- The Moon is in Sagittarius until 7:58 AM, after which the Moon is in Capricorn.
- The void Moon period continues until 7:58 AM today (since 8:07 PM yesterday).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Gibbous phase.
- The First Quarter Moon occurred on the 27th, and the Full Moon will happen on August 3rd.
- Mars is direct and in its pre-retrograde shadow (Mars will retrograde from September 9th to November 13th).
- Current retrogrades: Jupiter Rx, Saturn Rx, Chiron Rx, Neptune Rx, Pluto Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Early today, you could be feeling a little uncertain, doubtful, or sensitive, dear Aries, particularly about love, opinions, and creativity. Try not to conclude that something is wrong simply because a person’s behavior has changed or due to an out-of-sync moment. It’s only when a pattern persists that a theme needing attention emerges. There is good energy with you today for seeing problems in a new light as the day advances. Strong energy is with you for coming to an agreement or for opening your heart to someone. The desire to grow, learn, and improve is stronger, and this helps create successful interactions. People tend to respond favorably to you. There might be some opening up involved in a relationship that feels good and bonds you closer. Trying different approaches can figure strongly. Even so, the Moon moves into your solar tenth house, and there can be some need to follow the rules. The Moon’s monthly visit to this zone of our charts reminds you to be more accountable and motivates you to connect with your longer-term goals.Taurus
Hidden problems or other tensions can surface early today, dear Taurus. While annoying, it can be helpful to know about brewing problems before they grow further. Also today, a Sun-Chiron aspect presents opportunities to make improvements and repair relationships. You now see personal, family, and home matters in a holistic way, which aids decision-making. Finding support and building a positive self-image are themes, and it’s an important time to enjoy support and reinforcement as you rise above insecurities. It’s an ideal time to make long-term plans. You might also be sharing your ideas and plans with people close to you and enjoying the process. Feedback is likely to be favorable. Aim to acknowledge your strengths and accept compliments.Gemini
Early today, it can be difficult to get yourself going on anything specific, dear Gemini, largely due to distractions and emotional states. You are a little more sensitive than usual. Intentions are likely good, but the words chosen may not be perfect now. As the day advances, however, a Sun-Chiron transit can lead to a supportive conversation with a friend or a refreshing feeling of camaraderie. You might discover interesting ways to keep yourself mentally stimulated. If relationships with friends, siblings, neighbors, classmates, and acquaintances need improving and healing, this is a time to reach out. Communications are more creative or fascinating, and friends can be a source of inspiration. Happiness goals can come into focus – objectives not related to career, business, and other material things. It’s a good time to think in terms of a larger plan for your life.Cancer
Early today, people can be more sensitive than usual with the Sun and Venus forming a minor challenging aspect, dear Cancer. This transit often points to minor issues surfacing in relationships, especially problems operating in a hidden way. You may be feeling a little out of step socially. Venus has been transiting the sign behind yours for some time and will enter your sign in a week. This upcoming month-long transit will awaken others to your natural charm, and you can expect to receive quite a bit of attention. You’re symbolically in the dark until then, and it’s a good time to process rather than push forward with love and affection. Helping you out today is a Sun-Chiron aspect that can be wonderfully soothing as it softens the rough edges. It can be a time to take positive steps toward improving career, business, performance, and finances. You’re also in fine shape for boosting your reputation.Leo
Your emotions can be up and down early today if you pay too much attention to how others are responding to you, dear Leo. With the Sun in your sign in minor challenging aspect to Venus, you could be feeling extra sensitive socially. To send out a positive message that receives positive attention, you might aim to get in touch with your needs and desires. Mixed feelings can lead to giving off mixed signals. Keep in mind that some off timing is normal here and there, and it’s typically very temporary. As the day advances, the Sun and Chiron move towards a harmonious trine aspect, encouraging an even mood and improved understanding. Problem-solving comes more easily, and your personal charm is stronger or more noticeable. Whatever you do seems to have something alluring and unique about it. You are following your inner guide or muse, and this can encourage others to want to do the same.Virgo
Early today, you can be undecided or restless, dear Virgo. The Sun and Venus form a minor challenging aspect, tending to throw light on wants and needs that are inconsistent with what you feel you should do. You’re sensitive to imbalances, particularly in your relationships or with work and responsibilities. This aspect can pull up various unmet needs. It’s temporary and may be eye-opening. As the day progresses, your mind might open to an idea or concept, and it feels good to have a change of heart. You are naturally doing your own thing, and it impresses others. Getting into better touch with your inner world seems the key to strengthening your life now. Your private life is rich today. The Moon heads into your joy sector, boosting your need for more recreation and rewarding experiences that round out your life.Libra
Early today, there can be issues with communicating your inner message, dear Libra. Aim to take some social awkwardness or miscommunications in stride. Reconsider whether it’s imperative to be understood on a matter before persistently pursuing it, or wait to present your ideas for a time when people are less self-centered. In truth, you may be seeing differences more than similarities in your relationships, but it’s temporary. As the day advances, your thoughts turn to bigger concerns. A fresh approach to a relationship can come naturally, or refreshment occurs with your personal interests, communication style, or learning efforts. It’s a time to humble yourself to listen to what people are genuinely telling you, and then work on improvements. If you’ve wanted to repair or improve relationships, it’s a good time to do so. You might find it easier to put your worries aside now.Scorpio
Early today, you may be especially sensitive to situations that suggest you are unsupported by others, dear Scorpio. It may be that you only need to adjust your expectations. Temporarily, it can be difficult to truly know what you want, causing some discontent. People around you may seem hard to please, or it’s a reflection of your own unrest. The tendency to overindulge can result. Consider your feelings, but try not to let them distract you from your goals unless you’re able to take a break. As the day advances, there’s strong energy available for new creative approaches to a work project or goal. It’s a good time for reputation, business, work, habits, and health pursuits. Your ability to follow through and back up your words with effort and action helps make you shine.Sagittarius
You could be dealing with some ups and downs early today, dear Sagittarius. There can be extra sensitivity to others’ opinions or differences of opinion in general, which you may take personally. Consider that miscommunication and misunderstanding of our own needs may be at the root of interpersonal problems. You could crave company but then itch for freedom. Feelings are contradictory for now, and it may be best to avoid making impactful decisions based on the perceptions of the moment. As the day advances, good energy is with you for creative problem-solving. A Sun-Chiron transit helps you bond with others based on realities, and see projects or situations in a more holistic way. The atmosphere is ripe for change and improvement. It’s a good time to empower yourself with knowledge and think about what you want to accomplish. This energy favors thinking in broader terms rather than specifics just for now, allowing yourself to experiment.Capricorn
It can take more energy or time to complete the usual tasks early today, dear Capricorn, simply because your emotions need some attention. You can be especially sensitive if people don’t recognize your efforts or services. Venus is nearing the end of a long transit of your work and health sector, and you can be dealing with some odds and ends left hanging on the work front, or with your routines and daily life. The Moon enters your sign today, helping to clarify emotions, and a Sun-Chiron transit can boost your feelings of inner strength. Willingness to let go of a bad habit or negative line of thinking seems the right way to attract more positive into your life. You’re opening up to new approaches, and you’re interacting in new ways. Dreams and ideas that you come up with today can later take on substance, and your confidence in them will help get things going. Connections with family are more compassionate or creative.Aquarius
It can be a little difficult to buckle down and get work done or concentrate fully this morning, dear Aquarius. Dissatisfaction has a way of making itself known, and this can be especially true if you stray from your duties or focus. The Moon heads into your privacy sector today, signaling the need to relax and refresh your spirit and emotions for a couple of days. Today’s Sun-Chiron trine helps to even out your mood as the day advances. You could be feeling especially confident about your relationships. You have more courage to express your affections, and this may be mirrored back to you through someone special. A fresh approach to relating comes more naturally and is quite successful. It’s a time for truly listening to others’ concerns and ideas, even if they do not agree with you. This can be a wonderful day for boosting a relationship. Even so, functioning behind the scenes in some manner can figure strongly now.Pisces
Early today, discontent can be a little more pronounced, dear Pisces. If you can manage your emotions and exercise patience, it’s likely to be a minor disturbance only. Even if you are not feeling totally in sync with others, it’s temporary and can redirect you in interesting ways. As the day advances, a Sun-Chiron transit takes over, which tends to even out the pace and mood. It can help you arrive at an understanding or agreement with someone close to you. Changes in how you relate to others can be subtle but can lead to big improvements. In business or with material things, you can be attracted to unusual items or enjoy a good find that brings something creative into your life. New or improved methods seem to emerge from a more holistic understanding of your current situation. It can be a fine day for money, work, and health matters. Things seem to come together in any of these areas.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
If Your Birthday is July 31, If Today is Your Birthday full horoscope here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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