Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Capricorn.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase until 1:33 PM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurs today at 1:33 PM in the sign of Capricorn.
- Venus Rx and Uranus Rx.
- Venus is retrograde (Venus is retrograde from December 19th, 2021, to January 29, 2022).
- Mercury enters Aquarius today (Mercury is in Aquarius from January 2-25 and later from February 14 to March 9.
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s New Moon can prompt the need–or desire–for a new approach to your career, business, responsibilities, or reputation, dear Aries. You have a strong drive for more authority over your own life! Unexpected professional opportunities can pop up, or this New Moon brings a sense of renewal or revival. It’s time for new or realigned goals and different ways of doing business. Significant shifts in how others see you can occur going forward. You could be seeing the bigger picture of your life and considering ways to better organize your life in order to achieve what you want to achieve. The desire to handle and manage your responsibilities can be strong now.Taurus
Today’s New Moon can serve to break you free from negative elements of your life, dear Taurus, so that you can focus on improvement, progress, and vision. It’s an optimistic, spirited time when you have a chance to change the pace of your life if it’s been wearing you down or if you’ve felt in a frump or rut. There is vital energy with you for branching out, whether it’s about learning or experiencing new things. Expressing your individuality and honoring special people in your life are also in focus. New or revitalized interests, unusual studies, and different perspectives can lead you in different directions.Gemini
With today’s New Moon, there can be opportunities to rid yourself of limiting attitudes, dear Gemini. You gain insight into which aspects of yourself need transforming. You can be determined to sort out feelings of indebtedness from now forward. An event could take place that opens your eyes to the need for handling debts or shared resources more effectively. In the week ahead, you’ll see your inner workings in new, meaningful ways. There can be opportunities to focus on issues of intimacy and sharing, as well as power dynamics in relationships.Cancer
Today’s New Moon can prompt you to put attitudes that no longer serve you well behind you so that you can move forward in the relationship department, dear Cancer. The desire or need to cooperate and merge with someone is strong. Relationship needs awaken, and unusual impulses push you into a new beginning of sorts. Aim to address any need that might arise in a current partnership for growth and development. There can be the opening of negotiations, a counseling or business partnership, or a new attitude towards partnering. It’s a generally favorable time to begin new relationships or redefine or re-energize existing ones. Your social life is in strong focus with the New Moon’s connection to Uranus. Issues surrounding independence, self-assertion, and individuality are especially important as you go forward and make changes.Leo
Today’s New Moon occurs in your work and health sector, dear Leo, and it can pump you up to make meaningful changes to your regular daily routines. Circumstances are such that you need to take charge of your work and health habits, and new directions are likely. Enjoy new ideas and approaches–it’s a time for doing work, health, and self-care in brand new ways. Trusting your inner guide works best at the moment, as it’s better not to rush anything. You can get a strong sense of beginning fresh or turning over a new leaf with chores, habits, work, and self-care programs. You’re building the motivation to take care of business, handle details, and improve your skills. You have truly unique ideas about managing and working, or business possibilities, and now you get the chance to focus on the important skills and organization required to realize your ideas or put them into action.Virgo
Today’s New Moon encourages you to express yourself with creativity, leisure, love, and pleasure, dear Virgo. It reminds you to make time for relaxing, creating, and enjoying yourself as you do. You’ll be making more room for recreation and personal enjoyment in the days and weeks ahead. You’re freeing yourself from shackles preventing you from expressing your true self, even if these are only in your mind. You are likely to attract favorable attention from others, especially romantically or creatively speaking. You may be beginning a new hobby, reviving an old pastime, or stepping up a current one.Libra
Today’s New Moon can prompt a fresh approach or changes, dear Libra, particularly with living conditions, life at home or with family, and getting the chance to cocoon, feel safe, and get comfortable. You’re looking for the comfort of familiarity, and it’s precisely what you need right now. You might seek out the pause that refreshes. It can also be a nice time for enjoying with family or simply resting up. This New Moon stimulates a strong desire to get your life into order from the roots up. It’s a potentially excellent time for getting in touch with your feelings and needs, nurturing yourself and the people you love, and strengthening your ties with family. It’s time to examine your own support system and how you support others. If relationships with family have been challenging or wanting, this is the time for effecting important changes. You can also handle or manage problems in the home or domestic routine with greater success.Scorpio
Today’s New Moon falls in your solar third house, dear Scorpio, bringing new energy for you to learn, develop interests, make contacts, and explore different channels for communicating. There can be better mental rapport with others, and you might focus on developing this further. It’s an excellent time to do a clear-out on a mental level so that you make room for new ideas. You might enjoy new beginnings with communications, learning, or transportation as you find better ways to connect with others, learn new things, and move about. The coming weeks are powerful for developing new interests or exploring recent projects more fully, making new contacts, and finding new channels for expressing yourself. Tied up with this is a stronger need for independence.Sagittarius
Today’s New Moon can prompt a new approach to business or finances, dear Sagittarius. Others can be especially intrigued by your talents, services, or work. Whether it’s about stretching what you already have or using new things to make yourself more comfortable, the weeks ahead of this New Moon can be rewarding. You can feel inspired to innovate with money and better use your resources. It’s best to seek opportunities to enhance your sense of comfort, well-being, and security. In the coming months, you have the chance to discover new or untapped resources, and innovative thinking now contributes significantly. There can be pleasant surprises in your work that help you advance. You may be aiming to be more productive, concerned about the future, and patient when it comes to long-term planning and reaching important goals.Capricorn
The New Moon today is in your sign, dear Capricorn, signaling a period of personal new beginnings and a chance to reinvent yourself. This lunation helps to reinforce a strong sense of self. It can serve as a powerful motivator or prompt to make personal changes and improvements. Your drive to be counted, seen, and heard emerges in full force, and you might consider ways to update your presentation or image, which can lead to a fresh start. You might enjoy a feeling of emotional reawakening. Love and friendship might also be in focus and supportive. The week ahead is about being brave and enjoying new experiences, particularly socially and creatively.Aquarius
Today’s New Moon favors a new start with how you do your downtime, dear Aquarius, as it occurs in your solar twelfth house. You’re looking at mental health, rest, relaxation, and escapism in new ways. Events and realizations help distance you from self-limiting secrets or situations, which ultimately makes you feel lighter and freer. It’s an excellent time to take special moments for reflection. Reorganizing on the home front or a new and improved approach to connecting with loved ones and expressing your feelings can figure strongly. Even with this special attention to your private world, Mercury moves into your sign, and you’re finding your voice and perhaps sharing more in the coming weeks.Pisces
The need or desire to make a fresh start in your social life can emerge now with today’s New Moon, dear Pisces. The coming days are powerful for reaching out to others, connecting with your happiness goals, or finding your place in your networks or community and among friends. You’re planting seeds for future goals and dreams. It can be a most inspired time of year for you! You gravitate to activities that energize you or give you a strong sense of purpose or meaning, and these are the endeavors that are the most successful at this time in your life. This lunation highlights friendships, group connections, networking, long-term dreams and hopes, ideals, communications, and learning. There can be a new beginning or new/revised initiatives now, and making contact or teaming up can be in strong focus. It’s also a powerful time for new dreams and endeavors — you may plant the seeds of new projects or long-term goals now.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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