The Moon is in Capricorn until 3:14 PM, after which the Moon is in Aquarius. The Moon is void from 5:32 AM to 3:14 PM. The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase. The New … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – November 23, 2016
The Moon is in Virgo until 2:41 PM. The Moon is void until 2:41 PM (since yesterday at 12:41 PM). The Moon is in Libra from 2:41 PM forward. The Moon is waning and in its Last … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – November 23, 2015
Summary: . The Moon is in Aries until 11:25 AM. The Moon is void until 11:25 AM (since 2:15 PM yesterday). The Moon is in Taurus from 11:25 AM forward (until Wednesday, November … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – November 23, 2014
Summary: There can be a lot of enthusiasm and creativity to the day. We can feel that we are moving forward and going somewhere (even if we don't exactly know where). We are also feeling … [Read more...]