Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces.
- A void Moon period begins tonight at 11:05 PM EST (until early tomorrow at 12:13 AM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred yesterday in the sign of Pisces.
- Mars is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until March 15th.
- There are no major retrogrades.
- Venus spends its first full day in Aries (Venus is in Aries from February 20th to March 16th).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
With the Moon in your solar chart’s hidden sector all day, dear Aries, you can be more retiring today. Still, a relatively strong focus on your mental world with a Mercury-Uranus square active can feel somewhat scattered or chaotic. There can be miscommunications or abruptness in your discoveries, thoughts, and conversations. Plans can change on you, but it’s just as possible that you’re breaking them, as a change of mind can have you rebelling against your own plans! Avoid jumping to communicate before you’ve considered what you genuinely feel and believe, but do pay attention to ideas that seem to come out of the blue.Taurus
With today’s Moon-Neptune alignment in your solar eleventh house, dear Taurus, it’s a time to get in touch with your feelings about the people in your life. You gravitate to activities that refresh your spirit and connections that inspire you. With Mercury square Uranus, there can be an emphasis on news, ideas, communications, and flashes of insight. Issues surrounding career, business, interactions with those in authority, reputation, and life path can be exciting but subject to pressure, rushing, and off-timing. Your desire to take care of business may compete with an urge to be a free spirit. Avoid succumbing to pressure to produce an idea or project so quickly that you skip steps.Gemini
The Moon’s meeting with Neptune in your solar tenth house can keep you on your toes, dear Gemini. You might be looking to bring more imagination to your work or duties. While you’re more goal-oriented than usual, you need an escape from dull routines. Today’s Mercury-Uranus square can, however, bring on mental energy that’s a little frantic. Ask yourself whether rushing makes sense since we can sometimes feel pressure when a regular pace will work just as well, if not better. Even an uncomfortable issue or some moments of doubt can lead to improved relating. Still, it’s better to explore and observe than to jump to conclusions or decisions based on feelings today.Cancer
You can feel inspired to dream, aspire, and reach new heights today, dear Cancer, with the Moon’s meeting with Neptune in your solar ninth house. Still, with a Mercury-Uranus square, an unrecognized desire for change can spur a comment that surprises or disrupts. You may be craving a deep, serious conversation, but others are just not into it right now. If you’ve been resentful about a relationship situation, this might emerge as tense commentary today. Aim to stay flexible and open to a schedule change or a switch of focus at a moment’s notice. It’s best to be aware of a tendency to blurt out provocative statements and tame this if you want to keep things smooth and easy. Tensions and mistakes are more likely if you feel rushed or pressured.Leo
Your intuition for research, discrepancies, and analysis is powerful today, dear Leo. A creative approach to problems can lead to unusual solutions. A Mercury-Uranus square can stir some mental stress nevertheless. Certainly, it can be a good time to break free from rigid thinking, but it’s not ideal energy for solid progress. You’re in an enterprising period, but you can temporarily feel a little scattered. Even if something communicated today bothers you, it’s best to avoid quick reactions since it’s not a good time to connect with your feelings on the matter.Virgo
Today’s Moon encourages your attention to your close relationships, dear Virgo. You’re striving for more harmony. However, a Mercury-Uranus square can feel a little chaotic or tense. While it’s a generally reasonable period for attending to the details of your life, you may feel overwhelmed by things to do and the flaws you notice today. Schedule changes, surprise news, or other interruptions can figure strongly. Ideas coming to you can be inspired but still need to be fleshed out. With all that’s distracting you today, watch that you don’t jump to conclusions or decisions. The day requires patience, particularly regarding opinions, directions, and instructions.Libra
You’re drawing on your intuition for your work or health, dear Libra. It would help if you had a little extra inspiration to enliven your routines. However, thinking or communicating can be disjointed or scattered. There can be surprising twists and interruptions to manage with Mercury in a square aspect with Uranus. You’re mentally stimulated at best and wired at worst! Feedback can be abrupt, or ideas are inspired but not yet well-formed. Aim to take note of ideas coming to you now and return to them later when you’re not as frazzled. The “noise” around you can be too chaotic to discern how you genuinely feel temporarily.Scorpio
You’re looking to refresh yourself emotionally through entertainment, love, and creative pursuits, dear Scorpio, with the Moon and Neptune meeting in your sector of joy. It’s not always easy to unwind today, however, with a Mercury-Uranus square. Consider ways to update traditions rather than cling to old ones if they’re causing problems, as it may not be worth the energy to hold onto things that are no longer serving you well. Miscommunications with family or a partner can occur, and your attention can be divided. Ideas and news may be exciting but perhaps leave you a little on edge. Minor schedule changes, interrupted plans, or offhand remarks are possible with this transit. Aim to be kind to yourself and find the time to catch your breath or avoid taking on too many things.Sagittarius
Today’s Moon in your fourth house puts you in processing mode, dear Sagittarius. It’s a time of the month for special attention to your emotional needs. Some mental tension is possible with a Mercury-Uranus transit, however, and there can be disruptions to manage. Schedule changes can certainly challenge you to grow and learn new things, but they can also throw you for a loop. With this transit, you’re better off allowing room for spontaneity but watch for communicating about a matter too soon or without enough context. Both personal interests and duties demand your attention, and it can be challenging to do any one thing well just now. It may be best to keep things open temporarily.Capricorn
You’re communicating your feelings or expressing yourself more creatively today, dear Capricorn. Solutions to problems can seem to come magically. Still, there can be surprise elements or mental over-stimulation with Mercury square to Uranus. Impatience can lead to trouble, and it can be a good idea to take more care of your personal possessions while watching for impulsive or poorly considered purchases. The appeal of entertainment or romantic splurges can be great, but this could interfere with recent efforts to be more careful and organized with your money. Fortunately, this transit can also bring inspired or revealing moments.Aquarius
Activities that help ground and center you emotionally are a strong draw today, dear Aquarius, but there are times when you can feel a little tense or wired. With Mercury in your sign clashing with Uranus, your ruler, there can be a balancing act between your personal and private lives. This transit requires an open mind and flexibility, as schedules may change or surprises and disruptions can figure strongly. Ideas generated today can be inspired but not yet well-rounded. Distractions are likely, and some ideas are a little raw, but consider that you’ll later find the time to fill in the details.Pisces
You’re seeking more emotional engagement today, dear Pisces, with the Moon in your sign. The day is fortunate for personal influence. But with Mercury square Uranus, it’s best to be aware of a tendency to move too quickly or speak ahead of yourself. Holding onto a secret may require extra effort now! Keep yourself as open as possible to unexpected changes of plans or schedules, and watch that you’re not your own worst enemy by saying or doing things that invite adverse reactions. With this transit, continuity of thought isn’t easy, and it can be challenging to stay on track. You may be dealing with loose ends or settling accounts for the time being, and while you may not feel the progress, you’re busy clearing the path for a smoother future.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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