky. Watch for getting to a point where you feel overworked, as you may not be able to see the rewards for your efforts temporarily. Your ties to a project or person can seem to infringe upon your feeling of independence. Try to tame your restlessness with healthy, happy activities rather than adding more to your plate if it’s already full.

There is a strong focus on the past or your private life these days, dear Virgo. Today, you can be very busy sorting through past experiences seeking a point of resolution or closure as the Sun and Juno come together in your privacy sector. You are especially sensitive to imbalances, and you want to set things right. Even so, there a couple of picky aspects today that suggest a small delay or misunderstanding that interrupts the flow. As much as you would benefit from some time to detox and decompress, the demands of a creative project or a relationship are hard to ignore. You can find yourself at cross-purposes with someone, or you may worry about a recent poor choice or mistake and take it too seriously. Moving through the day with a vague sense that you’re missing something important can come from having too many balls in the air. While you may be searching for meaning in hidden places, Mercury’s awkward aspect with Neptune suggests a lack of clarity. Or, if you feel clear, you may not have faith in your perceptions. Try not to over-analyze. The right answers come to you when you’re not pushing for them too hard.

Today’s Moon transit encourages you to go deeper with attempts to understand yourself and recent events, dear Libra. Feel your emotions rather than dismiss them or tuck them away. You’re in great shape these days for bringing a sense of harmony and peace to a friendship, or for being a mediator with others. You are taking more pride than usual in your ability to relate well to people and to bring others together. Emotional matters can be on the tricky side today, however, or there can be a small hurdle to clear. Feeling tied down to work or commitments can make your responsibilities more overwhelming now. As well, it can be challenging to know where you stand with others today. Consider, however, whether you genuinely need to know! Worrying about someone’s opinions can be a real waste of time and energy. Insecurities can come to the fore, and there can be some doubts or concerns. Avoid making decisions from a state of worry — they rarely work out well. Distractions are plenty, or you are more sensitive to them.

The Moon’s transit of your partnership sector means you see the areas of your life that are out of balance more clearly, dear Scorpio. The need for harmony is compelling. A Sun-Juno aspect also active now reinforces this theme–whatever is unfair or out of whack will be like a sore thumb today! You may be receiving special attention for your efforts, work, or accomplishments, and could be in the position to guide others. Generally speaking these days, you’re giving off a protective, supportive vibe that draws others to you. Today’s energies are challenging in small but annoying ways. You’d very much like to be standing on solid ground, but temporary doubts and some confusion can set in temporarily. Watch for procrastination or multi-tasking that takes you away from what is essential. Something that’s communicated could be taken the wrong way, or you may feel slighted by someone you’d prefer to respect! Take a breather if things are not coming together well, if possible. Adjustments may be necessary now.

Helping others through your ideas or personal philosophies can be satisfying these days, dear Sagittarius. Generally speaking, it’s a fabulous time for connecting with people through the mind, communications, learning, and ideas, as well as for empowering yourself through your studies. Relationships can improve by giving others some space or encouraging their independence. Even so, there are minor challenges in the astrology of the day that suggest a couple of hiccups. As much as you’d like to explore new things or places, you might also feel limited by responsibilities. Or, circumstances are such that you need to choose between playing things safe or going out on a limb. Indecision is, in fact, a good thing if it keeps you from making choices that you can’t completely get behind.

You’re taking pride in being fair and non-judgmental with money, sharing power, and in close relationships this week, dear Capricorn, and others appreciate you for these qualities. Today’s energies are a little tricky, however, and there can be difficulties coming to a place of agreement or understanding. We shouldn’t expect others to intuit what we need right now with disconnects more than likely. Expressing yourself naturally and directly doesn’t seem to work as you’d like it to today. Someone doesn’t seem to be understanding you, or you sense judgment or disapproval. Focusing on specific tasks can be more demanding than expected since your mind tends to drift very quickly. If you’re not sure about a matter, it may be better not to express a definite opinion for the time being.

A feeling of obligation or limitation can challenge a relationship today, dear Aquarius, especially if you feel expressing yourself will be met with judgment. It’s essential to slow down just a little to make sure you’re getting things right. As much as you’d like clear answers and definitions, you may need to settle for cloudy. People may be beating around the bush, see-sawing, or extra sensitive. It may be best to let go of the need to come to definite conclusions just for the time being. Backing off from a problem can help enable your intuition to come to full bloom, leading to a better solution if you are patient enough to wait for it. Even so, with the Sun and Juno coming together in your partnership sector today, you can be taking particular pride in your close relationships. Your ability to treat others fairly is in the spotlight, and this helps you rise above the smaller problems. There is a satisfying sense that the effort you put into creating balance and harmony in your life now will reward you for some time to come. You are also a little more sensitive than usual to any feeling of inequality in your relationships.

You may be dealing with tension due to sensitive feelings today, dear Pisces. People in your life may seem to need more reassurance than usual. You may have a strong desire to gather up facts and figures and sort something out logically. However, competing energies seem to encourage you to let go of problems and consider the bigger picture. This can lead to some frustration unless you find ways to attend to both needs or arrive at a compromise. You may need to step back and let intuition blossom. Reliable answers are not forthcoming just for now. You may need to find a balance between the smaller activities you enjoy and the more significant priorities in your life. Bringing balance and harmony to your daily routines and your work environment is important to you, and very much within your reach with a little focus today. While social elements can affect productivity, your efforts are nevertheless meaningful and contributing to long-term happiness.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is August 22, 2019, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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