Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Leo.
- There is no void Moon today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Gibbous phase until tomorrow.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 12th in the sign of Taurus, and the Last Quarter Moon will happen tomorrow.
- Mercury Rx, Chiron Rx, Uranus Rx, and Neptune Rx.
- Mercury is retrograde for just a couple more days (Mercury is retrograde from October 31st to November 20th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:

It’s probably best to avoid investing too much in what you hear today, dear Aries, and to be a little more cautious than usual. There’s an inclination to make snap decisions as your ruler, Mars, transits the last degree of a sign today. Helping you relax is the Moon spending the day in your sector of seeking your joy–there is a stronger emphasis on fun, self-expression, play, and romance. Even if you spend a little time on your own doing something you enjoy, you’ll be in great shape now. Misleading information aside, the day holds good-natured energy for creating and personal enjoyment. Your dreams and plans can be very grand today. Let your imagination go, keeping in mind that the finer details may need attention later. While you may not want to stir up past matters, it can be cleansing to do so with some willingness to grow and move beyond problem areas.

While the day should feel good on many levels, dear Taurus, there is some inclination to feel restless, which can stimulate the urge to go to excess. There can be some challenges coordinating or balancing your sense of independence with others. Avoid snap decisions, and consider that saying too much or overstating can be problematic. What you tend to say today may not accurately reflect what you genuinely want and need. In truth, you may only be looking for more meaning to your life and a deeper connection to the world around you. Exploring the roots of dissatisfaction, particularly in the world of relationships, can help boost self-awareness. Keeping in mind that what you say or hear may be exaggerated, you can enjoy yourself without committing to anything substantial. The Moon spends the full day in your home and family sector, making it a great time to enjoy familiar comforts, people, and settings. It’s a day for building your sense of safety, belonging, and support before busier, more interactive days ahead.

There may be a sidetracking or delayed situation on the job, or a minor health matter that interferes with productivity today, dear Gemini. Fortunately, a positive attitude and the determination to not let the little things get you down saves the day. Mercury is challenged today, and Mars is at a critical degree, both of which may lead to misjudgments or snap decisions. Mercury is nearing the end of its retrograde cycle, and it’s better to adopt a wait-and-see attitude. Watch for a tendency to gloss over or neglect important details today. Regarding work or chores, you might feel you can take on a lot, but keep in mind that energy and time may not match your current optimistic outlook. The Moon spends the day in your communications sector, exciting your curiosity. The day can find you on the nervous or restless side at times, and you may need to make an extra effort to center yourself.

You can be excited about taking care of your health and fitness today, dear Cancer, perhaps more so than usual. You’re striving towards a healthier and more engaged lifestyle. Even so, it’s essential to avoid going over the top today, particularly as you may think you can do more than is reasonably feasible. There is a tendency for both restlessness and overestimation. You might communicate something, likely very positive but perhaps exaggerated, and this can lead to complications down the road. Try not to count on unrealistic plans, but do stretch your mind and entertain bigger ideas and plans. You are very much geared towards having some fun these days, and you are craving more time to get creative, but work and chores also call strongly. Consider finding a balance between work and play rather than overdoing one or the other.

The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Leo, and your emotions seem stronger and brighter than usual. Even so, there may be some scattering of energies today, and it would be a good idea to try to uncover the source of any discontent you feel now. You can be on the fence about whether to play things safe or to take a personal risk. Check in with yourself to understand whether your impulses are based on real need and not just boredom! Consider, too, that Mars is transiting the final degree of a sign (and your communications sector), and you can feel pressured to make a quick decision, but it may be ill-considered. The tendency is to exaggerate and overstate your feelings, but this, too, can get you into tricky territory. There may be extra sizzle in a love relationship now, especially on a mental level. Communications can be spicy, exciting, and motivating nevertheless, and it makes more sense to enjoy the moment than to rush into something.

You can be more sensitive or impressionable than usual today and probably prefer to keep to yourself to some degree, dear Virgo, with the Moon spending the day in your solar twelfth house. It would be wise to avoid situations that might demand too much of your emotional energy. Even so, there’s a risk of making a hasty decision or of making a commitment that ends up more trouble than it’s worth. As such, reconsider and remember your usual limits when you’re tempted to go above and beyond. Your responses to others are generous today, and while this is wonderful on some levels, the general tendency is to overstate or exaggerate. It can happen quite sincerely when you’re in the moment, but it may be based on restlessness or an overestimation of your needs and capabilities. You might also misjudge your energy to follow through on something as motivation levels can be very high but then dip rather dramatically. It’s best to observe before acting today and in the next few days.

Today can be a little confusing when it comes to ownership or sharing matters especially, dear Libra. For one, a Mercury-Jupiter minor challenge can lead to some slightly skewed perceptions or misinformation due to exaggeration. For another, Mars is moving through its final degree of your sign, and you can feel rushed or pressured to get something done when it’s probably best to wait and see. A big part of you wants to settle in and enjoy a slower pace, but your curiosity and some emotional restlessness can stir the pot now. There is a tendency to talk too much or too soon, and for your mind to wander. While some woolgathering is just fine, it might also be a form of procrastination when time might be better spent focusing on current practical needs. If you can tame these unproductive tendencies, the day can be highly useful for getting in touch with your goals. You might reflect on what you’ve pursued in the past couple of months, and devise strategies for those things you’ve left undone.

The Moon spends the day at the top of your solar chart, dear Scorpio, stimulating a desire for more order and purpose in your life. You could feel ready to take on challenges without much in the way of further thought today, but remember that a little circumspection and strategy can go a long way now. In just one day, Mars will move into your sign, and in two days, Mercury will end its retrograde in your sign. All signs point to things getting much clearer soon, but also to the strategy of waiting for this clarity to come to you before making any big moves! Today, watch for taking things too far, particularly when it comes to spending and indulging, but also regarding speaking too soon about a matter.

Jupiter’s minor challenge to Mercury today suggests a temptation to take on too much, dear Sagittarius. This influence can lead us to misjudge, count on something to come through, or make promises that can eventually be difficult to keep. Dare to dream, but don’t overlook the “fine print” in the process. If you choose to help someone today, choose carefully, and avoid overcommitting. You may be misreading people just for now. Mars at a critical degree is another reason to take things easy, even if you feel a bit pressured, or perhaps especially if you do! The Moon’s transit of your solar ninth house is an outgoing, friendly, and outwardly active influence today, however. You may have a keen interest in a new topic, and you can be excited about doing something new or something that pushes your usual boundaries.

The Moon spends the day in the intimacy sector of your solar chart, dear Capricorn, and you seek out more profound satisfaction from your interactions, projects, and experiences. Bits and pieces need sorting, and further thought will get you where you want to go–eventually! Today is better for overview thinking. Keep in mind that Mercury is just a couple days away from turning direct but is still retrograde, and is forming a minor challenging aspect to Jupiter, clouding our judgment. Mostly, this aspect tends to convince us that we’re capable of doing more than is reasonably possible. Keep in mind, too, that misinformation or misjudgment are strong potentials under today’s conditions. You can be friendly and sincerely so right now, but you may not feel like following through or taking on new commitments later on, as energy and confidence seem on a sugar high–lifting high and then dropping suddenly. As such, be moderate with promises, or don’t make promises at all, remembering your limits.

Your professional duties or personal responsibilities can be pressing today, dear Aquarius, but a good part of you would prefer to go your own way. It can be difficult focusing on priorities under current conditions. Look for a balance rather than trying to push either one drive or the other. Watch for some tendency for friends to exaggerate, or for news you hear to be stretched or exaggerated. Distractions aside, the day is good for enjoying yourself. It may be best to divide your time between public and private activities since there are a couple of aspects suggesting that it’s hard to pick and choose without feeling like you’re missing out. The Moon spends the day in your partnership sector, and intermingling seems important at this time of the lunar month.

The Moon spends the day in your work and health sector, dear Pisces, and your interest in productive or practical activities is keen. Even so, the day’s energies are not ideal for intensive or focused work. The key to handling the day is to be moderate, avoiding the tendency to go over the top. You can feel quite admired or respected in your work or formal settings, but a little torn in your personal life, and it can be challenging to accomplish all that you want to do now. It may be helpful to know that today’s influences do not favor hard-and-fast decision-making or bold moves. If you can adopt a wait-and-see approach, you’ll probably reap the most rewards now.
* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is November 18, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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