Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio all day.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 7th in the sign of Libra, and the Last Quarter Moon will happen on the 14th.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Starting the day with too-high expectations from others is not a great strategy today, dear Aries. Doing your own thing is probably most satisfying and reliable! Instead of waiting for people to sense what you want or need, express yourself and take action, or wait for a more cooperative atmosphere to do so. While emotions can be inflamed, you become more objective as the day advances, and this can make a big difference in your mood. You are in great shape for pouring concentrated energies into a learning endeavor or pet cause later today and tomorrow. It can be a fine time for devoting yourself to something you care about. Problem-solving comes easily, although you’re not necessarily using the traditional routes — you tend to move towards conclusions intuitively now.Taurus
Today and tomorrow are relatively strong for money and business matters, dear Taurus. You’re in a good position to assess the value of things. Relationships can be tricky to navigate early in the day if you feel blocked or if you feel someone is trying to steer your wheel. Drawing on patience may be the best choice right now, as the day’s energies can improve by leaps and bounds as it advances. You could find that pouring your energies into something that would benefit from extra determination and dedication is most satisfying. You’re able to set right the things that have come out of balance as you see them more clearly. New ideas and plans can emerge with a friend, and shared dreams can boost a bond.Gemini
It’s best to avoid pushing people or situations early today with the Moon’s tense aspects, dear Gemini. Imbalances and flaws can seem to be magnified in your mind, but this orientation can work for you if you apply it to problems constructively. You might get busy fixing those things in your life that have fallen out of whack. It’s best to keep things light and tune out distractions. As the day advances, emotions tend to smooth out. Helping you to avoid the over-analysis of problem areas and tunnel vision that sometimes comes with this transit is the Moon’s trine to Neptune. You can bring more imagination to what you do, and you might focus on a worthwhile project if you feel inspired, which is quite likely. It’s a fine time for feeling motivated by new studies, projects, or interests. You have the gift of making sense out of the chaos or confusion in other people’s lives, too, and it feels good to contribute.Cancer
Early today, you can be especially sensitive to conflicts or unrest in your social or romantic life, dear Cancer. An unreliable or erratic element can be off-putting, and emotions can be complicated and perhaps rebellious. Still, you might use complex feelings constructively through creative pursuits. Going your own way can help you center yourself. Others, and situations, can be unpredictable right now. As the day advances, the Moon’s transit of your sector of joy is easier to work to your advantage. As well, there’s great energy for work done behind the scenes or efforts to handle a tricky emotional problem or situation. You can feel closer to someone even if they’re not with you, or a greater self-understanding helps even your emotions. The goal should be to relieve some emotional pressure, and it’s a good time to write, learn, guide, teach, promote, and share.Leo
With the Moon’s transit of your home and family sector today, dear Leo, you crave gentleness and familiarity. It’s not an ideal time for entirely new endeavors or for taking risks. Early today, there can be conflicted feelings and divided attention. It’s wise to consider simplifying things as much as possible on the home front, as this will help you to feel more in charge, not only of your domestic life but of other life departments as well. Life seems less complicated as the day advances. Focused activities are favored, and arriving at a calming acceptance of your current circumstances or to a new perspective on a matter is possible. You’re also gaining a stronger awareness of your spiritual needs. It’s time for emotional renewal.Virgo
With today’s transit, you’ll be in the best shape if you aim to let go, simplify, and keep things light, dear Virgo. The Moon transits your communications sector, stimulating your curiosity. The Moon is challenged early today, and you can feel as if your life is running ahead of you. It’s best not to hold big expectations of others, as people may be rebelling, absent, or a little contrary and hard to pin down. Old habits need to be changed, but it’s best not to force things just for now. The day should progress with more smoothness. Exploring new approaches and ideas can be satisfying. You might also feel a stronger commitment to your ambitious goals, career, long-term plans, or responsibilities. Still, the focus on communications continues, and you could feel as if problems are very easily ironed out with some healthy communication. Adjusting your words can help boost a connection.Libra
Early today, the Moon’s tense aspects can leave you feeling a bit on edge, dear Libra, with an erratic or rebellious theme. It may have to do with sharing or an inner conflict between wanting freedom or support. The Moon is in a very steady, stable part of your chart all day, and this can incline you to dig in your heels. As the day advances, you tend to focus on more spiritual goals and needs. Being able to exercise patience helps your perspective and your mood. You may be seeking the means to simplify your life, but taking an imaginative approach to business, money, or chores can figure strongly and can work best for you right now. There’s good energy building for concentrating on pet projects, studies, or creative pursuits. Promoting a relaxed mind helps your imagination soar.Scorpio
The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Scorpio, and this transit can seem to pump up your emotions, making them very difficult to set aside. Early today, everything can feel urgent, but if you slow down a little, you might notice that your plans have been moving along at a reasonable pace — it’s you that wants instant results. As the day advances, you’re likely to feel far less rushed or pressured to get instant results. You’re sensitive and responsive, and there can be a creative flair to most things you take on now. Feeling at peace with your decisions, and with yourself, helps you to enjoy the moment more than usual. Later today also favors pouring energy into pet projects or dedication to family or domestic matters.Sagittarius
The Moon transits the final sector of your solar chart all day, dear Sagittarius, and you may need to take a break from the regular routine to recharge emotionally. It can be an important time to reconsider your daily routine if it’s too scattered or not supporting you well. This way, you can take breaks when you need them with more confidence. You could be feeling sudden desires to break from the past or to reconnect with it. Work with the restlessness instead of allowing it to work against you through gentle physical exercise or making small improvements that don’t involve exerting too much energy. The day progresses with you feeling more naturally relaxed. Still, you’re also building towards great energy for focus and concentration, and you can feel energized and rejuvenated.Capricorn
Early today can feel a bit erratic, dear Capricorn, or somewhat unsettled. Personal relationships can involve a tug of war on an emotional level. You could be tightly holding onto your independence and feeling needy the next. It’s best to keep your sense of humor. The day tends to even out as it advances, and this makes it easier to get in touch with your own needs, desires, and wishes. There is great energy with you for generating ideas and plans that inspire you. Practical elements of your life tend to take the backseat now. There is a natural need to detach yourself temporarily from situations that have you feeling under pressure. Later today and tomorrow, there is supportive energy flowing for you related to business, work, chores, duties, health, or services. If you need to get something done, it’s a good time for taking determined action.Aquarius
You have a stronger need to attend to your duties and responsibilities today, dear Aquarius, and this tends to detach you somewhat from your emotions. Even so, while you’re inclined to pull away from difficult feelings early today, watch that they don’t drive your actions anyhow! As the day advances, it’s easier to accept, integrate, and process things. You could find that you’re valued for your efforts and talents, or that you’re especially resourceful now. You’re a little more sensitive than usual to whether or not you’ve moved towards your goals, and you might make adjustments accordingly. Today and tomorrow, you’re in good shape for both technique and inspiration. You’ll feel far readier to take charge.Pisces
You could be attracting intensity or drama early today, dear Pisces, but behind this may be a real desire for positive change. With the Moon in your sector of opinions and beliefs a bit beleaguered, you could experience some impatience with others’ opinions. As the day advances, you instinctively know how to make the most of your talents and abilities, and you’re more sure of yourself. It’s a good time to find ways to escape the daily grind or usual places and activities. You could enjoy interesting conversations and learning new things–refreshing your mind is in focus. You can feel inspired by the feedback you receive from sharing ideas with others. There is excellent energy for work behind the scenes and on (or in) the home later today and tomorrow. You can feel pleasantly dedicated to your family and home life.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is April 9, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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