- The Moon is in Taurus all day (until Sunday, March 13th, at 5:03 PM EDT).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New Moon phase until 2:20 AM / the Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent from 2:20 AM.
- A New Moon (Solar Eclipse) occurred on the 8th, and a First Quarter Moon will occur on March 15th.
- Mars is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mars will retrograde from April 17-June 29).
- Venus enters Pisces today (Venus transits Pisces from March 12-April 5).
Times are EST

Venus enters your soul sector this morning, dear Aries, where she will stay until April 5th. This cycle brings a little more mystery to your love life and even to your own feelings, which can be hard to define.This can be a cycle for mulling things over and doing some soul searching. There can be a private or selfless energy to your love life now. Some of you will be enjoying a certain measure of solitude now, and help can come from behind the scenes. This is a strong day for work and practical affairs. Emotional matters may be a little trickier. Money and/or relationship worries can surface later today. Your mind tends to move towards the darker elements of your life, and this can stimulate mental circling and spiraling, which is destructive rather than creative. Confront your fears rather than allow them to take over.

Venus moves into your friendship sector this morning, dear Taurus, where it will stay until April 5nd. This cycle brings warm, pleasant energy to your social life. This is a time for making nice with people in your social circle or networks and for easier and helpful relations with associates. This is an especially likeable time when it’s rather easy for you to attract friends and those who share common interests. The Sun and Mercury are already in this sector of your solar chart. Venus moving into it puts even more emphasis on your happiness goals and social life, and increases enjoyment as well. Even so, later today there can be a brooding energy that should be watched for. Avoid letting fears or insecurities control your actions. Strive to lift yourself above petty disagreements. A tendency to bring up the past will not help matters.

Venus moves into your career and reputation sector early today, dear Gemini, where she will stay until April 5th. This cycle brings increased social opportunities through your business or professional dealings, as well as more concern for the image you are projecting to others – as well as more success at projecting a pleasant image. There can be recognition for your unique and/or creative qualities. Making personal contact with people in positions of authority or with the public can enhance your career and reputation. People in authority, such as teachers, parents, or bosses, tend to be more willing to listen and more receptive to your ideas. Later today, however, there can be a tendency to nurse resentments, but do your best to rise above game playing. If you need to clear the air, do so, but keep in mind that we can be rather sensitive and reactive right now.

Venus is now transiting fellow Water sign (Pisces) until April 5th, dear Cancer. This transit is strong for you when it comes to your powers of attraction – desired things tend to come to you and you’re less inclined to actively pursue them.Sharing your personal philosophy with someone special can bring a relationship to a new level, or even attract a new one. Promotional efforts can thrive now, and so can publishing or reaching out to a wider audience. You are more generous and adventurous when it comes to love and expressing your affections. Freedom in your relationships becomes a priority. Later today, however, there can be difficulties coming to a place of agreement or understanding. Arguments now can stem from expecting others to read your mind or to intuit what it is that you need and want.

Venus enters the sign of Pisces this morning, dear Leo, where it will transit until April 5th. This is a time for processing recent events and feelings in your love life, and making changes that benefit you going forward. It’s a regeneration of sorts happening now. This is one of the better periods of the year for attracting the support you need, material or emotional. This cycle favors working on the more complicated or intricate areas of relationships, sharing, and intimacy. Financially speaking, you may find backing or support, and you are more reasonable with regards to working out agreements. This is a generally good day for practical affairs and business, although there can be some tendency to overthink or worry about resources. Buried resentments can emerge later today, possibly in a disruptive way. Frustrations in relationships can be brewing now and might erupt in a couple of days.

Venus moves into your solar seventh house this morning, dear Virgo, where it will transit until April 5th. This brings even more attention to close relationships and partnerships. While this means that Venus is travelling in the opposite sign as yours, it’s a good period for attracting pleasant people into your experience, or for improving current relationships. You are more gracious and open-hearted in your interactions, and others appreciate you for these traits. It’s a time for making peace with people, and this comes more easily to you than usual simply because you are able to slip into others’ shoes. This is an especially good time for negotiations of all kinds. Later today, there can be a tendency to take things too personally, and others around you can be touchy as well. You may need to get something off your chest now or in the coming days.

Venus enters your work and health sector this morning, dear Libra, where it will transit until April 5th. The Sun and Mercury are already in this sector of your chart and putting the spotlight on your daily affairs, including work, health, fitness, and service. With Venus here now as well, you may be making beneficial connections whether through the pursuit of your work and health goals or because of a stronger interest in these affairs. The weeks ahead favor personal enjoyment of projects, organizing, list making, watching your nutrition, and bringing more harmony to your daily life, including your working environment. Later today, however, there is a strong tendency to see the flaws in your immediate environment and let them get to you. Try not to allow this to control your mood or to interfere with your relationships.

Venus, the goddess of love and your partnership ruler, enters your solar fifth house today, dear Scorpio, where she brings graciousness, the power of attraction, an urge to interact, and great charm until April 5th. The solar fifth house rules self-expression, creativity, romance, children, entertainment, and other channels through which you express your need for play, reinforcement, and even applause. This is a nice, easygoing, charming, and pleasant transit for you – one in which others tend to appreciate your natural qualities. Later today, however, watch for pushing an issue too far. If you’ve been holding on to resentment, it might surface now.

Venus enters your home and family sector this morning, dear Sagittarius, where it will transit until April 5th. During this cycle, pleasant energy is with you for home and family matters. Your heart may be playing it safe with new people, however. Make a point of spending more leisure time with family or those near and dear. You might get an urge to dress up your living quarters in a more artistic or aesthetically pleasing way. Entertaining in the home can also be quite favorable during this cycle. Love might be found close to home. This is a good day for practical affairs. However, worries about security or finances today could be at the root of tensions in relationships. Worry is only useful if you take steps to make changes; otherwise, you’re just wasting your time and energy.

Venus enters your solar third house this morning, dear Capricorn, and will transit there until April 5rh. The solar third house rules communications and connections, and this transit refines, improves, and enhances your abilities to socialize, learn, communicate, and make connections. There could be purchases or gifts that help you to connect and learn. You are more charming and creative with your words, and love can be more mental and verbal than usual. Others might be especially attracted to your ideas and style of communication. The feel of the day is earthy and rich, which suits you well. However, later today there could be some interpersonal challenges, likely to do with differing ideas and methods, at least on the surface of things. If you look closely, though, you may discover that frustrations emerging now have a deeper root.

Venus moves out of your sign this morning, dear Aquarius, and into your values sector, where it will stay until April 5th. While it may not be an especially exciting time, it’s certainly a more stable and steadier time for your feelings and affections. Money or gifts may come to you during this cycle, and your “appetite” for beautiful or luxurious things increases. You’re more interested in getting comfortable than seeking out new experiences at this time. You are more gracious when handling yourself, and more likely to take the high road. Increased self-respect earns you more respect from others. You are attracting the good things in life! Today is generally strong for emotional matters, but there could be some concerns later today about money.

Venus enters your sign this morning, dear Pisces, where it will transit until April 5th. This is a pleasing transit in which you are more confident and comfortable in your own skin. Your affections become clearer, and attention is sure to come your way. You radiate good energy, and tend to attract positive feedback as a result. It’s a good transit for new purchases, efforts to improve the appearance or manner, and for romantic attention. Your powers of persuasion are considerable now with a “soft sell” approach. Today is generally strong for socializing and reaching out. However, later today there can be vague concerns and worries that tend to hang heavily in the air, and some of you could be concerned about a relationship or friendship. Try not to overthink things, as is the tendency now.
If Your Birthday is March 12th, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts (for the astrology of the week, see This Week in Astrology):
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 0:00 am
Event: Moon in Taurus
Description: The Moon in Taurus
This is a time for settling in, establishing and maintaining routines, and consolidating existing projects. We are building and developing. We crave predictability, stability, and security. This time favors ongoing projects and activities more than new ones.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 0:35 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Chi
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Chiron
Hurt feelings may be opportunities for healing. Now is the time for building bridges, not burning them.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 1:43 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqq Nod
Description: Transiting Moon SesquiSquare Transiting North Node
There may be the need to pause to adjust things before moving plans forward. We could feel at odds with others on an emotional level. Public relations are not as favorable now.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 2:18 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon SSq Sun
Description: Transiting Moon SemiSquare Transiting Sun
What we feel and what we think we should do can be at odds with one another temporarily. There can be discontent or indecisiveness. We could be feeling out of sorts. Tensions will pass.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 6:54 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Nep
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Neptune
This is a feel-good time if we allow ourselves to relax and tune into the subtle aspects of life – art, nature, beauty, dreams, and spiritual realms. We absorb things easily, our senses are in good form, and we more naturally accept things and people as they are. There is no need to look for definite answers right now.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 10:55 am
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Mer
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Mercury
Ideas flow freely. We express feelings with clarity and thoughts with sensitivity. An excellent time for cooperative projects. A good time for taking tests, writing, promoting, public speaking, and studying.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 2:54 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Opp Jun
Description: Transiting Moon Opposition Transiting Juno
Something can be revealed or learned about our relationships. There can be hypersensitivity and moodiness. Temptations to manipulate or control others if we are driven by fear.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 5:14 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Qnx Sat
Description: Transiting Moon Quincunx Transiting Saturn
This is a brief period of uncertainty, guilt, fear of not performing well, fear of rejection, a feeling that others will not support or fulfill our needs/desires, or a sense that something can’t be achieved. Patience is a virtue right now. Otherwise we might succumb to feelings of frustration and sadness. All good things come to those who wait.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 6:40 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Plu
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Pluto
This can be a good time for getting loans, for taking care of business, and for dealing with money matters. It’s also good for getting in touch with feelings and managing them effectively. There can be a boost to our intimate life, creative impulses, and self-understanding. Events occurring now might involve some kind of karmic repayment or benefit. We could discover new information, hidden information, or a lost item. This is a time for recycling – seeing new uses for old items. True feelings come to the surface.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 6:58 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sxt Cer
Description: Transiting Moon Sextile Transiting Ceres
We can be feeling pleasantly attached to, or supported by, our loved ones or family. We are seeking out security, nurturing, and warmth, and we are more likely to express these things towards others.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 7:12 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Sqr Pal
Description: Transiting Moon Square Transiting Pallas
Our judgment may be temporarily impaired by excessive emotions, or emotional bias. We may be experiencing a conundrum. Someone’s belief or idea can make us feel insecure or out of sorts, or otherwise rub us the wrong way. There can be sensitivity to others’ opinions experienced now.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 7:35 pm
Event: Tr-Tr Mon Tri Jup
Description: Transiting Moon Trine Transiting Jupiter
We want to do good and to honor our inner code. We don’t sweat the small stuff right now. We are generous with our energy, time, and money. A great time to take up new feel-good opportunities. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 5:23 am
Event: Tr-Tr Ven Cnj Pis
Description: Transiting Venus Entering Pisces
It is time to be at-one with the universe. Enjoy sharing inspirational activities with your partner.
Date & Time: 12 Mar 2016 7:52 am
Event: Tr-Tr Plu Sxt Cer
Description: Transiting Pluto Sextile Transiting Ceres
Stable and enduring, strong values, unyielding, earthy, acquisitive, strong desires. Can be stuck, stubborn, overly possessive, self-indulgent.
Inspiring, broad vision, enthusiastic, goal seeking, truthful, adventurous. Can be reckless, unrestrained, tactless.
Compassionate, sensitive, self-sacrificing, gentle, intuitive. Can be escapist, impractical, hyper-sensitive, gullible.
We may have a difficult time being objective or detached. We may not be especially communicative.
We are more compassionate, emotional, and intuitive than usual, and we may react emotionally to situations, possibly at the expense of logic or practicality.
This is not a time that we tend to naturally initiate actions. We may be stronger at following up than starting anew. Survival mechanisms may be weaker now.
We are flexible, adaptable, willing, open to change, and possibly flighty or nervous.
Moon 45 to 90 degrees ahead of the Sun.
This is an eager, impulsive, and progressive time. We are motivated and ready to take on challenges.
The following aspects (major only) and positions are at noon (EST) on March 12th:
Note that when an aspect is applying, it has not yet happened but is within orb – it’s pending. When an aspect is separating, it has already happened/perfected and is moving away from the aspect. Depending on the speed of the planet/body involved, the aspect will have perfected, or will perfect, in a matter of hours (often the case with the Moon), days, months, and possibly years in the case of the very slow-moving outer planets and bodies.
Note that the Moon moves at a rate of approximately one degree every 2 hours, so that if an aspect involving is applying and has an orb of 5 degrees, the aspect will perfect (be exact) in about 10 hours. If the Moon is separating from an aspect with an orb of 2 degrees, it has already formed said aspect approximately 4 hours ago (since the following are positions at noon today, then it would have occurred at about 8 AM today).
**I suggest paying close attention to applying aspects. The energy of the aspect builds as it gets closer to exact. Once an aspect involving inner planets has happened, it’s over. Separating aspects are good to know for context, but in terms of energy that is with us today, applying aspects are most important. (This is the case for daily astrology influences involving inner planets, which pass quickly, and not natal astrology aspects, which are with us for a lifetime).
This is a time for settling in, establishing and maintaining routines, and consolidating existing projects. We are building and developing. We crave predictability, stability, and security. This time favors ongoing projects and activities more than new ones.
SEXTILE MERCURY Orb 0°34′ Separating
Ideas flow freely. We express feelings with clarity and thoughts with sensitivity. An excellent time for cooperative projects. A good time for taking tests, writing, promoting, public speaking, and studying, all things equal.
TRINE JUPITER Orb 4°39′ Applying
We can be motivated to honor our inner code. We don’t sweat the small stuff right now. We are generous with our energy, time, and money. A great time to take up new feel-good opportunities. Show your confidence and optimism and reap the rewards.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 4°03′ Applying
We can be quite focused now, driven by our goals and ambitions and motivated to put problems behind us. We might happily pour ourselves into a current passion or interest, and could find it easy to get to the bottom of things.
You are an imaginative and serene individual. You need to express your fantasies and imagination, and may be a dreamer or be ungrounded.
Part of Body: Achilles tendon of left foot
Sabian Symbol: A `materializing medium’.
OPPOSITION JUPITER Orb 4°48′ Separating
You are restless and find it difficult to settle in one place. Your larger-than-life ideals stand in the way of you achieving your goals. Your challenge is to find a balance between stability and adventure. Then you will be able to reach all your goals.
CONJUNCTION CHIRON Orb 1°25′ Separating
You are wounded, either physically or emotionally. You are scared to express yourself because you are so sensitive to pain. At some stage in your early life you have suffered and this contributes to your adult fear of pain. You have a compassionate nature as you have the ability to understand other people’s hurts.
In past lives you have not expressed yourself to your greatest potential. In this life you are being challenged to use these talents. You have been given a second chance.
You are highly intuitive with a good imagination. You have the ability to tune into other people’s thoughts. You may have difficulty distinguishing reality from fantasy. You may experience periods where you seem to disappear into a dream world before being jolted back to reality.
Part of Body: Plantar artery of left foot
Sabian Symbol: A sword in a museum.
You are prone to making mountains out of molehills. You struggle to keep a balanced viewpoint, but can become fanatical in pursuit of your beliefs.
SQUARE SATURN Orb 3°45′ Applying
Critical thinking that can skew to overly negative, rigid, nit-picky, or narrow. Communications are guarded and unnatural, not flowing. There can be delays or frustrations getting from point A to point B, and getting our message across. A time for editing.
CONJUNCTION NEPTUNE Orb 2°31′ Separating
You have an imaginative mind, although at times you speak in a vague fashion. You are sensitive to the thoughts and ideas of other people. You are creative.
Early childhood education or communication were a source of pain for you. You grew up believing something was wrong with the way you communicated with others, or that you were not intelligent. As an adult you are a good listener and understand the pain of other people.
You yearn to merge and be at-one with your partner. In fact you want to be at-one with the universe. You also enjoy sharing inspirational activities with your partner, ranging from listening to beautiful music to visiting an art gallery.
Part of Body: Right calcaneum
Sabian Symbol: A public market.
SQUARE MARS Orb 1°58′ Applying
You may have some difficulty being patient with loved ones. You can be aggressive and irritable when others fail to keep up with your activities. You can be equally impatient with yourself.
You are an inspirational leader, and have a strong desire for exploration and adventure. You may be one-pointed in your desires.
Part of Body: Ischia
Sabian Symbol: Two men playing chess.
You have a strong desire to be of service, and high religious or spiritual ideals. You may also have an obsession with detailed perfection.
Part of Body: Obliquus abdominis muscles
Sabian Symbol: Two girls playing with a ouija board.
SQUARE SATURN Orb 1°28′ Applying
We are faced with the need to temper our enthusiasm or to slow down to avoid overextending ourselves. This is a time for clarifying and editing projects and goals. We may need to cut back on something in order to grow in another area. Patience is required now.
QUINCUNX URANUS Orb 1°07′ Separating
You need to learn how to put all your enthusiasm to good use. You lack self discipline and leave the details of your grand schemes to others to sort out. Learn to manage yourself better and you will achieve much.
We may be misled easily under this influence–by others, or by our own unrealistic or inflated expectations. Routine seems to be particularly unsatisfying now, as we are inclined to want to find more meaning in what we’re doing.
TRINE PLUTO Orb 0°36′ Applying
You are enthusiastic about so many things, and have ambition to succeed. You naturally find yourself in leadership positions and react well to them.
OPPOSITION CHIRON Orb 3°22′ Separating
This can be a time when we are hungry for meaning and understanding, but it can be difficult to align ourselves with a personal philosophy or belief system that truly reflects our core. We might be led astray by beliefs and ideas now, or we might experience some form of crisis of faith.
Your current life challenge is to embrace adventure. You may find yourself in situations which inspire you to see the big picture. Inspiring others, possibly through preaching or teaching, may be part of your life’s destiny. Benevolent groups may also play a key role.
Saturn in Sagittarius asks us to take on the responsibility of living according to our personal truths and principles, and to be loyal to these. This is a time for turning a critical eye to those beliefs and principles that don’t accurately reflect our authentic selves. (December 23, 2014 to June 14, 2015, then September 17, 2015 to December 20, 2017)
Part of Body: Sciatic nerve
Sabian Symbol: An easter sunrise service.
TRINE URANUS Orb 2°36′ Separating
You have a talent for investigation. You look at new ideas and are able then to put them into action. In business you achieve much in your own independent way.
SQUARE CHIRON Orb 4°51′ Separating
There can be fears now of not being competent or effective enough to meet our responsibilities, or we could find it hard to strike out on a unique path, again due to fears or insecurities. The desire to break from the status quo is strong, but we may not have the necessary confidence to do so. We may have difficulties empathizing with others and understanding ourselves.
The urge to start fresh, to break free from restrictive attitudes or circumstances, to totally redesign an area of our lives (or even our personalities), and to gain freedom through independence is strong during this cycle. (May 27, 2010 to August 13, 2010, then March 11th, 2011 to May 15, 2018, then November 6, 2018 to March 6, 2019).
Part of Body: Corpus callosum cerebri
Sabian Symbol: The magic carpet.
SQUARE PLUTO Orb 1°43′ Separating
A time for making sweeping changes and for adapting to changes in order to progress. This is a time for revising, altering, overhauling, and purging. We can experience tension, fear, and pressure, but also a sense of liberation from over-attachments and situations that have been holding us back from growth.
A long-term influence in which fantasy, imagination, compassion, and spirituality are in stronger focus. (April 4, 2011 to August 4, 2011, then February 3, 2012 to March 30, 2025, then October 22, 2025 to January 26, 2026)
Part of Body: Left metatarsals
Sabian Symbol: An aviator in the clouds.
Tests of our boundaries; breaking down and rebuilding structures and rules. (From January 25, 2008 to June 14, 2008, then November 26, 2008 to March 23, 2023, then June 11, 2023 to January 20, 2024, then September 1, 2024 to November 19, 2024).
Part of Body: Ligaments of right knee
Sabian Symbol: The union jack flies from a new british destroyer.
Strong awareness of our own vulnerabilities and humanity stimulates compassion for others. (April 20 to July 20, 2010, then February 8, 2011 to April 17, 2018, then September 25, 2018 to February 18, 2019).
Part of Body: Achilles tendon of right foot
Sabian Symbol: A man bringing down the new law from sinai.
You have a tendency to become stuck in a mire of self-pity, seeing only the pain and suffering in life. You need to develop the caring and sensitive side of your nature for the good of others.
You have the ability to work in a stable and persistent manner. You are committed to working in a comfortable and predictable manner. You need to avoid becoming inflexible.
Part of Body: Palate
Sabian Symbol: An electrical storm..
Your mind can be brilliant, original and insightful. You are able to quickly grasp new ideas and apply them to the future. You fight for your ideals, and humanitarian or political causes.
Part of Body: Spinal nervous system
Sabian Symbol: A man unmasked.
You want an intense and sexual relationship. You want your partner’s total attention and demand a high degree of sensuality.
Part of Body: Cowper’s glands
Sabian Symbol: Children playing around five mounds of sand.
You feel most cared for when experiencing at-one-ment with the world. You care for others by relieving their pain. You have compassion for your loved ones.
Part of Body: Extensor muscles of right toes
Sabian Symbol: In a huge tent a famous revivalist conducts his meeting.
This is a quest to become dedicated to the service of others. You will need to overcome the tendency to daydream and feel overwhelmed and to put your compassion and wisdom to practical use for humanity.
Part of Body: Gall-bladder
Sabian Symbol: A royal coat of arms.
This is a quest to become dedicated to the service of others. You will need to overcome the tendency to daydream and feel overwhelmed and to put your compassion and wisdom to practical use for humanity.
Part of Body: Achilles tendon of right foot
Sabian Symbol: A man bringing down the new law from sinai.
Transits 12 Mar 2016 – Event Chart
Aspects to Plu 17°Cp08 -20°50′
Cnj 16°Cp51 RUKBAT Steadiness and strength.
Aspects to Pal 17°Aq22 +05°29′
Cnj 17°Aq35 SUALOCIN Tantalising but naive.
Aspects to Jun 14°Sc52 -05°52′
Cnj 15°Sc18 ZUBEN ELGENUBI Positive social reform
Aspects to Nod 21°Vi47 +03°15′
Cnj 21°Vi50 DENEBOLA To go against society
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