- The Moon is in Aquarius.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Last Quarter phase.
- The Full Moon/Lunar Eclipse occurred on the 25th, and the New Moon/Solar Eclipse will occur on the 8th.
- Mercury is retrograde (Mercury is retrograde from April 1st to 25th).
- Venus enters Aries (Venus is in Aries from April 4/5th to 29th).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Moon in your friendship sector today tends to emphasize your social life, dear Aries, but there are potentially significant developments on a more personal, individual level. With the North Node in your sign, you’re discovering and developing your independence and personal courage. Overcoming fears of trusting your instincts or going it alone may not always be straightforward, but it’s rewarding work. You might make connections, whether through a person, information, or a sudden realization, that nudge you in the right direction. This is a time for honoring and nurturing your independent spirit. Transits today pull up a sense of pride in yourself and where you’re heading. What you need to put behind you becomes apparent, as it’s holding you back from being free and independent. You recognize opportunities where you may not have seen them before.Taurus
The Moon spends all day at the top of your solar chart, dear Taurus, and you can feel compelled to examine your long-term goals, plans, and ambitions. You’re reaching a little higher, and today’s Sun-Node alignment reinforces this theme. Still, this transit is far more private energy. It points you in the direction of growth and improvement. You’re learning to let go of unnecessary worry and guilt or to put your faith in a larger plan. In the process, you may be healing, letting go, and forgiving something from the past. You could experience synchronicities that point you along this path. Something inspires you to move past a tricky matter.Gemini
The Moon spends the day in your sector of the higher mind, dear Gemini, and you’re looking to feed your spirit with new experiences and knowledge. The ordinary is not appealing right now! Today’s energies also encourage you to reach out and connect. These days, many of your valuable life lessons involve friendships, networks, and group connections due to the North Node in your social sector. Today, situations nudge you to learn, grow, and improve in these areas. It’s a time to strengthen your relationship with your community and the quality of your life. You’re paying more attention to your dreams and wishes, happiness goals, and social aspirations, and it’s a beneficial focus. Cultivating true friendships can be a goal now, or renewing and repairing old connections may figure strongly with Mercury retrograde in this same sector of your solar chart.Cancer
The Moon in your intimacy sector all day highlights your inner world, dear Cancer, but there are potentially significant developments in your professional life as well. The current North Node transit encourages you to think in terms of long-term goals and plans, and having this strong sense of the future and what you’d like to make of it is essential to your general happiness these days. With the Sun and the North Node coming together, today is vital for feeling that you’re growing, especially regarding your career, reputation, and responsibilities to others. You could meet people or experience events that further your goals, or you may be reconnecting with old ideas and projects that can help you better manage the present. It’s a time to polish off and refine those projects already in progress with a sharp eye on the future.Leo
The Moon spends the day in your sector of partnering and harmonizing, dear Leo, and you can be in a social frame of mind. Even so, you’re also connecting with your need for a mission or a vision. The Sun aligning with the Moon’s North Node stirs the need to put old habits behind you. Positive shifts are occurring now, and you are more willing than usual to let go of things that have kept you from exploring new subjects or places. You might more openly share your thoughts and experiences or reconnect with subjects that previously excited you. It’s a time to break out of past patterns, yet Mercury’s retrograde also encourages you to take care of unfinished business.Virgo
The Moon spends all day in your work and health sector, dear Virgo, and you might need to iron out the kinks and attend to the details. Still, a major theme in your life these days is the need for internal change. You’re connecting with the people, material, and resources that help you on your way. Relationships are intense, with deeper, fluctuating feelings. Your experiences are paving the way for a renewed creative experience. Your greatest joys and challenges come through your attachments to others, learning of your dependencies, your ability to share yourself with others, and your own feelings of becoming more personally empowered. Important today is the ability to recognize your attachments but also to grant people personal space while developing your own individuality.Libra
The Moon spends the day in your romance and creative sector, and you readily find the inspiration to share your ideas and creations, dear Libra. Relationships are in strong focus today, and with a Sun-North Node alignment, it’s a positive week for progressing and moving forward. There may be experiences now that remind you to learn, grow, and improve. You’re discovering relationship needs and exploring how they impact your sense of independence. Strong forces are challenging you to move out of your comfort zone so that you can move forward, while a focus on the past is just as vital with Mercury’s recent retrograde turn in the same area of your solar chart. Through partnership or cooperation with others, you’ll get to the inner balance necessary to achieve your personal goals. You might even see what has held you back from sharing yourself with others in healthy ways or forming stronger alliances.Scorpio
With the Moon transiting your home and family sector all day, you gravitate to easygoing or familiar activities today, dear Scorpio. You prefer to avoid complications at this time of the lunar month. Nevertheless, the Sun and the North Node align, and the desire to grow and improve is another drive with you today and this week. You may be connecting with resources that help you improve your work, health, habits, or routines. It’s a time for setting some rules and boundaries for yourself and enjoying the feeling that by structuring your life, you’re moving forward. Orderliness has become an empowering state for you, and paying closer attention to deadlines, details, and rules can be challenging but rewarding. Your dreams become more realizable and within reach.Sagittarius
Although Mercury is rather newly retrograde and you are experiencing some level of reserve, dear Sagittarius, today’s Sun-Node transit encourages you to take some creative risks and express yourself more spontaneously. You may be making the right connections to further your growth in this regard. It’s a day (and week) to connect with the right tools to grow, improve, and learn. Taking charge of your need for satisfying channels for enjoyment and self-expression can figure strongly now. Finding ways to let off steam and detox is beneficial and even empowering. The goals is also to open to new, more playful or joyous experiences and ideas. The past may have answers. In fact, you may bump into someone from your romantic past or an old friend, and this experience can in some manner allow you to move forward.Capricorn
The Moon spends the day in your resources sector, dear Capricorn, inclining you to want to keep things simple and comfortable. However, a Sun-North Node alignment has other plans for you. It gently challenges you to grow and improve. Generally speaking, this is an important time in your life for developing your sense of security, attachments to family, and home life. You may want to relax your expectations somewhat regarding outside-world achievement and status if they’re unrealistic. Once you’ve honored, built, and nurtured your inner foundation or home base, you’ll be better equipped to succeed in your public and professional lives. You have an open mind and an open heart right now so that new information coming in can expand your perspective. There is more faith in your emotional life and ability to grow.Aquarius
The Moon spends the day in your sign, dear Aquarius, and you crave a feeling of connectedness with the world around you. Even with Mercury retrograde, mental energy and enthusiasm run high. Due to a North Node transit, improving and refining your communications, projects, and knowledge are especially important to you. Today, your popularity can soar primarily around your ideas, skills, and expertise or how you communicate and connect. It’s a time to slow down enough to sensitize yourself more carefully to what others need and want. You’re making connections with people and information that further your learning and networking opportunities, and there can be some lovely gems to be found by going over, reviewing, and editing old projects. Today’s transits can serve as a gentle push forward.Pisces
While the Moon’s stay in your privacy sector today points to a need to withdraw in some manner, dear Pisces, you can also feel a strong desire to improve and grow. This is a great time to connect with activities and ideas that will enhance your finances. You’re learning about your values and how much you can depend on and provide for yourself with the current North Node transit of your resources sector. Today, the Sun spotlights this theme and stirs your pride. It’s a good time to review how you’re managing your resources, both material and otherwise, including your personal talents. You’re moving on a path to more independence, especially on a financial level, and a stronger feeling of security. You seem to recognize opportunities in unlikely places.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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