Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is in its First Quarter phase until 5:50 AM, after which the Moon is in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 12th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from August 5th to 28th).
- Mercury is Rx, Saturn is Rx, Neptune is Rx, Pluto is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You might now notice details you missed due to your haste the first time, dear Aries, which can be helpful but could also lead to tension. For the best results, finish up those things that need more attention rather than pushing ahead right now. Aim to tie up loose ends and avoid speaking too soon or impulsively about a matter. Your ability to take criticism may be tested, or you could wrestle with your inner critic, as you could feel that what you’re doing now is not your best. Detach yourself and take breaks to help manage potential frustrations better. The day advances with lighter energy but no less involving. The Moon spends the day at the top of your chart, encouraging you to do the responsible thing. Looking back at unfinished work can be rewarding.Taurus
You may disagree with someone about core values, dear Taurus, or about whether someone values you in crucial ways. Consider putting a problem aside for a bit if it’s just not budging. You may think of a better way to go about it at a later time. Fortunately, tension breaks up as the day progresses. Today’s Moon encourages you to explore. There can be a natural feeling of restlessness stimulated as a result, as the ordinary doesn’t appeal. This is a good time for kind gestures and extending your support to others. While Mercury’s retrograde in your romantic sector can point to some reserve or backtracking in this department, warm expressions of affection, particularly through small gestures and actions, are well-received right now.Gemini
You may feel a strong desire to move forward, dear Gemini, but obstacles seem to appear as you do. It’s important not to react to these blockages with impatience, as it’s not going to support your cause. Instead, aim to wait things out. Use any delays you face to make important edits and refinements. This way, you win! The day advances with more smoothness. It’s a good time to take extra special care of your domestic world and special things. A special someone may be part of the reason for getting your affairs in order, or a partner can be supportive and part of the process now. It’s a decent time for domestic work and cooperation. The Moon spends the day in a highly intimate and introspective area of your solar chart, and you benefit from observing and waiting things out before drawing conclusions.Cancer
With Mars in your solar twelfth house and Mercury retrograde these days, dear Cancer, you’re meant to consider the past more frequently. Still, it’s about putting challenging situations behind you, not dwelling on those things you can’t control. Early today may not be as free-flowing as you’d like as you battle this tendency to feel stuck, but as the day advances, you feel increasingly less blocked. A kind gesture or communication from a friend or acquaintance can touch you now. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, and you seek feedback or a better balance. With this Moon transit, it’s natural to compromise, seek the middle ground, and come to a moderate view on a matter.Leo
Early today, bottled-up anger can challenge your well-being, dear Leo, while exploding can be destructive as well. Aim for moderation, and you’ll be in the best position now. Do your best to respond to challenges with patience and mindfulness. Success depends on your ability to focus on getting your priorities sorted rather than worrying too much about how far away a goal might be. All of this can be uncomfortable but revealing, allowing you to see which areas need the most work. However, the day shapes up to be lighter and freer. Even with Mercury retrograde, you’re in great shape for expressing yourself. The Moon in your sector of work and health encourages special attention to your practical life and sorting out problems.Virgo
There can be difficulties with a partner or superior, dear Virgo, or you may feel misunderstood or blocked from pursuing your goals or asserting your wishes. Challenges may have to do with something you’ve buried or tucked away. Watch for defensiveness, which won’t serve you well. Try not to waste time on anger and do your best with what you have. Blocks are temporary and may be helpful, as redirection can pull your attention to flaws that need correcting before going forward. The day progresses with more lightness but plenty of food for thought. You’re getting along well with people today, and sharing personal wisdom and ideas with others can be reinforcing now. You are in a nurturing frame of mind, although you should watch that you don’t take on so much caregiving that you end up overwhelmed.Libra
Early today, dear Libra, try not to waste time and energy on things you can’t change. Instead, aim to concentrate on improving your outlook by finding topics that excite your interest. Fortunately, there can be especially meaningful conversations happening now, although conclusions are not yet wise since there is likely more to the story. This is a potentially strong time for free-form style in your interactions with others, which can encourage great ideas and improved bonding. If you focus on making improvements rather than grand gestures or big moves, you’ll more thoroughly enjoy your day and your connections. The Moon spends the day in your solar fourth house, suggesting a need for familiar, safe experiences, which can be refreshing and recharging.Scorpio
Early today, there may be some off-timing or inhibitions that prevent a smooth flow of affection and direct assertion, dear Scorpio. This may be a better time to slow down or yield. While temporary, a delay or block now can help you discover areas that might need revision. As the day advances, your load feels lighter. It can be a good time to nurture a friendship or partnership, especially with memories and reminders. There is a greater appreciation for the quiet, easygoing moments in a relationship, and kind gestures or words of appreciation can go a long way toward improving your connections today. The Moon spends the day in your solar third house, and your curiosity seems to take the lead! It’s a good time to pick up information tidbits.Sagittarius
Energies early today point to the need to wait things out and spend a little more time getting things right before pushing ahead with your plans, dear Sagittarius. In fact, a delay might be a blessing in disguise if it reveals a flaw in a plan. The day lightens up, but it still provides you with much to think about. The key is to focus on improvement rather than expansion. If you can find your emotional center, it could be a great time to connect with a friend or a subject that interests you. You might also discover a hidden gem in past work or plans. Conversations and musings today can help reveal something you may have missed or overlooked in busy times.Capricorn
Watch for overdoing things today, dear Capricorn, simply because you feel capable of doing more than usual. If you move beyond reasonable boundaries, then aim to do so gradually. Remind yourself that delays can allow you to make advantageous refinements and edits so that you can resume your activities better equipped later. The Moon spends the day in your sign, heightening your emotions. You’re in a good position to express yourself as the day advances. However, as much as you may not feel like it, go over important emails or documents before sending or signing. Revision may be necessary.Aquarius
You’ve been more confidently pursuing fun and games recently, dear Aquarius, and today, you might come to a roadblock or a financial limitation. Instead, worries and concerns might temporarily put a damper on your mood. You may be fearful of change on a basic security level, yet attracted to taking some risks, and this poses a dilemma now. Take your time, avoid pushing in the face of resistance, but pay attention to your responsibilities and fulfill them to the best of your ability. Maintaining a balanced approach is key to avoiding unnecessary complications. You might benefit from reviewing a relationship or financial matter now, as you might discover something you previously overlooked. The Moon spends the day in your privacy sector, encouraging some time out.Pisces
You may be digging in your heels, especially if others appear to be pushing or rushing you, dear Pisces, or if they are a little too brusque or insensitive for your liking. A slow, patient, and moderate approach is the most successful today. Fortunately, even if you start the day feeling a little restricted, as the day moves forward, you are a little lighter. The Moon spends the day in your social sector, and you enjoy taking a break from performing or accomplishing. Conversations with a special someone can be revealing, but it’s important to keep in mind that matters aren’t yet final, and more details can emerge later. For now, someone might raise thought-provoking questions.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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