Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces until 7:01 PM, after which the Moon is in Aries.
- A void Moon period occurs from 5;53 PM to 7:01 PM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 19th in the sign of Aquarius.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from August 5th to 28th).
- Mercury is Rx, Saturn is Rx, Neptune is Rx, Pluto is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
In many ways, today’s energies are better for rest and reflection than for innovation, dear Aries. Energies may dip temporarily as the Sun forms a quincunx with Neptune today, but it’s a good idea to slow down. There can be confusing elements to contend with now, but this is a time to see different angles of a situation and adjust your plans if needed. Avoid too-high expectations for the best results. There may be some doubts that need clearing up, and it’s a process that you can’t and shouldn’t push. Authenticity is always important to you in the long run, so take your time making decisions. The Moon moves into your sign later today, bringing emotions to the surface and stirring your need to feel connected and reinforced by the world around you. You take the lead naturally, and others follow along without much thought.Taurus
With today’s Sun-Neptune awkward angle, dear Taurus, uncertainties or ambiguities in your social life or about trying on a new venture can leave you feeling slightly unsettled. In truth, new ideas and promises today may have little permanence. Dreaming up some ideas can still be satisfying. This may only become problematic if you do so while missing out on real opportunities. Your focus diffuses so that serious decision-making or fact-based work could suffer. You might have a hard time doing what you want to do, possibly because your support of others seems to take priority. It may be best to draw on your patience and either commit to a roundabout way of getting where you want to go or wait for a better time to pursue your goals more directly. Later today, the Moon moves into your privacy sector, and a bit of anonymity or a retreat of sorts could be therapeutic and just what you need.Gemini
Transits these days often turn your attention to the lighter side of life, dear Gemini. You’re curious and seeking some variety. With today’s Sun-Neptune transit, these drives clash with your desire to pursue your ambitions. It may not seem easy, but finding a better balance is possible if you set your mind to the task. Nevertheless, today’s energies are too murky for big moves. Instead, it’s time to slow down, process, digest, and enjoy yourself. Aim to slow your approach only enough to see where you might be making errors or overlooking your true feelings on a matter. Listen well to what your intuition has to say, but wait for clarity since it’s not the time for clear answers. A minute-by-minute approach seems ideal. Later today, aim to tap into the energy of the Moon that moves into your social sector and asks you to pursue your happiness goals.Cancer
With different drives vying for your attention today, dear Cancer, it may be better to sit a little longer with your new ideas or conclusions. You can feel in limbo and a bit drained. You may need to make adjustments if you sense that there’s something off with a plan, but consider that today’s transits can leave you more sensitive to imbalances than usual. It may be that you need some rest or special attention to overlooked needs to restore your vitality. If emotions and reactions seem to be inappropriate for the situation, it’s time to look within. Processing or digesting can be useful and good for you right now. Before rushing forward, aim to attend to your priorities. Later today, the Moon moves into your career and reputation sector, and your emotional focus can be on issues of responsibility, performance, and integrity.Leo
With a Sun-Neptune transit today, dear Leo, it’s a better time for making adjustments and imagining possibilities than locking things down. You need to overcome a few hurdles and make some refinements before moving forward. Obstacles are likely inner ones, as you may need more imagination or inspiration before pushing ahead. You could feel vulnerable or low and temporarily demotivated. You may need to sleep on your ideas before confidence returns, but this allows you to consider all angles of a situation. It’s possible that in your haste to move your plans forward, you’re missing some important emotional considerations, and now’s the time to get in touch. Aim to seek objective feedback or rest and wait to rebuild strength. As the day advances, you’ll move from a relatively serious approach to the world to a more hands-on, spirited attitude.Virgo
With today’s Sun-Neptune transit, dear Virgo, some minor confusion or doubt can be hanging in the air, slowing you down. You’re more impressionable, vulnerable, sensitive, and inclined to daydream. You can feel tempted to withdraw and escape. While you should probably take a timeout, it may not be good to bow out of too much now. Do watch for confusion or vagueness with others. You may feel a little out of step and unsure if you want time for yourself or for companionship. For the best results, aim to rest, digest, and process a bit more before moving forward. The Moon moves into your intimacy sector later today, making it a good time to process and digest recent events. It’s a time to observe rather than leap forward.Libra
With today’s Sun-Neptune transit, dear Libra, a temporary dip in energy is possible. Try to go with the flow rather than insisting on a solid plan. Certainly, you could feel slightly out of step with those around you. If you do something to help someone out, do only what you believe to be fair instead of going over your limits and feeling resentful. While tempting, you might consider that getting out of a particular responsibility now can be too costly in the long run. If you can take a break from the routine and save critical decision-making for later, it may be wise to do so. With the Moon moving into your partnership sector later today, the tendency is for you to seek a balance or compromise. Your social instincts are strong. You’ve been making many executive decisions, and you may now crave the input of someone you trust.Scorpio
Today’s Sun-Neptune transit makes it better to nurture your imagination than seek definite answers, dear Scorpio. For formal exchanges, it’s best to double-check your work or communications. Because this transit inclines you to be more idealistic, starry-eyed, or easily influenced by wishful thinking, it’s a little easier for you to be deceived by others, situations, and even yourself! As much as you’d like to move your plans or goals forward, some uncertainty now can slow things down, which can be a good thing. Strive for objectivity, even if you need to find it through someone else, before making substantial commitments. Instead, you might wait and see, allowing time for you to digest and process your observations. The Moon moves into your work and health sector later today, encouraging you to take care of business on the level of detail. Fortunately, you feel sharper and ready to apply yourself.Sagittarius
While your plans may not come together today, dear Sagittarius, it’s more likely to be a small speedbump rather than a full-on delay or veto. Today’s Sun-Neptune transit makes it wise to slow down, process, and digest. Examine what might be missing in your plans or in your life, particularly along the lines of inspiration. Aim to take time for your heart and head to agree. If you feel deflated or unable to get going today, you may need some rest or a break from your routine. Attempting to push to resolve a problem is unlikely to work out, but pulling back from the situation might! The gap between your wishes and reality may seem more prominent than usual. Later today, the Moon moves into your creative and romantic sector, and you seek special ways to enjoy or express yourself. You can be in a good position to communicate your feelings or persuade and delight with what you say. You quite enjoy increased passion for a project or personal interest.Capricorn
Today’s Sun-Neptune transit points to a need to rest, reflect, and readjust, dear Capricorn. The tendency is to feel out of the loop. It can be tricky to honestly broach taboo or complicated topics today without ending up feeling awkward. You can be more sensitive and not necessarily ready to learn all the details of a situation. If you don’t feel especially motivated today, energy levels can drop. Aim to be selective with where to pour your energy, and aim to rest or strengthen yourself instead of pushing something that isn’t ready to budge. Consider that you don’t have all the facts for the time being. You may need to wait until you are fully onboard before going forward. The Moon’s move into your home and family sector later today suggests a need to connect with familiar places and faces.Aquarius
Today’s Sun-Neptune transit can leave you feeling a bit deflated, dear Aquarius, but it’s helpful for reminding you to take a break or refresh yourself. It can be a sign that you need a time-out, which could help you regain some inspiration. Promises and plans formed today may go by the wayside later. The temptation is to go the easy route, but it’s best not to do something out of character. Rather than committing, it may be best to put things on hold until you figure them out. Remind yourself of your need for more magic, imagination, or sensitivity, and then work on ways to incorporate these things into your pursuits and plans. With all that’s going on in your life, you may be overlooking these things. Later today, aim to tap into some of the lighter elements of the Moon’s move into your communications sector and enjoy some easy conversations or diversions that help you lighten up.Pisces
While the increased focus on your work or health goals these days is important and helpful, dear Pisces, a breather may be in order today. In fact, you may feel demotivated or uncertain for the time being as the Sun forms a quincunx to Neptune. If so, it’s a signal that there are more angles to consider before moving on. Or, you may need to pay more attention to your emotional or spiritual goals, and it’s time to catch up or catch your breath. Stepping to the side could be better than confronting or challenging the energies today. This allows you to observe and redirect plans or your energies if needed. Later today, the Moon moves into your solar second house, shifting your emotional attention to building and developing something important to you. It takes some of the pressure or urgency off emotional needs as you understand the value of patience more instinctively.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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