Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 12th, and a Full Moon will occur tomorrow in the sign of Aquarius.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from August 5th to 28th).
- Mercury is Rx, Saturn is Rx, Neptune is Rx, Pluto is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
While some elements of the day are disorienting, dear Aries, you could discover new ways of getting your message across that are a little non-traditional but very satisfying today. Your attitude about future growth and improvement is evolving as the Sun aligns with retrograde Mercury today. You’re coming across with a bit of mystery that works in your favor. Further information or an epiphany about a creative or romantic matter can figure strongly. Reviewing old ideas can lead to new methods that can be very important in the coming months. This might also involve new “old” opportunities, as someone from your past could reappear or a past issue might wrap up. Consider, however, that today’s ideas and discussions can serve as significant turning points, but you don’t yet have the whole story. Later today, there can be minor and temporary discouragement. For example, you can feel under the weather if your heart isn’t in what you’re doing. Delays might temporarily pull you away from the things you enjoy doing. Past mistakes or unfinished business can surface, and handling a duty may be necessary before moving on. Recognize the need to adjust existing projects if it helps you go forward lighter and happier.Taurus
Gentle exploration is a good idea today, dear Taurus, as ideas coming from musings and discussions can be significant, leading to new plans for a better future. With the Sun and retrograde Mercury coming together in your solar fourth house, it’s a good day to release a problem through conversation with someone you trust. You’re well-positioned to make sense of a matter from the past or a family issue, and coming up with creative solutions to problems can be satisfying. But while the Sun is pushing ahead in this sector of your chart, Mercury is on its way backward, and it makes sense to take in, observe, and avoid jumping too far ahead of yourself. Aim to be mindful of what you’re saying and let intuition engage. As the day advances, we head into the energies of a Venus-Saturn opposition. This transit pits pleasure against responsibility. As excited as you may be about a creative or romantic pursuit, duties or delays can enter the picture now, and these can be time-consuming. You may only need to get practical matters out of the way before you can get back into the game.Gemini
Helpful conversations and musings are in the spotlight today, dear Gemini, even with a bit of scattered energy. You might revive an old interest or view a current one in a new light. Your advice to someone can be sought and appreciated, or you might discover a lost or overlooked detail that changes everything. The ideas that emerge today, especially about learning, mental interests, communication, neighbors, connections, and siblings, can be significant. They could kickstart a long-term pursuit or lead you in an important new direction. But while this can be a turning point, it’s probably best to postpone big launches until more information completes the picture. With today’s Sun-Mercury alignment, we’re in the middle of the retrograde Mercury cycle, and there can be more to an evolving story. For now, it’s a great time to observe, get a feel for a matter, and take notes. Later today, a Venus-Saturn opposition comes into influence, and while home and family life tend to be where your heart is at the moment, you need to take care of business as well. Responsibilities or problems that have been neglected or overlooked in the past have a way of surfacing for your immediate attention.Cancer
With the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in your sector of money, business, valuables, talents, and personal possessions today, dear Cancer, pay special attention to ideas coming in. They can be important! Whether they emerge from within or outside of you, something falls into place, and it can feel magical. Today’s energies are powerful for observing and taking notes. It’s a time to see a matter in a new light, and benefits come from doing so. Not everything is likely to make sense, as is often the case with new beginnings, but what emerges from conversations and musings now can be significant later. Keep in mind that what you say today can be more memorable than usual, so be sure to choose your words carefully as we’re in the middle of a retrograde Mercury cycle. While there can be increased understanding, as the day advances, we head towards a Venus-Saturn opposition, and there may be some tension revolving around a project or plans that encounter delays or setbacks.Leo
While there can be some confusing directions or communications today, dear Leo, there’s also the chance to see a matter in a new light. Powerful energies are with you for observation and bright ideas. You look at problems differently with the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in your sign today. You’ll arrive at interesting conclusions and insights as you take stock of recent events and draw upon the past for ideas. Your words have more impact than usual, and as we’re in the middle of the retrograde Mercury cycle, you should take special care when communicating. Something that appears to go over swimmingly may end up a misunderstanding. For best results, aim to clear out the mental clutter to make room for positive thoughts and new ideas. Observations made now can lead to significant and long-term improvements. It can also be a time when you rethink a matter to your benefit. However, as the day advances, Venus heads toward an opposition to Saturn, and you could encounter a block. There can be a realization or responsibility that temporarily puts a damper on your plans or spirits. If an epiphany comes now, look at your discovery from a practical angle and detach as much as possible. It may be better to know where you stand than to nurse an illusion that will eventually expose itself as unreal.Virgo
Mercury is still retrograde, dear Virgo, and there’s some more looking back to do. There can be information clogs to contend with, but today’s Sun-Mercury meeting can stir meaningful insights. This alignment occurs in the area of your solar chart that rules karma and all that is hidden or under wraps. You’re seeing new layers to your innermost feelings, the past, or a long-term problem and receiving interesting clues from your impressions and dreams. Ways to let go of bad attitudes or situations are more apparent. There could be a secret revealed or an epiphany that leads you to view old problems or a past matter in a very telling new light. The information you come across today can be significant for putting something behind you. At the same time, consider that while you’re at a turning point, there is more to learn, process, and reveal as you advance. Later today, Venus heads into opposition with Saturn, and you might feel blocked or reminded of responsibilities that get in the way of your personal goals. You could be seeing someone in your life as unnecessarily strict or unyielding. Recognize your own need for structure and rules in your relationships, and meet others halfway for best results now.Libra
While today’s energies can be scattered in spots, dear Libra, you still manage to gather valuable information. It’s a great time to review, process, and rediscover past interests or plans. Memories or surprise meetings can change your perspective. While this insight is still in its new and raw stages, it puts you on the road to new beginnings. With the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in your sector of social connections, dreams, and hopes, there can be critical thinking, news, or conversations that spur insight into recent events, decisions, or problems. It can be illuminating! These revelations can relate to friends, projects, and relationships. However, there’s also some tension in your solar chart along your health and wellness axis as the day advances, and it reminds you of the need to attend to duties and responsibilities. This can temporarily deflate or demotivate you. You might be encountering inhibitions or coolness in others, but avoid taking it too personally. Criticism is possible and likely over the top, but if it’s even a fraction true, it can lead to meaningful improvements.Scorpio
While today is sometimes scattered and unfocused, dear Scorpio, it’s a solid time to review recent ideas, projects, or decisions, especially about business or longer-term plans and items. Ambitions, career, responsibilities, or reputation issues can be in focus with the Sun’s alignment to retrograde Mercury in your solar tenth house. It’s a turning point moment–you’re beginning to approach your direction and long-term goals in new ways that can be fruitful, leading to significant new ideas. Now is the time to get a sense of your next step or insight into particular directions you’ve been taking. Consider that your communications have more impact than usual, and with Mercury still retrograde, it’s best to be selective with your words, keeping in mind that misunderstandings are possible. Your observations today can be invaluable later, but it’s still not the best time for major decision-making. As the day advances, we move towards a Venus-Saturn opposition, and you may find it challenging to juggle your responsibilities and desires. There can be conflicting feelings related to your social or love life. Try not to focus too much on whether someone is letting you down. Instead, give your responsibilities and duties their due attention so that you can pursue your pleasures later with less guilt or distraction.Sagittarius
An opportunity can emerge to see things in new ways today, dear Sagittarius, with the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in your sector of spirit and higher thought. Matters related to education, transportation, beliefs, or publishing can be in stronger focus right now, and you can do much reviewing and analyzing. Thoughts might turn to the past or recent decisions and plans, and your new take on a situation is helpful! The conversations you engage in now can be inspiring and enlightening. What you read and hear about today can be invaluable for future projects or inspire new thinking and ideas that have the power to stick with you for some time to come. Aim to draw upon your experience and create something new from it or see new layers of a situation you previously overlooked. It’s important to take your time before drawing conclusions, as there can be more to the unfolding story later. As the day advances, a Venus-Saturn influence comes into play, and you become aware of duties or delays that prevent you from pursuing your plans or professional pursuits. Responsibilities need your attention now, and you’ll feel better once you take care of your priorities, after which you can return to your pleasures and seek them more heartily.Capricorn
You might benefit from an intensive focus on personal interests, research, and investigation today, dear Capricorn. You might gain a big clue or further information on a matter. While the full story isn’t yet revealed, nothing stops you from enjoying a new perspective. It’s a powerful time to observe, discuss, and muse. The things you read and hear about can benefit future projects, even if you have yet to see their full significance. Ideally, you gain new insight into a past relationship or your psyche. It’s a time to let your thoughts flow, but perhaps be more mindful of what you say. However, as the day advances, you can reach loggerheads with others. A Venus-Saturn opposition across your communications sector can indicate a disagreement, a seemingly unfavorable outcome, or a delay. Responsibilities to your daily affairs, errands, and other duties and tasks can suddenly increase or make themselves known, throwing a wrench in your plans. There can be the realization of a commitment that requires attention.Aquarius
You look at a relationship in new ways today, dear Aquarius. Although perceptions can be chaotic today, you may also see different layers of a person or situation, which can be valuable. Instead, someone could help you see a whole new perspective on a matter, and it’s illuminating! This theme occurs as the Sun aligns with retrograde Mercury today in your partnership sector. You’re unlikely to have all the answers now, but it’s a powerful time to see issues and people in a new light. Counseling or negotiating can be notable. You might open up conversations about the past since there is more consideration for both sides of a situation. Also today, with Venus about to oppose Saturn across your sharing sectors, a financial constraint or disagreement may emerge. Keep in mind that the extra work you put into fixing mistakes can make a big difference when it comes to future success. Fears about money or security can be triggered, but facing a reality and adapting to it can improve your life.Pisces
With current transits, there’s a lot to learn about your work and daily affairs or health routines, dear Pisces. Today, a look to the past or a new perspective can reveal more layers. With the Sun and retrograde Mercury aligning in your work and health sector, you approach problems from a different angle, which can be very helpful. This transit helps you see some of the details of your life you previously missed. You might gain meaningful insight into a work, chore, or health issue. You are the go-to person for help or information. It’s better to think about what you can do to improve and tweak current projects and ideas than to start all-new ones, but your thinking along these lines is creative. It’s a turning point of sorts, moving you from a state of indecision to increased clarity, although your path is not yet fully illuminated. Even so, as the day advances, we head towards a Venus-Saturn opposition that is especially personal for you since Saturn is in your sign. Venus in your partnership sector these days can stir a stronger need for companionship, approval, or support from others, but these drives seem to clash with your tendency to go it alone or to handle problem areas your own way. Arriving at a balance can be a bit chaotic but ultimately rewarding.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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