Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its First Quarter phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred yesterday.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from April 21st to May 14th).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s transits are strong for opening your heart and putting fears behind you, dear Aries. People see and appreciate your unique qualities. Your communications shine as your words help heal and replenish. There is an appealing openness to your self-expression, and your powers of attraction subtly lift. Willingness to listen is part of this! While you should watch for overindulgence, some self-pampering and attending to your comfort needs can help center you. This is a strong day for exploring creative avenues of expression, expressing your feelings and affections, and finding good outlets for enjoying yourself, perhaps related to hobbies or creative works. There can be especially open, healthy, and supportive conversations in/about your meaningful relationships. Others might recognize your kindness or individual communication style.Taurus
Identifying and sharing insecurities can lead to greater bonding today, dear Taurus. There can be good negotiating and partnering experiences now. Your powers of attraction run high, and comforting activities help you heal. It’s an excellent time to uncover hidden gems or untapped resources. You can have unique insights into domestic matters, money, personal possessions, and business. Today’s energies are also good for your more intimate relationships, including family. The Moon’s stay in your solar fourth house reminds you of the benefits of connecting with your home base and feeding your desire for security and comfort. This can be a good day for taking a break from a quick pace in your life and special attention to home, family, and matters of comfort and security. It can be quite healing to unwind or simply take a break from mental busy-ness.Gemini
You’re inspiring confidence today, dear Gemini. You’re especially communicative, and transits boost your appeal and magnetism, helping you break through problems or put interpersonal problems behind you. Friends can be helpful and reassuring, or your social life or network seems more supportive. You could be feeling especially above it all, creative, and ready to move forward. Life seems to demand you turn your attention to many different matters today, but you may get the chance to express yourself in ways that make you feel good. Fortunately, your communications can be healing, and others tend to trust you more than usual.Cancer
You feel more in control of your moods instead of feeling at their mercy today, dear Cancer, and there can be a satisfying focus on saving or enjoying what you have. There is a good feeling of aliveness and freshness to the day, yet you may be perfectly content to relax and breathe in this energy rather than forge ahead and forget to enjoy it! There can be a secret attraction or a stroke of good luck from behind the scenes. Special moments taken for yourself can be most rewarding and healing. Enjoyment of personal time is likely. At the same time, your judgment on business, money, and career matters can be solid today.Leo
While it’s a strong day for self-motivation, dear Leo, it’s also a powerful time for cooperation and collaboration. If you need to repair relationships, this can be a good time to do so. Your own good humor and wisdom can be important resources today. Mutually beneficial connections may be made now. You’re in good shape for personal appeal, fun projects, and a sense of camaraderie. Feeling more comfortable and relaxed while expressing yourself can figure strongly. Someone’s understanding or reinforcement of your beliefs and ideas can feel particularly pleasant. Friendliness and openness are themes that bring rewards.Virgo
Today’s transits are strong for catching up on an emotional level, dear Virgo, by processing and digesting recent events and feelings. Look for ways to better understand yourself and connect with your spiritual needs. While you are inclined to withdraw, and it’s good for you, there can be an advantage gained in business today, especially with some diplomacy and goodwill. You enjoy your work or absorbing activities more intensely, or you could draw in support or backing. You might relish developing strategies to reach your goals.Libra
Today’s energies are strong for enjoying friendships, sharing, projects, and learning, dear Libra. You make more time for personal goals and causes and naturally draw success, warmth, and resources to you. This can be a good day for feeling that you are making progress in key areas of your life. You might be attracted to a new line of study or topic. Working with others cooperatively fares much better than competitive activities right now, but you are also very interested in growing and improving through your connections to people. Others more readily put their faith in you, and you return the favor, which can have a magical effect on relationships. So can consciously avoiding defensiveness. It can feel good to allow yourself to be a little vulnerable now.Scorpio
Today’s transits support feeling connected and relatively content about your general direction, dear Scorpio. You’re patient with others, and your relationships can thrive. At the same time, your attention to your performance is in the spotlight, and it benefits you to be on the ball. It’s a good time to enjoy your duties, routines, and work. Fixing problems can be gratifying, and you more readily attract support or interest, making it straightforward to find the information you need. Revealing and breakthrough conversations or research can figure strongly.Sagittarius
Today’s transits encourage you to want to feel emotionally alive and connected to the world around you, dear Sagittarius. Excellent energy for personal attraction on social and romantic levels is with you. Your spirit to learn and improve is strong, and motivation may very well be a special person in your life. Your approach to others is open, vulnerable, and honest, and you can benefit from being the same way with your own feelings. You might better understand a tricky matter through a partner or special someone. Opportunities to strengthen bonds can be subtle but valuable and much appreciated now.Capricorn
You’re in a great position for problem-solving today, dear Capricorn, particularly with the home, work, chores, and routines, and any associated relationships. It’s a good time to tackle issues that can use a subtle boost of honesty, compassion, and openness. You could be involved in research or activities requiring deep thought or concentration, thoroughly enjoying every minute! Your ability to read between the lines runs high. Due to your stronger inclination and ability to investigate and deduce, there can be a nice win involving research, work, or finances.Aquarius
There’s strong energy for relationships available to you today, dear Aquarius. It can be a good time for validation from someone in your life and finding ways to gain a stronger balance. Discussions naturally flow in a productive, healing, healthy direction. It’s a good time to talk through difficulties without having to force issues. Another person’s perspective, even if it diverges from yours significantly, tends to enhance your own. You appreciate the honest and mature vibe to the day. Willingness to learn from one another and share problems help boost your interactions, communications, and creativity.Pisces
Today’s transits especially favor research, analysis, and productivity in the home, dear Pisces. You seek the satisfaction of doing something productive and uncluttering your mind by extension. Gaining the cooperation of loved ones also comes naturally, although you can work independently quite happily as well. You want to improve your personal environment with the goal of more comfort and harmony or to be kinder or gentler with people you love. You instinctively know how to delegate fairly and make everyone feel happy to contribute. It’s a good time for reconciliation, healing relationships, and judging what you may need.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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