- The Moon is in Capricorn all day (until Tuesday, October 20th, at 9:37 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- A New Moon occurred on the 12th, and a First Quarter Moon will occur tomorrow.
Times are EDT

This can be a strong day for all things related to career and work, dear Aries, as well as reputation or public relations. Someone may speak highly of you or recommend your work. You could be feeling especially “in tune” with your goals and quite confident about moving forward with new or improved ventures. This can also be a time for coming up with creative business ideas. Generally speaking, it’s a strong day for making business moves or decisions. A feeling of being on top of things is the best place to be, so avoid taking on too much, but think big if your mind is going that way.

Easy energy is with you for connecting today, dear Taurus, as well as for gaining new and interesting experiences and for appreciation of people in your life. Loving or romantic feelings are elevated and possibly become a driving force now, and there is more cooperation, or at least less resistance, from others. You can find it easy to slip into a playful or serious frame of mind without much effort, and this boosts both work and social life. Solving a problem or seeing a problem in a whole new light related to work or health can give you a boost. You are radiating a nice amount of confidence.

Your love feelings tend to run more deeply than usual now, dear Gemini. There can be a magical quality to intimacy today. It’s a good time for one-to-one interactions, and if a bond could use some healing or elevation, it’s a good time to make this happen. You can get the backing you need, and intuition regarding relationships is powerful. You may be feeling that with some effort and direction, you can succeed at pretty much anything you set out to do. Listen to what family members have to say now – advice tends to be wise. Strengthening ties with loved ones can help you across the board, as it can fill you with confidence.

People tend to respond especially well to you today, dear Cancer. You are attracting appealing people, or positive and loving experiences with a person, into your life. This is a time when you are especially gracious and others appreciate your input. Today’s energies are good for coming to agreements. It’s a fine time to reach out if you are looking for different perspectives or advice, as well as for sealing a deal in a communications or learning endeavor. You continue to feel real excitement for recent and upcoming projects or new interests, and people around you are more receptive to your ideas.

Others are more obliging than usual with you today, dear Leo. Work efforts fare best if there is some creativity and imagination in the mix. Intuition for business, money, work, research, discrepancies, analysis, and health matters is very strong today. In fact, you can feel especially motivated to get going on an important project or to share some of your work with others. It’s a good day to make changes in self-care programs, to resolve to quit a bad habit, or to reorganize your environment in ways that improve your productivity.

This is a wonderful day for personal appeal and natural charm, dear Virgo, with the Moon in your creative and romantic solar fifth house harmonizing with Venus, Mars, and Jupiter in your sign. It’s a great time for attracting and pursuing what you want – you are a magnet right now, but you’re also willing to put the effort towards making things happen. You’re in a pleasingly sociable and creative mood, and could find yourself naturally gravitating towards positive situations and people, perhaps finding yourself exactly where you need to be at the right time. It’s a good time to apply yourself to a long-term project and for motivation levels in general.

You can be especially interested in bringing more harmony to your home life, both on emotional and aesthetic levels. There is warmth in your approach to others, although you tend to fare better behind the scenes on some level at the moment. Building your nest and tending to your innermost or spiritual needs comes naturally now, and this is exactly what you need now. You could be coming off in pleasingly mysterious ways to others. Even so, there is strong energy for solving problems in the practical or intellectual worlds that you may want to take advantage of. Look for opportunities to express your talents or knowledge.

Today there is a little more emphasis on the sharing of daily events – the little things – with a loved one or with friends, dear Scorpio. It doesn’t take much effort to keep exchanges lively and spirited. You are bringing a large amount of appeal and charm to your communications. You might come to a satisfying agreement with someone or you simply enjoy the ability to kick back and be yourself without explanation. Love and attraction are strong notes in your life, but friendship seems to be your biggest priority and what’s bringing in the most rewards right now.

This is a day for turning your attention to those things that make you feel most comfortable, dear Sagittarius, and taking special care of them. Establish your needs and wants, and explore ways to satisfy them now. Your ruler, Jupiter, once again aligns with Mars, this time in declination, and this serves to boost energy levels as well as personal courage, passion, and desire. The day is likely to be busy and productive, and you tend to be in comfortable demand. There can be progress made on the career or life-path front, which is especially satisfying to you right now, as you have a strong sense for the long view.

This can be a day in which your charm is enhanced, dear Capricorn, and the very qualities that you exude naturally are more appreciated and rewarded. The Moon is in your sign all day and generally well-supported by other bodies, and you are more in touch with the gentler, more emotional and receptive side of your nature. You are especially interesting to others, and your ability to flow along with your environment helps with natural timing. Your sense for what projects and moves have true potential is on point now.

There can be a real feeling of support today, dear Aquarius, and you might come to an understanding with someone or about a matter from the past. It’s also a good day for intuition on business and financial matters. The Moon is in your privacy sector all day, emphasizing the need for some level of emotional retreat. You are seeing all angles to a story now, or more layers to an issue, and the chance of gaining peace of mind is strong. Someone may communicate romantic interest in a subtle manner today. You are feeling hopeful and optimistic.

Supportive energy for relationships is with you today, dear Pisces, as well as the chance to bring a stronger spirit of acceptance to your interactions. Friends are drawn to you and you come across in a pleasingly attractive manner, making it a good time to make connections and present yourself and your ideas. This is a pleasing day for love, friendship, and business matters, and a partner is showing sincere interest and concern for your needs. For best results, stay active and involved. Things seem to be better in teams or pairs for you these days.
*Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign.
If Your Birthday is October 19th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts (for the astrology of the week, see This Week in Astrology):
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Capricorn
Description: The Moon in Capricorn
Consolidate. Pay attention to the foundations of life. Repair and restructure. Attend to financial or business matters. Make solid plans and get organized.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 4:25 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Nep
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Neptune
This is a feel-good time if we allow ourselves to relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams, and spiritual realms. We absorb things easily, our senses are in good form, and we more naturally accept things and people as they are. There is no need to look for definite answers right now.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 6:13 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Mercury
We may not be communicating with sensitivity. What we communicate could misrepresent what we truly feel. There could be troubles with mechanics, computers, transportation, and miscommunications. We may not be understanding one another. We can be a little fickle and not especially objective. Think before you speak. Otherwise misunderstandings are likely to occur. Count to ten if you’re feeling annoyed.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 8:36 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Ven
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Venus
We are less inhibited and more willing to indulge ourselves. Love and romance can be favorable. Decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth. Love is grand! Affection, love, and romance are in the air.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 1:34 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Jun
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Juno
There may be clinging or controlling behavior if we are driven by our fears. Hypersensitivity and moodiness are possible. Tread lightly with tricky emotional issues.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 3:12 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Cnj Plu
Description: Transiting Moon Conjunction Transiting Pluto
Deeper feelings emerge. Emotional extremes can be experienced now. This can be a time that we crave or recognize the need for an overhaul – a deep, lasting change.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 5:49 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Jup
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Jupiter
We want to do good and to honor our inner code. We don’t sweat the small stuff right now. We are generous with our energy, time, and money. A great time to take up new feel-good opportunities. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 7:26 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Mar
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Mars
We are more courageous and able to take the lead. We are in tune with our natural desires and instincts. We express our feelings honestly. We are independent, resourceful, and brave.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 11:24 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Chi
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Chiron
We are more emotionally present and involved. We more easily hone in on problem areas and want to fix them. Synchronicity is a feature of our daily life right now. Tune in and enjoy the spiritual signposts.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 11:46 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Sat
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Saturn
We could feel burdened, restricted, or limited during this brief influence. We could be feeling a little down on ourselves, excluded, or lonely. There can be some awkwardness or stiffness and difficulty showing affection and feelings. Patience is a virtue right now; otherwise we might succumb to feelings of frustration and sadness. All good things come to those who wait.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 9:23 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Sun Sxt Pal
Description: Transiting Sun Sextile Transiting Pallas
This can be a time of building faith or confidence in our skills and talents. We can experience a stronger desire to seek out meaning, wisdom, and mental stimulation. This is a time for making plans and seeing important patterns, and also for the motivation to solve problems.
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 9:24 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mar Pll Jup
Description: Transiting Mars Parallel Transiting Jupiter
Date & Time: 19 Oct 2015 11:52 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Ura Pll Pal
Description: Transiting Uranus Parallel Transiting Pallas
Meticulous, discriminating, pure, practical, health conscious, hard working. Can be hyper-critical, petty and perfectionistic.
Even-handed, harmonious, artistic, diplomatic, balancing, strong sense of fairness. Can be over- compromising, appeasing, judgmental.
Disciplined, responsible, reliable, industrious, conscientious, practical, achieving. Can be pessimistic, overly conventional, rigid, materialistic.
We are not very goal-oriented right now, or motivation to pursue our goals may be waning/lacking. Changes feel overwhelming. Enthusiasm may be low, we argue less, and we think more than we take action.
We are especially in touch with the physical world. We consider what we’ve learned and experienced in the past in order to make the most of the present. We can be cautious, practical, and possibly unimaginative. We are deliberate and can pace ourselves well. We need hands-on experience and are not impressed with theory as much as we are with results. Routines are tolerable and comforting.
There may be some insensitivity or lack of empathy now. We may be out of touch with what we’re feeling or with our emotional needs. We may be tougher than usual now, and more inclined to follow mental or practical considerations than we are to listen to our intuition.
We are ready to take action and to take on challenges, and can become frustrated with stagnant conditions.
We may be open to change but may not have much follow-through.
Moon 45 to 90 degrees ahead of the Sun.
This is an eager, impulsive, and progressive time. We are motivated and ready to take on challenges.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EDT) on October 19th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected, or will perfect, in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours, so that if an aspect involving is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a life time).
You feel secure when life is structured, or you are working hard. You may be emotionally distant or cold. You mother’s love may be limited in some way. Your mother may have been strict or cold.
SQUARE MERCURY Orb 2°48′ Separating
It’s difficult to make decisions now as emotional needs and wants tend to conflict with what we feel are the most logical choices. Judgment may be skewed by emotions or personal bias.
TRINE VENUS Orb 1°42′ Separating
We tend to seek out harmony, balance, and beauty. Love, romance, decorating, beauty treatments, the arts, creative pursuits, parties, dates, and recreation are generally favored now. There is increased sensitivity, affection, and warmth, but there could also be some appeasement, tact, and diplomacy.
TRINE MARS Orb 3°52′ Applying
Feelings and desires seem to be in sync, making this a good time to take purposeful action. Healthy competition, resourcefulness, courage.
TRINE JUPITER Orb 3°08′ Applying
We can be motivated to honor our inner code. We don’t sweat the small stuff right now. We are generous with our energy, time, and money. A great time to take up new feel-good opportunities. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
SQUARE URANUS Orb 6°49′ Applying
There may be sudden, minor changes to plans, schedules. There can be rebelliousness and tension. Aim to be open to possibilities, and avoid making permanent decisions.
CONJUNCTION PLUTO Orb 1°44′ Applying
Deeper feelings emerge. Emotional extremes can be experienced now. This can be a time that we crave or recognize the need for an overhaul – a deep, lasting change.
You are diplomatic, and have a strong need for peace and harmony. Beauty is important to you, and you could be vain.
Part of Body: Vascular system of skin
Sabian Symbol: An eagle and a large white dove turning one into the other.
You are a diplomat and peacemaker, often acting as a go-between in relationships. You a good communicator, putting others at their ease. Arguments may upset you, as you prefer harmony in communications.
Part of Body: Nerve supply to kidney and renal pelvis
Sabian Symbol: Three old masters hanging in an art gallery.
QUINCUNX NEPTUNE Orb 1°17′ Separating
We may not be seeing things clearly, or we are second-guessing our perceptions. There can be difficulties concentrating and focusing.
SQUARE PLUTO Orb 4°33′ Applying
We can be worried or troubled, a little paranoid, and possibly suspicious with this combination. We are defensive about our ideas, intelligence, or perceptions, and might take it personally if others are not agreeing with or adopting our opinions.
This is a time when we express our love through practical means and gestures – running errands, doing detail work, or just being there. What we love, what we decide to buy and the types of entertainment we enjoy during this cycle are ruled by whether or not things make sense.
Part of Body: Left hepatic lobe, bile
Sabian Symbol: Two heads looking out and beyond the shadows.
CONJUNCTION MARS Orb 5°34′ Applying
This is a passionate, lively, expressive influence. Social relations are impassioned, and perhaps demanding or combative. We may also feel compelled to do something creative or artistic. We have a chance to express our needs, passions, and desires now in effective ways. Venus can act to soften Mars’ aggressiveness, or Mars can make Venus’ romantic impulses more forceful and pressing. Some level of competition is present in our interactions. Impulsive purchases are possible.
We are looking for more meaning or color to our lives and especially to our relationships. We seek to make others happy and tend to give others the benefit of the doubt. Our feelings and tastes are grand, and we may be especially extravagant or indulgent.
OPPOSITION NEPTUNE Orb 2°24′ Separating
We are easily seduced, impressionable, and ready to believe what we want to see. Wait for a better time to make important decisions, but pay attention to feelings that emerge now. This is a time for acknowledging imperfections in relationships.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 3°27′ Applying
We’re a better judge of value right now — who and what are important to us. We might see one another, and our relationships, in a different light. We could reconnect with someone or improve an existing bond. We could be up for a challenge now. Increased insight in relationships, with money, and in business.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 7°58′ Applying
You tend to suffer emotional pain in your personal relationships. You are so busy caring for your loved ones that you neglect your own needs. This imbalance can lead to you resenting your partners . You also tend to become the peacemaker as you are so sensitive to disharmony. You need to learn to nurture yourself and trust your own wisdom.
You will pursue your personal desires in a practical and methodical manner. You may be critical if opposed.
Part of Body: Groove for inferior vena cava
Sabian Symbol: Children crowd around the orang-utang cage in a zoo.
CONJUNCTION JUPITER Orb 0°44′ Separating
You are generous, self confident and lucky. Your energy level is high and you are courageous. You have a tendency to go where angels fear to tread, as you approach life with gusto regardless of the consequences. Travel and religious causes are likely to feature in your life. You may like to consider a career in the military or competitive sports.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 2°07′ Separating
Ambitions and determination increase to pursue our goals. It’s easier to see what we want and to devise a plan to pursue it. We may be focusing on redoing or reworking something from the ground up.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 2°23′ Applying
We can be quite touchy and easily aggravated at this time if we are not dealing with the source of our anger issues and frustrations. With these emerging, we can more easily see what’s tripping us up. Physical activity might also help release stress now.
You have a strong desire to be of service, and high religious or spiritual ideals. You may also have an obsession with detailed perfection.
Part of Body: ‘Bare area’ of liver
Sabian Symbol: An ornamental handkerchief.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 1°23′ Separating
You are enthusiastic about so many things, and have ambition to succeed. You naturally find yourself in leadership positions and react well to them.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 3°07′ Applying
This can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith.
Saturn in Sagittarius asks us to take on the responsibility of living according to our personal truths and principles, and to be loyal to these. This is a time for turning a critical eye to those beliefs and principles that don’t accurately reflect our authentic selves. (December 23, 2014 to June 14, 2015, then September 17, 2015 to December 20, 2017)
Part of Body: Ischia
Sabian Symbol: Two men playing chess.
SQUARE NEPTUNE Orb 4°29′ Applying
Some feelings of disillusionment can come now as our dreams and ideals can be put to the test. Questioning our faith in our dreams can lead to lack of follow-through or wasteful activities and avoidance of responsibilities. Ideally, this crisis leads to a realignment of material goals and spiritual ideals as we assess what is truly meaningful to us.
The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010 to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011 to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018 to March 6, 2019).
Part of Body: Corpus callosum cerebri
Sabian Symbol: The magic carpet.
SQUARE PLUTO Orb 5°04′ Applying
A time for making sweeping changes and for adapting to changes in order to progress. This is a time for revising, altering, overhauling, and purging. We can experience tension, fear, and pressure, but also a sense of liberation from over-attachments and situations that have been holding us back from growth.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011 to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012 to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025 to January 26, 2026).
Part of Body: Left talus
Sabian Symbol: A girl blowing a bugle.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008 to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008 to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023 to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024 to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Right knee cartilage
Sabian Symbol: An ancient bas-relief carved in granite.
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011 to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018 to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Extensor muscles of right toes
Sabian Symbol: In a huge tent a famous revivalist conducts his meeting.
This can be a time for grabbing the reins and working solo. There can be strong energy for new enterprises but not necessarily for routine work.
Part of Body: Cerebrum
Sabian Symbol: A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her.
This is an idealistic position. We love to learn and share our ideas and beliefs with others, and will go to great lengths to defend our principles and to reveal our truths.
Part of Body: Gluteal muscles
Sabian Symbol: The sculptor’s vision is taking form.
It’s especially important to us that our partnerships are fair and balanced during this cycle, and we can be particularly bothered if the scales are tipping. We feel stronger if we are able to maintain harmony, negotiate effectively, and treat one another fairly.
Part of Body: Right renal system
Sabian Symbol: Children blowing soap bubbles.
You tend to look after yourself and others rather than seek nurturing. You feel nurtured when you achieve your ambitions. You teach others self-discipline and how to achieve their goals.
Part of Body: Left genicular arteries
Sabian Symbol: A woman reading tea leaves.
This is a quest to learn co-operation. You have a tendency to want your own way and to force your opinions onto others. You need to develop selflessness, the ability to share and a sensitivity to the needs of other people.
Part of Body: Renal pelvis
Sabian Symbol: A butterfly made perfect by a dart through it.
This is a quest to learn co-operation. You have a tendency to want your own way and to force your opinions onto others. You need to develop selflessness, the ability to share and a sensitivity to the needs of other people.
Part of Body: Cerebrum
Sabian Symbol: A woman has risen out of the ocean, a seal is embracing her.
Aspects to Mer 08°Li33 -01°33′
Cnj 09°Li09 DIADEM To sacrifice oneself.
Aspects to Pal 26°Sg12 +06°34′
Cnj 25°Sg57 ACULEUS Enduring attacks but success
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