Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Pisces.
- A void Moon period starts today at 7:48 PM (running until tomorrow at 2:10 AM).
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase.
- The Last Quarter Moon occurred on the 4th, and the New Moon will happen on the 11th.
- There are no major retrogrades!
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
There can be some confusing or disorienting energy with you today, dear Aries, with your planetary ruler in hard aspect to Neptune. You may not know where to begin regarding tackling projects, or you could experience a temporary questioning of what you’re doing or where you’re headed. Desires can be sudden or unusual, distracting you from your path, and they may be more about procrastinating than filling a deep need, so do your best to tune out distractions. However, if you have been ignoring your needs to escape or rest, or to indulge your imagination, then this aspect may very well serve as a reminder to do so. If you can rise above the frustrations of upset schedules or unreliable people and do your own thing, this can be a liberating day. It becomes far easier to focus as the day advances, which helps you escape the feeling of overwhelm that slows you down.Taurus
With today’s Mars-Neptune square, there can be some ups and downs or confusion related to friends and resources, dear Taurus. You may feel a little lacking in the areas of direction, guidance, or support temporarily. It can be tempting to assert yourself if someone is overstepping your boundaries, evasive, or absent when you need them most. Think of this aspect as a checkpoint when you’re assessing you have all the right supplies and fuels before pushing forward with your pursuits. Deflated feelings are possible, but an adjusted plan may be all the better for you. Tonight and tomorrow, your sense of what’s valuable and worth your time improves. Activities that help ground you on an emotional level fare best. Aim to reconnect with your intuition if you’ve been pushing yourself too hard or ignoring your need for rest and reflection.Gemini
With a Mars-Neptune transit today, dear Gemini, you can experience a temporary dip in motivation levels if you are unsure of your ultimate destination. You don’t absolutely need a far-reaching goal or end-game to make some progress, however. Aim to set small challenges or goals and work towards them in the meantime, and eventually, the bigger picture will fill in. Watch that you’re taking actions that serve you well and avoid those things that seem to alienate others, particularly bosses, parents, or the like, or those things that might steer your reputation off course. Transits today are murky, making it difficult to see things clearly. Too-quick actions may not be advisable with Mars in your sign in challenging aspect with Neptune in your reputation zone. Later today and into tomorrow, you’ll find it easier to find an anchor.Cancer
Aim to engage your more creative or spiritual needs today rather than taking on too many projects or commitments, dear Cancer. A Mars-Neptune square can point to some temporary deflation or discouragement. There can be some dashed hopes or moodiness to manage. The desire for something more exotic can be strong and the need for some form of escape is persistent. Schedules seem off, and so does timing in general, and aiming to be flexible is a good strategy under these conditions. You may very well end up enjoying the space and freedom delays or others’ unavailability affords you to do your own thing. Later today and into tomorrow, you feel less overwhelmed, particularly as you focus on those things that are manageable.Leo
You may need to accommodate a distraction, delay, or disappointment before pushing forward, dear Leo, as Mars and Neptune form a square. It’s temporary, and it might very well redirect you. The desire to escape or enjoy a change of pace is strong, and if you’ve been hard on yourself energetically in recent days, you can feel a little disoriented just for now. There can be confusing or bothersome boundary issues in a friendship to sort or wait out. This transit ultimately encourages you to slow down to avoid depletion. Try to avoid borrowing from the future today, not only with money but also with time and energy. It may be wise to keep your own counsel because something said can be blown out of proportion. Later today and tomorrow, focusing on what’s doable will do wonders for you, even if it means making only some progress rather than a big win.Virgo
With Mars in your ambition sector, dear Virgo, you’re in generally good shape for using your assets to advance or achieve your goals. You may need to get over a brief obstacle, possibly related to motivation, as Mars forms a square to Neptune today. Relationship issues can distract you, or someone may not be available when you need them. Your vision may be off when it comes to a significant other or partner, and your imagination can take you on a swing ride, as you can imagine the best one minute and the worst the next. You are a little more sensitive to imbalances today. Consider that feeling a little deflated can ultimately pull you up to a stronger position as you readjust your priorities. Later today, you’re in a good place to feel far more purposeful.Libra
Misreading situations today tends to be about feeding wishful or fearful thinking, dear Libra. If you’ve fallen behind on taking care of some of your most essential needs, now’s the time you can be wearing down. There may be the need to back something up with facts and details, but you feel a little disorganized to do so, or opportunities seem impossible for the same reason. Aim to keep your personal life in its place for now with a Mars-Neptune aspect distorting the lens. It won’t be long before the wind returns to your sails. Aim to work on problem areas step by step, and it becomes far easier to do later today and into tomorrow. Focusing on the things you can manage can be helpful to ground you.Scorpio
With today’s transits, you may need to get over a temporary spell of deflated feelings, dear Scorpio. It could be challenging to get satisfaction in relationships as needs and wants seem to clash. It may be that part of you is looking for a romantic or spiritual connection, and another part is vying for a deeper, more intimate bond. This energy can instead play out with pursuits and pleasures. You’re only half in, and this is a frustrating position for your sign. If you’re feeling particularly sensitive to imbalances, make it your priority to treat yourself with gentleness today and aim to explore the areas where you might need some more discipline. Later today, you find it easier to anchor yourself by focusing on something manageable.Sagittarius
It may be best to consider visualizing your next move before actually making it today, dear Sagittarius, with a Mars-Neptune square that requires some reorientation. You can be uncertain about your options temporarily, or something or someone is draining you and you need to take a step back to catch your breath or reimagine your plans. While there can be confusion and exaggeration to the day’s energies, you are in a good position to turn it into a positive, even if it’s only about slowing down and taking a break from overthinking. It makes sense to catch your breath now. Later today and tomorrow, transits help anchor you, and applying yourself to constructive activities can help you come down to earth. Confusing elements of your life may seem to fall away as you focus on working towards attainable goals.Capricorn
Your goals may seem harder to reach or unclear temporarily, dear Capricorn. You may need to get over a motivation hump with Mars in your work and health sector clashing with Neptune. It can result from overdoing things or pushing yourself too hard, and taking some time to reorient yourself makes sense now, or it may just be a time for a needed checkpoint as you realign your path. What you want may not be clear, or if you know your desires, how to go about satisfying them could stump you right now. If you can loosen up your schedule or focus on free-form or imaginative activities, this will help you to either slow down or reconsider where you’re headed. Later today, you can find yourself drawn to the physical world and practical activities, which help ground you. Detaching yourself a little might give you a bit of space to do your own thing.Aquarius
If you’ve been neglecting your needs for some spiritual or emotional replenishment, dear Aquarius, you could feel a bit disoriented now. With today’s Mars-Neptune square, watch for desires and whims that distract you from your goals, as these may be a form of procrastination. Worries about business or money may also leave you feeling a little lost. People may be hard to pin down today, and routine can be more difficult to take than usual, but it may be as simple as a change of scenery or schedule to lift your mood. You’re likely to feel more grounded and focused later today and into tomorrow. Aim to organize your thoughts and priorities.Pisces
The Moon in your sign all day can energize you, dear Pisces, but it’s a moody type of energy. As well, a Mars-Neptune square can play with motivation levels, and timing can be off just for now. You could be unsure about your next step. Even so, revelations now can nudge you to get into better touch with your inner guide or intuition, which can be empowering. Consider that it can be a confusing day for money, relationships, and practical affairs. You might crave some guidance, a sign, or a feeling of direction, but it can be hard to find. Aim to slow down a little but don’t hide away, and watch for procrastination in its many distracting forms. Later today and into tomorrow, it’s easier to focus so that you don’t get lost in a feeling of overwhelm.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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