The Moon is in Pisces until 1:21 AM, after which the Moon is in Aries. The Moon is void until 1:21 AM (since yesterday at 9:37 AM). The Moon is waning and in its Full phase … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – August 11, 2016
The Moon is in Scorpio until 1:23 PM.The Moon is void from 1:21 AM to 1:23 PM.The Moon is in Sagittarius from 1:23 PM forward (until Sunday, August 14th, at 12:11 AM).The Moon is waxing … [Read more...]
Astrology of Today – August 11, 2015
Summary: Jupiter changes signs approximately once a year, and today, Jupiter moves from Leo to Virgo. Until September 9th, 2016, Jupiter will move through this mutable Earth sign, turning … [Read more...]