Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Libra.
- A void Moon period occurs today at 8:42 AM and will continue until tomorrow at 2:29 AM.
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase until 12:34 AM, after which the Moon is waning and in its Full phase.
- The Full Moon occurs early today at 12:34 AM EDT in the sign of Libra.
- There are no major retrogrades.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s Full Moon occurs in the sign opposite yours, dear Aries, and can serve as a compelling reminder of your relationship needs. Relationship issues, a personal matter, your true feelings about someone, or a partner’s needs might come to light now. You might recognize your need for someone–or some quality feedback. Through epiphanies occurring around now, you’re awakening to your relationship goals or your true feelings on a matter, and both these things can help guide you to make changes. You’ve been learning what you value these days and discovering some talents in the process. Information you come across today might point you in this direction. If it’s finance-related, it can also be beneficial.Taurus
Today’s Full Moon prompts awareness of the need to manage your daily affairs with more punctuality, determination, or concentration, dear Taurus. You might see a flaw in a plan that sets you on the road to improvement, or events now remind you to manage your time well. There could be a new development or wake-up call that pushes you forward. There can be a turning point or revelation about your work, health, or desire to be productive and useful. This Full Moon awakens a need for better routines or health, and the motivation to improve your life and to make lifestyle changes is powerful, indeed, since it’s coming from deep within. Blockages that come to light can be revealing, if raw, but this lunation is particularly useful for motivating you to take action on your feelings and epiphanies. For best results, avoid exaggeration and embrace moderation.Gemini
Today’s Full Moon pulls out your need to connect and share, dear Gemini. It opens your heart to buried feelings and your eyes to situations that need your attention! A social matter or project can reach a turning point now, or an epiphany or breakthrough can motivate you to make changes. A love relationship or a project close to your heart can be in sharper focus. This lunation brings love, creativity, fun, entertainment, and self-expression into the spotlight. Your need for these things becomes unmistakable! You might have an epiphany that leads you to the conclusion that you should enjoy yourself more fully. Buried or unacknowledged emotions rise to the surface, and it feels great to release them. New information or a burst of emotion can prompt a turning point.Cancer
Today’s Full Moon takes place in your home and family sector, dear Cancer. It stirs up the need to handle a family or personal matter if you’ve been too heavily invested in your work or responsibilities to the outside world. Imbalances become glaring now, and you recognize the need for improved time and energy management and a better work-life balance. It can be a call to attend to domestic matters as you connect with and acknowledge your needs for nurture, safety, and comfort. Still, it’s a good time to keep your eyes and ears open since opportunities for personal growth and business expansion can emerge.Leo
A Full Moon today can prompt discoveries related to ideas, learning, communications, transportation, and relatives, dear Leo. These, in turn, motivate you to make changes and improvements. This new awareness can afford you the opportunity to deal with whatever comes into full view head-on. It can be a time of revelations or epiphanies. Your true feelings on an issue can come in a rush, and while your emotions might surprise you, they also get you into a better position to make choices and decisions. You’ll enjoy some beautiful opportunities to learn new things and make real progress on your projects. Do watch for “too much information” to the point of sensory overload. Try to block out the useless or mindless information if you can sort through it all. This is a time for recognizing the need to resolve problem areas so that you can clear a path for confidently going forward.Virgo
Today’s Full Moon brings money matters, talents, and values into sharp focus for you, dear Virgo. Do your best to get on top of your finances and aim to show your abilities as best as possible. Emotions run high around any Full Moon, so take your time before making any important decisions, but pay attention to what comes to light. This Full Moon can bring new information, a turning point, or a culmination surrounding a practical, ownership, business, or financial matter. It falls along an axis related to talents, resources, and intimate relationships, and new feelings or discoveries may revolve around these things. There can be a settlement of money or attention to something that you owe. Be moderate in your expectations and what you take on, as you don’t need to commit to more than you can handle.Libra
The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Libra, and is Full early today, bringing personal and relationship matters to light. A stand-off of sorts could be what pushes these things into your awareness. If you’ve been particularly relationship-focused or doing a lot for others these days, you are bound to recognize your needs for independence, a voice, or personal time now. This Full Moon brings buried feelings to the surface and long-standing issues or projects to fruition. Avoid stretching yourself too thin, and keep an open mind until you’ve reached a state of inner certainty. However, it’s a fine time to explore and embrace your feelings. Even with the Full Moon’s personal boost, the realization of a goal may seem more possible through collaboration or the support of a special person in your life.Scorpio
Today’s Full Moon illuminates a work, health, or personal matter for you, dear Scorpio. What comes to light now helps you see where to go next. Temporarily, though, you could feel a little lost as boundaries between your feelings and the outside world are blurred, and you could be overwhelmed by others’ emotions or elements of the past that haven’t been put to rest. However, from these experiences, new insight emerges. This Full Moon can prompt a sudden discovery of the need for extra time alone or rest, healing, and regeneration, particularly if you’ve been pushing yourself too hard recently. This need for rest becomes paramount, even though it feels at odds with your drive toward work or health matters. Circumstances force the need to arrive at a healthy balance between time for yourself and time for your chores.Sagittarius
The Full Moon early today can bring people to you, or it can stir up a lot of activity in your social life, dear Sagittarius. There can be the illumination of a friendship or romantic matter, or your feelings can become hard to ignore now. It can be a time of invites or a sudden demand for your help, support, or company.–the theme is recognizing your need for others. This Full Moon also brings to light hidden feelings or resources, and you can feel purged and empowered as a result. People tend to exaggerate or create drama now, so take your time and observe before moving to action. There is a larger-than-life element to your own feelings and desires. Dormant or undiscovered talents can awaken!Capricorn
Today’s Full Moon occurs at the top of your chart, dear Capricorn, reminding you of your outside obligations after much attention to your personal life. Your performance, career, reputation, or responsibilities come into sharp focus. This Full Moon increases your visibility and the realization that you should get your act together. Tackling one thing at a time is important. Aim to acknowledge new feelings releasing today, but sit with them before taking action. Developing a mental interest or a connection through conversation can also figure strongly now. You’re focusing on the future and what’s best for you in the long run.Aquarius
Today’s Full Moon encourages you to pay attention to your need for more stimulation and connection to the outside world, dear Aquarius. It can stir a vital realization about how the attitudes you bring to the world affect your life path. There might be a sudden desire (or need) to depart your usual routine or do something more refreshing, meaningful, and life-affirming. This Full Moon can also bring an idea or project to full bloom. Aim for moderation by setting limits and priorities, as your worst enemy right now could be a tendency towards extremes. Also today, there can be news about a personal matter that helps you heal.Pisces
Today’s Full Moon turns you inward, dear Pisces. It can pull out strong feelings and lead to a revelation or epiphany about the need for someone or support, whether this is emotional, moral, or financial. The balance of power in a relationship, debts, a partner’s income, or other shared resources can be in sharp focus and subject to strong emotions. It’s a time for wanting to release yourself from a burden. With today’s Full Moon, emotional rumblings are strong. You might open your eyes to a financial matter you’ve been overlooking, or there can be blossoming feelings in your love life. Revelations at this time are catalysts for making changes related to dependencies and support systems. With more faith in your abilities and worth, it’s an excellent time to attract positive experiences.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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