Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Scorpio.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon (Solar Eclipse) occurred yesterday.
- Mars is direct but is in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mars will be retrograde from October 30th, 2022, to January 12th, 2023).
- Jupiter Rx, Uranus Rx, Neptune Rx, and Chiron Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s Mercury-Mars transit favors solving problems and being direct, dear Aries. It’s a potentially dynamic, energetic time for one-to-one discussions and sharing mental projects or interests. You could be ironing out differences with siblings, neighbors, and acquaintances, perhaps through actions more than words. Negotiations can be refreshingly to the point, and you’re quick to get to the bottom line. It can be a time of assessments and answers. Today is strong for dealings, particularly on a one-to-one basis. Your powers of communication – not only what you say but how you say it – are strong and very attractive! Something communicated or shared today can spark an exciting new interest or plan.Taurus
Going over financial records or budgets can be helpful today, dear Taurus, with Mercury in harmony with Mars in your resources sector. You’re more able than usual to arrive at a bottom line. Working independently today is probably best, largely because you’re self-motivated. Communicating some of your plans can be quite successful, and you might work your way through complex problems or challenges quickly and orderly. Fortunately, your innovations are grounded in practical realities. You can be strongly motivated to put your thoughts into order today, and you want to be as effective and helpful or useful as possible in your communications. You might earn some respect for your intelligence or your ideas, particularly from those you work with, who might turn to you for advice. On the downside, you might feel a little pressured today to think fast and hard, or there can be so much to do that it’s overwhelming. Do take the time to consider a problem, as you’re now inclined to come at it from a new angle.Gemini
Today’s transits are strong for mental excitement, good news, and solving problems, dear Gemini. You’re sharing your ideas and opinions, especially creative ones, and connecting with your instincts. You have the information you need, or you discover it now. Others may be seeking out you in particular to share their plans with you. Mentally alert and decisive, your practical and business sense can take you far. It can be a time of creative inspiration. While you can be excited to discuss and debate, people can be more sensitive later today, and it’s best to avoid flip decisions and stay in the moment.Cancer
You can be especially reasonable and objective in any discussion today, dear Cancer, and interactions with family can be animated or productive. What others say can also pack more punch. Problem-solving skills are improved today. You tend to draw quick conclusions about domestic affairs, which can bring desirable results, but it’s best to avoid pushing or rushing things with a Solar Eclipse just behind you. There can be mental excitement about a particular topic, and you’re happy to share. You can quickly and easily find solutions to problems that make you feel more secure, especially those having to do with family and expenses. You’re likely to appreciate more directness and positivity in your conversations now.Leo
You’re more inclined to reach out and connect or pursue your interests today, dear Leo. You want answers, and you’re likely to get them! Feeling directed and purposeful suits you, and there can be some excitement about a particular topic or idea. Socializing and communicating are stronger themes in your life. You might get in touch with people you haven’t spoken with for a while, perhaps jump-starting friendship. Increased clarity comes from a willingness to learn from others and helping them to express themselves as well. What you learn can be re-invested into your relationships. Life seems to speed up, and while your enthusiasm is infectious, try to avoid rushing with people, as communications may be a little brusque if you’re not careful.Virgo
You want to be productive today, dear Virgo, and it’s easy to tackle problems and get things done. Money matters can improve, particularly concerning or through the family. You might create something beautiful with words today, perhaps without even trying. At the same time, you can talk about practical matters and come up with solid ideas. Conversations about money can be very beneficial–there are signs that things are moving forward. Useful solutions are just innovative enough to feel extra special–even genius. You’re motivated to make money or ambitious to improve your situation, and it feels good to have goals to strive toward and a sense of purpose.Libra
You’re ready to get moving today, dear Libra, but mostly to get talking and connecting! You want to solve problems, and you’re motivated to make improvements. It’s a good time for learning, teaching, socializing, communicating easily and successfully, and pursuing your special interests. Confidence that all will be well coupled with faith in yourself and those around you keeps you on top of things. However, do keep in mind that some people aren’t as quick to catch on, so watch that you don’t talk ahead of yourself, especially later today. What you say has real impact right now –you might be a source of inspiration.Scorpio
You’re mentally energetic today, dear Scorpio, particularly with personal matters. A private matter or secret might be revealed to you, or you decide to speak of a very personal issue, confiding in someone now. A form of service to others can bring recognition today, and while you might feel better remaining anonymous, others could turn to you as a quiet leader. This is a potentially strong day for solving problems and developing strategies. You might discover previously hidden talents or resources. Being productive and taking care of business continues to turn up your pride. You’re embracing things that you’ve let slide in the past. It’s an excellent time to cut through appearances, and this kind of investigation is especially exciting for you.Sagittarius
You’re enjoying valuable insights into friendships and personal projects, dear Sagittarius. You have persuasive powers on your side, and your personal conviction can attract support or cooperation from others. You are thinking of small ways to improve your life, and you’re not afraid to take on a challenge. Your viewpoint is expanding through your experiences with friends and new people in your life, and sharing personal perspectives can be rewarding. How you interact with others is evolving as you focus on growing and moving forward. Idea exchanges can be helpful, leading to more informed decisions. You have a stronger than usual desire to be in on the action and get things done today. Not everyone can keep up with you right now!Capricorn
You might take particular pleasure in developing strategies, plans, and workable solutions to problems today, dear Capricorn. Research can bring rewards. This is a good day for solving a tricky problem or clearing up a thorny issue–you’re more inclined to face matters than to procrastinate and leave them for another day. An opportunity to gain a competitive edge can emerge. It’s empowering to meet your responsibilities and stretch yourself out a little further to exceed your goals. The atmosphere tends to encourage quick, snappy decisions, and you can be particularly ready to share your ideas or enthusiasm. It can be difficult for others to match your pace today.Aquarius
You can be itching to do something outside the routine, dear Aquarius. Conversations today are likely to be rewarding and possibly even eye-opening. While you’re enthusiastic today, there is a serious side to your manner that is unmistakable. You might enjoy a feeling of shared goals and purpose. Transits today help you cut through the fluff and get to the root of issues. Business, public speaking, travel, and learning are well-starred now. New worlds are opening up to you as you expand your mind, opening up to different schools of thought. Entirely new viewpoints and perspectives gained through your interactions with others can introduce you to new interests and topics. It can also be a time for deepening your understanding of a subject.Pisces
Today’s influences are strong for deepening your understanding or your sense of purpose, dear Pisces. The depths of situations, people, and topics are more fascinating to you than usual, and your powers of persuasion and leadership increase. You’re gaining unique insight into work and financial matters. A competitive edge, boost, or opening can figure strongly now. Pooling your resources or combining your talents with someone — merging in a beneficial way — can be in focus. You might act as a spokesperson of sorts. However, your more intense focus today is on personal or intimate matters, and decision-making or problem-solving is coming naturally.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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