Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Taurus until 6:10 AM, after which the Moon is in Gemini.
- A void Moon period continues until 6:10 AM (since last night at 11:40 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurred on the 20th in the sign of Aries.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from April 21st to May 14th).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You can enjoy the increased personal magnetism today, dear Aries. You are more able to put plans into motion or to pursue your desires. Even with Mercury newly retrograde, talking things through is helpful, and you’ll find others quite supportive. Allowing and exercising more freedom in your relationships is essential now. Working from or on the home can be successful. Your appeal is natural today and is especially high through your pleasing communications and gestures. Ideas generated today can be inspired, but not yet well-rounded. The Moon’s move into your communications sector is lively, encouraging your curiosity and interactivity.Taurus
It comes naturally to focus on the more positive elements of your life today, dear Taurus. Practical matters can thrive, and there can be good news, or good support, on the level of health and wellness. Today is excellent for putting new spins on old ideas, as well as for renewed interests and finding something valuable to you that you’d lost. Creative thinking figures strongly, particularly related to finances. You may need to contend with some up-in-the-air elements, however, such as unfinished projects or changes in plans. Still, you readily make the best of things today, and even if there are misunderstandings, you seem to relay your good intentions in your discussions.Gemini
You are a little braver, more willing to go out on a limb to move something forward, and inclined to express yourself confidently today, dear Gemini. Mars is in parallel aspect with Venus, currently transiting your sign, and there can be fantastic opportunities to enjoy yourself. Personal plans or pursuits can capture (or recapture) your interest, and you can have much fun with them. Of course, old problems may emerge now, but resolving them can lift a burden from you, and life feels that much easier as a result. Take advantage of situations that allow you to express your inner child, for friendly competition, and for finding support and nurturing in unexpected places. It’s a good time for personal attraction and positive for possible gifts or windfalls.Cancer
Your sense of timing helps you be more effective today, dear Cancer. You are ready to take the initiative. Others more readily support you and place their confidence in you as they recognize your sincerity. There is good energy for personal and family matters as a new freedom is afforded you. Relationships energize you today, and you can feel particularly motivated to get what you want or to pursue your desires. Personal appeal is strong, although you can also be a little retiring with the Moon’s move into your privacy sector. This move signals the need for more rest and reflection today and tomorrow.Leo
You have more courage and energy today, dear Leo. Your charisma is strong, although with Mars in your privacy sector, it’s a little more mysterious than usual –you’re keeping some things to yourself, or at least coming across that way. Positive action or support can come from behind the scenes. Helping others can be satisfying, as you can feel especially good about responding to others’ needs and wants and doing what you can to support them. There can be new passions or a reawakening of interests today, and it’s exciting. If you can tame impatience today, this can be an excellent time for a relationship boost. Still, with Mercury newly retrograde, take your time with new projects or buying big items to be sure you maintain interest in these things. A change of mind or circumstance is possible.Virgo
You’re inclined to let go of problems that don’t seem to have an immediate resolution, dear Virgo. There can be some exciting and creative energy stirring with a love interest. Rewarding experiences are possible with friends, groups, or networking. A broader viewpoint on a matter can be exciting, and this changes your personal philosophy in positive, growth-oriented ways. People you connect with now can have a strong impact on your future. You can feel passionate or enthusiastic about a dream, belief, or idea.Libra
Good energy is with you on a personal level, dear Libra. Others receive you especially well, and you feel you can take on anything. Your integrity is shining through, and this may be the reason for your special appeal. Letting go of tension and frustration can help you to enjoy yourself. Creative efforts can be rewarding, and personal magnetism is vital, particularly when moving away from your routines and embracing new ideas and possibilities. There can be some opportunities for pleasure and enjoyment emerging now, and you’ll have better luck with them if you aim to let go of the tendency to overthink. It remains a good idea not to push something new with Mercury newly retrograde, but it’s a fine time for a positive outlook.Scorpio
Today’s transits are strong for going after what you desire with increased charm and warmth, dear Scorpio. You are a little freer with the expression of your feelings, and your sense of humor is appealing. It’s also a strong time for lending a hand and accepting a hand–taking action with someone or seeking feedback can be rewarding. It’s also a good time to do something different and non-routine. Watch that you don’t jump to conclusions or decisions with Mercury newly retrograde. However, creative interactions can figure strongly, and lively exchanges are satisfying. You’re seeking a better balance inside and out, and you owe it to yourself to go there. Fortunately, influences today help build your confidence and improve your outlook. Relationship boosts can be a happy bonus.Sagittarius
Relationships and interactions can be spontaneous, freeing, and positive with friends or a partner today, dear Sagittarius. Interchanges are lively. Creative ideas can be inspired and unusual but not yet well-formed. With Mercury newly retrograde, it makes sense to give things time, but you’re in great shape to enjoy the creative opportunities coming your way. You might also be actively involved in research or especially enthusiastic about finding an answer to a problem. Work and even routines can be motivating, and so can putting in the extra effort to improve your health.Capricorn
With Mercury newly retrograde, dear Capricorn, decisions don’t come easily, and you may need to let go temporarily if thinking becomes counterproductive. However, the day has some very bright spots. There can be a nice sense of freedom or support and nurturing, and a fresh attitude can make life easier with your routines and obligations. Partnering up to fill your duties or to improve health and wellness can figure strongly and successfully. With Venus and Mars coming together in declination, you’re in a good position for personal energy, dynamism, and appeal. A friendly spirit of competition spurs you into motion.Aquarius
Your experiences can be opening up or broadening, dear Aquarius. Interesting people and ideas are all around you. It’s a solid time to network, as people enjoy your perspective. Even with Mercury newly retrograde, your appeal is strong, and your ideas go over well today. You can be filled with a need to create, connect, and share, and some of your motivation can be to capture someone’s interest. You may get a chance to bring increased creativity to problem-solving or your work. Your sense of timing is strong, and you’re more determined than usual to make things happen. The Moon heads into harmony with your sign, and you find it all the easier to express your feelings or channel them productively.Pisces
You could enjoy a freeing feeling due to a release of private or personal problems, dear Pisces, or more freedom with family. Today is active for social and romantic matters, even if there can be changes in plans or some scattering of focus. Transits encourage you and build your confidence about reaching your goals. You want to make things happen! Contacts and connections can be fruitful, and exchanges with others can be very passionate or intense yet maintain a playful quality. A courageous attitude makes things happen for you. You’re finding solutions, support, and opportunities. With the Moon’s move into your home and family sector, a focus on inner healing and those closest to you can be rewarding today and tomorrow.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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