Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Virgo.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon occurred on the 4th in the sign of Leo.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from August 5th to 28th).
- Mercury is Rx, Saturn is Rx, Neptune is Rx, Pluto is Rx, and Chiron is Rx.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
Today’s energies boost your interest and motivation, dear Aries. You’re gaining perspective today. Efforts toward making peace can be in focus and successful. You’re making sense of your feelings and perhaps even an old problem as you see things in a new light. Someone from your past can be on your brain or perhaps re-appearing in your life now. Transits today also pull your attention to your work and health, habits, or daily affairs and routines. A sense of turning over a new leaf with any of these things is likely in mind and attitude. Socializing on the job or making connections through work can bring opportunities into your life. You are likely to feel needed today and readily lend others support. You might make a discovery about an old or long-standing matter.Taurus
Today’s transits are strong for connecting and enjoying yourself, dear Taurus. They draw you to figure things out and come to a mutually beneficial agreement. While it may not stick forever, it’s probably just what you need now. You might also get to solve a mystery about a relationship that previously bothered you. Talks and thoughts revolve around past romance, projects, and events, or an overdue conversation happens now as retrograde Mercury aligns with Venus. You want to put something behind you or pull yourself out of a rut, which applies particularly to romantic, recreational, financial, and creative levels. A lot is happening on a mental plane as you come to a happier perspective on things. There can be nostalgia about recent good times, exciting feelings, and other happy milestones. The desire for harmony is strong, particularly as it relates to getting to a comfortable understanding of a matter that was previously perplexing.Gemini
Today’s transits are particularly supportive of your relaxation or nurturing needs, dear Gemini. The Moon spends the day in your sector of home and family, and Venus aligns with retrograde Mercury in the same area of your solar chart. You might enjoy discussing personal plans, even if you are unclear on details. But you’re also in a favorable position to satisfy your needs for conversation or learning experiences. This is a time to be open to new knowledge and experiences, but also to keep things informal and avoid jumping to conclusions since some facts can be missing. Nevertheless, conversations with or about family can be revealing and rewarding, especially as you direct a lot of attention to unresolved relationship matters. It’s a time for being fair and nonjudgmental and seeing an issue that once bothered you in a more favorable light. There can be plenty of nostalgia now.Cancer
You’re especially interested in learning something interesting today, dear Cancer, as your curiosity is engaged. You tend to take a step back from hard thinking, which can be helpful from time to time. Still, you’re ready to analyze things as Venus aligns with retrograde Mercury. It can be about discovering some missing puzzle pieces of a situation. Even though the complete picture is yet to come, it can still be satisfying! Look for opportunities to expand your knowledge and skill set, as an opportunity that you missed or passed over in the past can re-emerge, and it may be worth a closer look. Thoughts and conversations revolve around sorting out past problems today, particularly old relationship challenges, old conversations, or special projects. You’re more easily distracted by social elements. You have charm and humor working for you in your communications today, even if the words are imperfect.Leo
You’re in a positive frame of mind today, dear Leo. Further information about a long-standing issue may emerge to alter your perspective, particularly related to your finances or practical affairs. There could be a project or financial opportunity you previously set aside that now looks promising. You more readily recognize and discuss your needs and desires today. You want to bring more harmony and comfort to your life, and you can find yourself in the perfect frame of mind for hashing things out. Certainly, backtracking in thought and conversation can figure strongly with retrograde Mercury’s alignment with Venus. This transit inclines you to review past matters surrounding love relationships and money. Opportunities can emerge to increase your income through reaching out to others, accepting help or support, or a willingness to look to the past for answers that used to work for you.Virgo
Today’s transits bring out your communicative side, dear Virgo. A Mercury-Venus alignment in your sign positions you to strike up an agreement or get into a reasonable frame of mind. There can be more attention and focus on you than usual, and you might be the subject of conversation. You have more impact than usual, whether it’s what you communicate or how you interact. Energies feel rather easygoing, but it’s a good idea to be more mindful of what you say, as it may not come out as you intend with Mercury retrograde. Today can be a time to attract people from your past or to review past matters with new information. This transit can bring pleasant conversations into the spotlight. New light may shine on a matter regarding personal plans or health.Libra
Further information about a private or past topic may surface and give you a refreshing new perspective today, dear Libra. You’re sensitive and responsive, and it’s easy to smooth over differences with others if needed. You tend to allow social elements to distract you as retrograde Mercury aligns with Venus, your planetary ruler. It’s also possible that the re-emergence of a person from your history sparks all sorts of memories. You may not know the whole story yet, but filling in a few blanks feels good! Good energy is with you for making sense of the past, feelings, and ideas, even if finer details may emerge later. You are more inclined than usual to talk about private matters or to think about these things objectively. You may want to watch that you don’t reawaken a topic that truly does belong in the past, but the vibes today are primarily positive.Scorpio
There is supportive energy flowing today, dear Scorpio, particularly with friendships and business. As the day advances, you’re inclined to examine your feelings and analyze your connections. New information about old matters can come to light, particularly about long-term projects or friends, or through networking. A project or idea you abandoned or set aside can seem viable again, for example. While this may be the case, watch for a tendency to glamorize the past. Today’s Mercury-Venus alignment encourages you to see a frustrating problem in a new light. Conversations can be quite lighthearted but there is some tendency to pay superficial attention to a matter that may deserve a more in-depth approach. With this alignment, someone from the past might reappear or be a strong mental focus.Sagittarius
Agreements with someone special can happen naturally today, dear Sagittarius, although the finer details may need some refinement later. It can be a time to enjoy pleasant thoughts or conversations. You’re likely to receive more than usual attention today, particularly on a professional or public level. Your words have a lot of impact, but misunderstandings are also possible with Mercury retrograde. As long as you choose your words carefully, this can be an excellent time to bring peace and harmony to a matter. An opportunity revolving around work or business may re-emerge for a fresh look. Information can surface that prompts you to redefine long-term goals. Complications in your love life are possible, but you can resolve something that was left hanging.Capricorn
Smoothing over differences can be in focus today, dear Capricorn. You’re presenting yourself and your ideas with charm or gentleness, and it works well for you as Mercury and Venus come together in a sign that’s harmonious to yours. You seem to know how to turn virtually any situation around in a pleasant way. You can be eager to share an idea, ideal, or personal belief. There can be discussions about cooperation in relationships and long-term plans, education, beliefs, expansion, and love of knowledge. Looking at past subjects, relationships, or viewpoints in new ways can be stimulating since Mercury is retrograde. You may be making clarifications and coming to new conclusions about past matters that help you find resolutions or closure.Aquarius
Conversations today tend to lead in good directions, dear Aquarius, although they’re inclined to focus on past matters. Your powers of negotiation are excellent as Mercury and Venus align today. However, with Mercury still retrograde, misunderstandings or inconclusive situations are more likely. You’re inclined to do a lot of analyzing, thinking, and talking about a personal or intimate matter, and if jealousies emerge, use the experience as a lesson in self-awareness. There is a strong tendency to consider the consequences of recent choices or missed opportunities, giving you a new perspective on going about things in the future. There can be attractive business projects or plans re-emerging from the past.Pisces
Today, dear Pisces, you may stumble upon or uncover something missing, lost, or hidden. With current transits, especially a Mercury-Venus alignment, you tend to want to make sense of your feelings and ideas, which keeps you somewhat detached. Reaching agreements, or at least getting to a place of understanding, can be a pleasant focus. Even though resolution seems likely, with Mercury still retrograde, there is probably more to the story! You may see a new side of a person or situation, and someone could see you in a new light, but stay open to changes to your thinking down the line. This planetary alignment occurs in your opposing sign and partnership sector, and you may be looking for resolution or closure regarding a past relationship matter or a negotiation. Others are persuasive, conversations are especially impressive, and people are attracted to your agreeable manner.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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