The Moon is in Pisces until 6:10 AM, after which the Moon is in Aries. The Moon is void until 6:10 AM (since last night at 11:39 PM) The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – May 21, 2016
Summary: The Moon is in Scorpio until 2:48 PM. The Moon is void from 7:39 AM until 2:48 PM. The Moon is in Sagittarius from 2:48 PM forward (until Tuesday, May 24th, at 1:33 AM). The Moon is … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – May 21, 2015
Summary: Today and tomorrow are likely to challenge us on issues we need to face in order to move forward. Today, Pluto is a major player, and fears, jealousies, and issues of power and … [Read more...]