Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 9:35 PM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurs today at 9:35 PM in the sign of Aquarius.
- Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx, and Chiron Rx.
- Venus enters Leo today (Venus is in Leo from August 11th to September 5th).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s Full Moon brings your feelings about a friend or your social life/happiness goals to the fore, dear Aries. It’s a time of epiphanies about your need to be involved, belong, and contribute. You’ve been very wrapped up in your personal life, and now you see opportunities to share your load or collaborate. This lunation can produce a surprise, bringing warmth, emotion, and color to your social sector. There can be a sudden discovery, need for your assistance, or recognition of your feelings. With Mars and Neptune in harmony today, the key to success is to slow yourself down enough to let inspiration in! It’s a good time for insight into finances, money-making ideas, and ventures that benefit from design and imagination. You could find that support happens behind the scenes. You learn more through doing and experiencing today than overthinking, and you gravitate to activities that improve your bottom line or help you express your need for more security in your life.Taurus
Today’s Full Moon can challenge your craving for more downtime with a scurry of activity, dear Taurus. Events occur that highlight your responsibilities or remind you of your ties to the outside world. This lunation awakens you to the need for a long-term goal or well-defined ambition. An overarching plan is important now, and you may come up with a new idea along these lines. This lunation reminds you of the need to pay special attention to your work or reputation, and a call to action is possible. While you could feel some pressure to perform, don’t push yourself too hard. Mars in your sign harmonizes with Neptune, softening your corners considerably. It’s time to turn on the charm, take the lead gently, and inspire trust in the people around you. A smooth, even approach is best now.Gemini
With today’s Full Moon, dear Gemini, you could arrive at a turning point or a revelation about communications, learning, education, travel, attitude, outlook, or publishing, setting you on a new, fresh path. Feelings are raw, and you’re ready to embrace them. If you’ve been too caught up in your daily affairs, it’s a time when you recognize the need to branch out and refresh your spirit. This lunation is a call to expand your interests and experiences, particularly if you’ve been overly focused on your personal life. An idea or interest you’ve been working on can take flight. You might also feel inspired to enjoy and express yourself. With today’s Mars-Neptune transit, taking part in healing, calming activities can benefit you greatly, and instincts can help benefit and influence career and practical choices. This can be a time when you’re reminded of your commitments in a most pleasant manner, and you can feel especially good about working on a project or endeavor that’s designed to last.Cancer
With today’s Full Moon, dear Cancer, it’s a time to recognize your attachments, debts, and your needs for support and intimacy. Revelations at this time are catalysts for making changes related to dependencies and support systems. It can be a time for settling your accounts, but it might also be a time of blossoming feelings in your love life. With more faith in your worth and abilities, you seem to attract positive experiences. Money or intimacy issues can reach a head and demand your attention. This lunation illuminates matters that have been previously hidden or unacknowledged, and it can play out on the level of finances or shared resources. A Mars-Neptune influence today helps you believe in your dreams. It can be an excellent time to learn new and interesting things about friends and the world around you. You’re absorbing a lot right now, and you’re in a great position to find inspiration through your interactions today. However, it’s just as likely that you can inspire people now with your words and actions.Leo
Today’s Full Moon occurs in your partnership sector, dear Leo, awakening insistent feelings about relationships. It’s a good time to connect with a significant other in new ways. Revelations related to relationships and relationship needs occur around this time. While some tension is possible, it’s a good learning experience. This lunation can also bring a personal matter to your attention or get you in touch with feelings you’ve kept at bay, and it’s revealing. It can encourage you to reach a compromise or find a better balance if you’ve been overdoing things. With today’s Mars-Neptune transits, most successful activities are imaginative, creative, and non-routine. Creative hunches may very well lead to important discoveries. Research can be rewarding, particularly if you’re doing work based on an intuition or sudden inspiration.Virgo
Today’s Full Moon can generate a bit of chaos on the job front or with daily affairs and chores, dear Virgo, but nothing you can’t handle. It’s a time to recognize your need to take better care of your health, work, or routines. As you attempt to get more organized, there can be a scurry of activity. Ideally, irritations motivate you to make significant improvements. Demands seem to be high, and emotions are on the strong side. Still, you have a good sense that if you stay on top of them, you’ll be able to make meaningful changes. A work, health, or a matter you’ve been avoiding may now arrive at a turning point. A Mars-Neptune aspect active today encourages your interest in creative and imaginative activities. Relationships thrive as you come to a better understanding of one another’s perspective, and benefits come from disengaging from stressful or tense thoughts and feelings for a spell. It can certainly be a time to regroup emotionally.Libra
Today’s Full Moon can bring romantic revelations or drama to your social life, dear Libra. There can be emotional revelations about people in your life and your need for them, your place in a group, with friends, or even in the community. The need to more fully express your joy, love, or affection and creativity is in focus now, spurring you into action. You can experience a powerful desire to create something unique, and your personal life and projects deserve some special attention. Feelings are full and rich, and hard to ignore! A boosting aspect between energetic Mars and spiritual Neptune encourages you to set your own pace–you require refreshment that will help clear your mind and get you into better touch with your intuition. Doing the same old things could be a waste of opportunities. Going lightly on the usual routine or easing up on the hot pursuit of your goals makes sense, and so does doing something imaginative or colorful instead, even if it’s a small venture.Scorpio
With today’s Full Moon in your solar fourth house, dear Scorpio, family or home matters grab your attention. A balance is needed if you’ve prioritized your responsibilities to the outside world. It’s time to gain perspective on matters related to your home, family, and personal life or your emotional world. Be sure to recharge so that you can give other areas of your life your best. You may benefit greatly from doing some catching up with family or your own heart. The ability to bend, adjust, stretch, and accommodate is especially helpful today, as it allows more room for creativity and magic, especially in your relationships. Combining your resources or merging with someone close to you can figure strongly now, or there can be a heightened sense of understanding of a person or relationship. It’s helpful to ease back from direct action and allow your faith or inner guide to take the lead, particularly if you’ve been stepping on the gas pedal for some time now.Sagittarius
Today’s Full Moon can stir revelations regarding your assignments, studies, mental outlook, and personal interests, dear Sagittarius. It’s an exciting time for a better understanding of your interests. This Full Moon can bring deadlines, errands, and paperwork to your attention. If you’ve avoided your daily affairs, you’ll now want to balance your life. This lunation might also, or instead, pull up emotions that you’ve pushed to the side. Something previously hidden or only “in the works” comes to light. A change of plans or a sudden awareness of an outstanding matter can lead to a scuffle of activity. Also today, Mars and Neptune harmonize, and with some refreshment, you may instinctively know how to manage family or co-worker relationships in more rewarding ways. You could organically discover an improved method for maintaining or restoring health since pulling back from a situation can work wonders at the moment. You may very well need a small change of pace. Energies today encourage a creative approach rather than one that’s too direct.Capricorn
Today’s Full Moon can bring some financial matters to light, demanding your attention, dear Capricorn, and valuable improvements can result from developments now. There can be meaningful revelations and epiphanies related to money, resources, personal possessions, comfort, and security. It’s a time for recognizing your needs, and with more clarity about your feelings, you’ll have a better idea of your next step. Whether a financial breakthrough or a quick purchase, it seems out of the blue and unexpected. Opportunities to advance business and financial goals can arise now. You might also be asserting your independence in surprising ways. Situations may serve as a nudge to get on top of your finances. A more intense desire for security and comfort can also be a motivator. Also today, Mars and Neptune form a harmonious aspect, encouraging a flowing, patient, and creative approach rather than an energetic or rushed one. Your intuition becomes more accessible this way, and while it may seem counter-productive to slow down, you’re likely to enjoy more success if you do. At the very least, it can reduce stress, and ideally, it points you in a new, more creative or fulfilling direction. The desire to share your joy with others is strong.Aquarius
Today’s Full Moon opens your eyes to the need to express yourself more fully, dear Aquarius, and your realizations now can color many of your actions going forward. This lunation can bring a sudden revelation or awareness, and it’s a time of discovery as you recognize your feelings on a matter. This Full Moon occurs in your sign, stimulating important epiphanies. If you’ve focused so much on your relationships that you’ve ignored your own needs, you’ll feel the lack now. A relationship matter might come to light, or a personal revelation is possible. There can be quite a bit of attention coming your way. Emotions that surface now can point you to areas of your life that need more tender loving care. Still, with a Mars-Neptune influence in play, savoring moments and physically slowing yourself down can help realign or center yourself. Think earthy, natural, and organic for activities that refresh today. Family relationships can improve with a more accepting, easygoing, and relaxed attitude.Pisces
If you’ve overlooked your needs for rest or emotional refreshment, dear Pisces, today’s Full Moon can prompt you to find a better work-life balance. Taking care of your mental health or getting extra rest can be especially important or necessary now. This lunation can bring a secret, health, work, or private matter to light. There can be a sudden, powerful need to rest or take a break if you’ve focused too much on your daily routines or work to the detriment of your inner world. It’s a time to recoup and strengthen emotionally. A Mars-Neptune aspect also influencing you now encourages a detour from serious thought or concentrated focus, and it’s likely to do you a world of good. You could enjoy news that delights and inspires or a conversation that soothes. This transit brings together your sensitivity and enthusiasm, and it’s a magical combination that leads you to the right places and boosts your magnetism at the same time. Presenting your ideas can be rewarding and successful. You’re also more inclined than usual to follow a fun whim.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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