Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aquarius until 4:48 AM, when it enters Pisces.
- The void Moon period ends today at 4:48 AM (since yesterday at 7:01 PM).
- The Moon is waxing and in its Waxing Crescent phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 1st in the sign of Sagittarius.
- Neptune stations and turns direct today (Neptune was retrograde from July 2nd to December 7th, 2024).
- Mars is retrograde (Mars is retrograde from December 6th, 2024, to February 23rd, 2025).
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from November 25th until December 15th).
- Mercury is Rx, Mars is Rx, Jupiter is Rx, Uranus is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
- Venus enters Aquarius today (Venus is in Aquarius from December 7th, 2024, to January 2nd, 2025).
**Times are Eastern Standard Time (EST).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Venus visits your solar eleventh house from today until January 2nd, dear Aries. This transit is light and easy. It supports your friendships, whether they’re current, new, or developing. You might enjoy some experimentation with projects, endeavors, and connections. It can be a good time for money from a business. Today, Venus meets Pluto, making it an auspicious time to make amends, connect, or start anew. You’re getting an honest glimpse into problem areas and a window into your deepest needs, which is a potent combination. There can be a significant connection with someone or a powerful idea, or you could connect with a deep desire to work towards a dream or cause. This transit favors digging deep and discovering your needs and wants–perhaps ambitions you didn’t realize you had. Love feelings can dominate about a person, idea, or project. You could be in the position to purge, release, and move forward. Your persuasive powers are strong, and your personal conviction can attract support or cooperation from others. As you consider small ways to improve your life, you feel more in control. As the day advances, if you’ve had a lot on your plate, the excess can be very apparent. Aim to draw some limits, both with others and with yourself. If long-term goals or plans aren’t moving or growing as you had hoped, it’s time to adjust your expectations to better reflect the time and energy you have available to put into them.Taurus
Venus heads into your career and reputation sector today, dear Taurus, where it will visit until January 2nd. This cycle boosts your public or professional appeal and enjoyment in pursuing your goals. Today, Venus meets Pluto, and you embrace your ambitions or longer-term goals. This transit suggests overcoming obstacles, enjoying more professional influence, or feeling empowered through your current mission. You might feel you need something (or someone) with great intensity, but love-hate feelings can be involved. Facing some truths that stimulate your fears, particularly in your career, with your work, or concerning wellness can be a theme now. Aim to dig deep. You can be exceptionally focused, which may also help attract the right resources. You might see your goals more clearly, but it’s also a fine time to explore your concerns about your position, performance, future, and life direction. Advancing your career now can involve being especially friendly and personable. As the day advances, a Sun-Jupiter opposition reminds you to seek balance in areas where you’ve been going too far or too hard. It can be a little too easy to overdo spending, eating, and even loving right now.Gemini
Venus begins its transit of your solar ninth house today, dear Gemini, where it will visit until January 2nd. Your ideals or hopes about love and money are set high during this cycle. It’s a good time to un-complicate your life and relationships in some significant manner. However, Venus meets Pluto today, which can be intense! You can be deeply motivated and excited about an idea or subject, and others are especially interested in what you have to say, teach, or share. You’re a magnet today. It’s also a strong day for enjoying learning and developing your skills or knowledge, perhaps with or because of someone special. Connecting with a partner or your relationship needs can be exciting, or sharing a personal belief or mindset can bond you with someone. You can fill up with a desire to make profound changes that last, putting you in a position of power. It can be a time to reinvent yourself through new ideas, knowledge, and life experience. You might experience tension or fear with these things but also a growing determination to live a more engaging life. Working with differences, making compromises, and finding a balance are essential strategies today. Entirely new viewpoints and perspectives gained through your interactions with others can introduce you to new interests or help reignite or expand old ones. With a Sun-Jupiter opposition later today, recent excesses can become especially apparent. There may be some resistance from others that leads you to recognize the need to make a change. You may struggle with some ups and downs with enthusiasm and motivation. However, through this, you can discover new ways of expressing yourself, leading you to make vital adjustments to plans.Cancer
Venus moves into an intimate, complex sector of your solar chart today, dear Cancer, and will visit until January 2nd. This transit brings themes of passion, attachment, and intensity to your love life or relationship with yourself. Today, Venus meets with Pluto, amping up the intensity even further. You can enjoy connecting with your more intense feelings and deeper desires. These can lead you to exciting discoveries, although there is also a chance they lead to demanding behavior! Whether with relationship issues or finances, it’s better to face problems than hide from them, as this is a day for seeking answers and digging for truths. Aim to nurture a positive attachment to a project. Creatively speaking, you can draw upon raw and deep feelings today to create something magical. It can be a day to recognize your need for more from your relationships or projects and activities. And, if your needs are unmet, aim to use your intensity for something productive. The desire to bring something to a new level can be pleasantly motivating, whether it’s an idea, project, or relationship. You more easily attract support, and you can be more involved with others’ resources and talents. As the day advances, a Sun-Jupiter opposition points to a turning point moment–if you’ve been overdoing it, it’s time to turn things around.Leo
Venus heads into your opposite sign today, dear Leo, where it will transit until January 2nd. This is a great cycle for paying special attention to your relationships. You seek harmony and agreement, and you bring more balance to your life, make peace with people, express your interest and affection, and go to greater lengths to understand others. Today, Venus aligns with intense Pluto, which can inspire you to throw yourself into a happy, rewarding pursuit. You may feel that you’re on the verge of a breakthrough or turning point with self-expression and interactions. You’re seeking extra emotional stimulation. It can be a vital time for making a deeper connection with someone special in your life, even if the power of emotions stirring now takes you by surprise. If someone pulls up strong feelings in you, consider this a chance to understand yourself better. It’s a great time to learn from differences, as this is the best route toward increased intimacy. Breaking out of worn-out relating patterns could be a goal now. Your discretion and understanding are appreciated. As the day advances, the Sun opposes Jupiter, and you come to a turning point with a romantic relationship, friendship, or creative project. A project or connection might blossom. Instead, you may face a choice between shining on your own or sharing the work and credit.Virgo
Venus begins its transit of your work and health sector today, dear Virgo, launching a favorable cycle for bringing harmony to your daily life. Until January 2nd, you’re inclined to express your affection through help and service. You feel more joy in doing your part with your chores or work. Today, Venus aligns with Pluto, and you can experience a moment of truth or extra motivation to kick a habit. Your feelings are strong, and you can be emotionally sensitive but pleasantly inspired to make changes. Work and health matters can gain some traction, or you can enjoy more profound ambition and determination to improve them. Interactions can be more intense than usual but also very rewarding. You can be excited to get around an obstacle–this energy has a turning-point feeling. The effort, passion, and love you put into what you’re doing shows, and it benefits you. When it comes to work, routines, and even health, you have a magic touch. As the day advances, if you’ve been overshooting or expecting too much from yourself, it becomes very apparent. The Sun’s opposition to Jupiter has a way of establishing a turning point. After all, it’s about happiness, and putting pressure on yourself to reach great heights quickly will only subtract from it.Libra
Venus moves into your sector of joy, creativity, and love, dear Libra, and will visit until January 2nd. This cycle is good news for your personal appeal, enjoyment, and love life. It also improves your ability to see and judge value, benefiting you on both personal and financial levels. With the pleasant intensity of a Venus-Pluto transit today, you can enjoy fantastic insight. You’re ready to embrace activities that are absorbing or demanding. You’re exceptionally close to your desires, wants, and needs, which can be disconcerting at first but enlightening! If you aim to manage your reactions, it can be a fine time for creative or romantic endeavors that stand to benefit from commitment, depth, and focus. You can tap into or draw upon your deeper feelings and apply them. Facing a truth or acknowledging desires or ambitions empowers you now, and it can be a positive turning point. Create something from the heart for the best results now. You may learn something new that pushes you forward or increases your ability to focus and concentrate on what’s important to you. Your impact is strong. As the day advances, your attention turns to areas where you’ve been doing too much. Excesses could be with mental pursuits and projects–you want to shine, which may have led you to take on or promise too much. Overextension is possible, and toning things down can be challenging because your desire to excel is so strong.Scorpio
Venus begins its transit of your home and family sector today, dear Scorpio, where it will visit until January 2nd. It’s a time to bring more harmony, diplomacy, balance, or beauty to the home environment. You’re a little more protective of your heart in the weeks ahead. You might take this time to connect with and learn about your inner needs. Aim to build up your confidence rather than push your boundaries during this period. However, with Venus and Pluto in alignment today, you might make an exception to this mission. You can learn much about the people you care about and your own needs if you push things just a little. Revealing interactions with family members or those very close to you can occur–your affections magnify with this transit. Feelings of love can intensify, and if your relationships are satisfying, you can feel on top of the world. Similarly, if they’re missing the mark, you can feel the lack more deeply than usual. It can also be a time to go the extra mile for a stronger sense of security. Your appeal is powerful, and your drive and determination are strong. You might discover ways to improve your family and home life or your relationship with yourself and your inner world. As the day advances, however, watch for making errors. Watch that you don’t fall for the idea that you need to speed up in order to enjoy life more.Sagittarius
Venus begins its transit of your communications sector today, dear Sagittarius, and during its stay until January 2nd, you’ll take more pleasure in daily affairs, connecting with old or new friends, exploring mental interests and topics, and learning new things. Love and communication tie in strongly with one another in this cycle. Venus meets Pluto today, and close relationships can thrive with special attention and intensity. You can be in an excellent position to communicate your feelings or persuade and delight with what you say. You’re seeking inspiration but also some passion and intensity. Making important changes or putting effort into a personal plan or project close to your heart can figure strongly. Conversations, interests, projects, and matters to do with the mind can bring you together with someone, or you can enjoy these things more thoroughly. The emphasis can be on communicating, connecting with people who have intellectual interests similar to yours, or even finding love through telecommunications or learning environments. You’re expressing yourself with more charm. As the day advances, the Sun opposes Jupiter, and there can be a battle of egos with a partner, or you could feel someone’s demands on you, finding them excessive. You might be trying to please someone and, at the same time, striving for independence, and something has to give. Whether to partner up or pursue your interests and stand out independently can be an issue. In fact, you’re likely to want to do both! Getting to a state of balance can be challenging but rewarding as you stand to learn a lot about yourself and a relationship.Capricorn
Venus leaves your sign and moves into your values sector today, dear Capricorn, where it will visit until January 2nd. Affections stabilize during this cycle, and, more than usual, you value simple pleasures. Circumstances frame your natural talents nicely. Today, with Venus meeting Pluto, new insights into money matters or business affairs can emerge, and so can deep feelings about what you have and don’t have. You might confront and embrace matters that previously were hidden or too private to discuss. Ideally, you’re motivated to address issues with money, time, ownership, or respect. You’re more willing to seek and face the truth, helping you reach a place where you’re ready to make meaningful changes. There can be an opportunity to fully draw on a resource or talent. You can discover ways to make more of what you have, and it’s a turning-point moment! It’s a vital time for connecting with your desire for improvement. As the day advances, the Sun and Jupiter form their yearly opposition, and this year, this transit reminds you of the need to balance your attention to work and rest. Look for ways to make adjustments that lead to a healthier, more balanced life. Adjusting your expectations will do you a world of good at this time.Aquarius
Venus moves into your sign today, dear Aquarius, for a stay until January 2nd. This begins a wonderful trend for feeling comfortable in your own skin and attracting what you want into your life. You’re freer with your feelings and more inclined to pamper or enjoy yourself more fully in the weeks ahead. Now that Pluto is in your sign for the long haul, when Venus visits your sign, it also aligns with Pluto, and this year, this event happens today. You may want to move a personal plan forward. Gaining self-understanding can be in focus. Attracting what or who you want comes more readily. There can be a competitive, possessive, and emotional tone to the morning, mostly pleasantly so, and an inherent need for change is with you. In truth, the internal changes you make now can be defining. You can feel pleasantly ambitious. You radiate good energy, attracting positive feedback. Small changes made now can impact the future in significant ways. Also today, the Sun and Jupiter oppose one another, and you should watch for a tendency to promise too much or go too far out later today. Circumstances alert you to how your life may have become unbalanced due to excesses, particularly in the social or pleasure-seeking arenas. Benefits are coming to you in these areas of life, but if you are going overboard, there’s the chance you’ll pass up opportunities or overextend yourself.Pisces
Venus heads into your solar twelfth house today, dear Pisces, where it will stay until January 2nd. This move can mark a winding-down period with your affections or when you’re reconsidering some projects, attitudes, or attachments. You seem to need time to get in better touch with your feelings in the weeks ahead. Today is strong for epiphanies and discoveries as Venus and Pluto join together. It can be time for a meaningful review of your feelings. You might relish a powerful private moment. Those things that leave you feeling insecure or guilt-ridden need to go, but first, you must uncover their source, and doing so now is within reach now. There may be recognition or reward for past actions, a pleasant surprise from the past, or good feelings and happiness in your inner or private world today. Desires are strong and can overpower you in spots, making channeling them constructively especially important. There can be sudden, revealing moments. As the day advances, imbalances in your life become more obvious, especially if you’ve been overdoing attention to your inner world and your outside responsibilities.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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