- The Moon is in Sagittarius.
- There is no void Moon period today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Full phase until 4:53 PM, from which time the Moon is in its Waning Gibbous phase.
- The Full Moon occurred on the 23rd in the sign of Scorpio.
- Mercury is no longer retrograde and is in its post-retrograde shadow until May 13th.
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
You are coming across almost mildly these days, dear Aries, with Mars in the sign behind yours, but a lot is happening beneath the surface of things. Venus in your sign connects with Mars, which is buried in your privacy sector where no one can see, and your calm exterior doesn’t always tell the whole story. You’re sociable and friendly, but keeping a lot more than usual to yourself. Still, especially as the day advances, you feel you’re on the right road. Activities that remind you of the simple pleasures in life are in high favor. You can feel a mission to strengthen or stabilize your finances, valuables, or home through maintenance or upkeep. You have in mind that if you take care of your things, they’ll take care of you.Taurus
You’re coming on more strongly than usual, dear Taurus, and few are seeing your softer side or learning of your true feelings on matters with Venus in your privacy sector. At times, this can lead to a few misunderstandings; some of your actions don’t represent how you feel. However, being aware of this tendency is helpful. When you’re expressing something especially important to you, for example, you may have a better time getting your point across if you consciously engage your feelings and warmer, softer side and make it part of the whole package. The day advances, and you feel more empowered through activities that improve and strengthen your life and future. There can be standout good advice or conversations. You are ready to apply yourself to mental and learning pursuits destined to bring rewards down the road.Gemini
Today’s transits emphasize your differing goals and interests, dear Gemini. With friends these days, you’re seeking harmony and peace, but in your professional life, you’re a different person right now! You’re unafraid to make some waves if it gets you closer to your goals. It’s not always easy to integrate your ambitions with your social life, but it’s achievable. It may be best to compartmentalize. You also benefit from a transit that reminds you of the benefits of a moderate pace. You’re well-positioned to work on strengthening your life in small but satisfying ways. You might get something done behind the scenes, helping you regroup and renew your spirit. Having some time to yourself can be particularly helpful and grounding as you get in better touch with your needs.Cancer
You’re inclined to read between the lines rather than take things at face value today, dear Cancer. It’s a fine time to investigate and analyze. It’s also wise to do a little more organizing and sorting. In the process, you might come to a better understanding of a situation or a concept that has been difficult to accept. While part of you is fully enjoying your duties and responsibilities, another part doesn’t want to be tied down. Ideally today, you can swing both. You see the value of slowing down, employing caution, and getting the details right before pushing forward. Friends or group connections can be supportive, and the practical side of your relationships is in the spotlight.Leo
Early today, you could feel somewhat blocked or conflicted, dear Leo. Aim to simplify so that you can feel more productive. The motivation to make needed changes can come through a special enjoyment of your day. You’re inclined to express your affections straightforwardly these days, but you’re a little more protective or contemplative with your desires, frustrations, and plans. This duality can sometimes work against you as it can lead to minor misunderstandings, and this tendency can be more prominent today than usual. However, knowing that you may be giving off mixed signals can help you fill in the blanks when needed. As well, more and more, you’re appreciating a steady pace. You have good advice on offer, and it’s based on your experience. You want to take concrete steps towards meeting your goals or strengthening your position.Virgo
You seek comforting and familiar activities today, dear Virgo, and you crave feelings of security and rootedness. There can be a special enjoyment of personal memories, and some form of emotional retreat is appropriate now. You crave equality these days, and you’re ready to fight for it if you have to, but another part of you is more concerned with how deep a connection is than the surface dynamics of your relationships. While there can be some clashes between your need to wind down and your relationships early today, it makes sense to honor your need to take a pause to center yourself. Especially as the day advances, you’re more inclined to consider what’s best for you in the long run and take action that benefits you and your future self. It’s also a good time to come across wise advice.Libra
Even with some bumps or obstacles early today, dear Libra, you may very well bring others together with your advice. You might discover creative ways to interact, although you may need to deal with some level of disorganization or a feeling of overwhelm before arriving at this point. You’re primarily concerned with keeping the peace and promoting harmony in your personal life and close relationships these days, but you’re on fire when it comes to getting practical things done and not afraid to make some ripples if it means you get things done. Fortunately, you see the value of preparation and foresight today and tomorrow. You’re pleasantly motivated and thinking about the long term instead of seeking instant gratification. There can be a happy focus on a special task.Scorpio
Energies early today make you more aware than usual of your responsibilities, dear Scorpio. However, you loosen up as the day advances, but you approach life with a desire to either settle in and get comfortable or work on building something rather than innovating or starting anew. You’re especially interested in keeping things harmonious and peaceful in your daily affairs, but your personal life is often a different story these days. In fact, you’re not afraid of fireworks with friends if this means living authentically and tackling the deeper problems or getting things out in the open. You’re making these different needs and approaches work today. Especially as the day advances, simple and sincere gestures win favor.Sagittarius
You’re intent on promoting peace and harmony with others these days, dear Sagittarius, but your home life may be a little more fraught or tense as you feel driven to make improvements and changes. As such, you can seem quite different to different people in your life these days. It isn’t about being inauthentic; it’s about having different goals and approaches in the various areas of your life. The Moon continues to transit your sign today, and you seek emotional refreshment. The morning can prove a little conflicting with mixed signals to manage. However, the day advances with more smoothness. It might become apparent that rushing things doesn’t get you very far. It’s a perfect time to further health and work goals, but a slow-but-sure approach is preferable.Capricorn
A gentle pace suits you well today, dear Capricorn. You’re well-positioned to discover creative ways to meet your needs without putting pressure on yourself. You tend to want to heal, wind down, and regenerate today, but you’re also in good shape for opening the lines of communication or for taking a creative project to a new level. There can be some tension or resistance to manage before you come into your own today, but if you move slowly and steadily, you’re more likely to reach your goals in ways that make you proud. While you’re often quick to debate if it means getting to the truth or expressing your opinion these days, you’re also determined to create harmony in your personal life. In fact, you’ll go to great lengths to make peace with family or to create a beautiful, easygoing environment at home. This difference is prominent today. It’s a good time to organize an area of your life or otherwise find ways to make a relationship, project, or situation work for you.Aquarius
You’re more invested in your friendships or happiness goals and dreams today than usual, dear Aquarius. It’s a time when you need to detach yourself temporarily from people and situations that have you feeling under pressure. Still, you can feel blocked or tied down early today, and it’s best to take extra time for creative or imaginative pursuits that help you heal. You’re often focusing on communicating kindly and effectively these days, and this tactfulness is pronounced today. However, you’re not afraid to stir up controversy if you feel less than respected. In fact, you’re quicker than usual to defend your choices. You also feel good about getting organized today, and there can be small but solid advances in improving home life, family, or work.Pisces
You’re inclined to zero in on activities that give you a sense of accomplishment today, dear Pisces. While you’re more often asserting your desires these days, you’re not always upfront with others regarding your affections, and this can lead to some disconnect that’s a little more pronounced today. Watch for a manner that makes others think you’re more independent or indifferent than you truly are, as this can lead to a feeling that others are ignoring or insensitive to your needs. Fortunately, you have excellent energies that help you prioritize and organize things. A good talk can be part of the picture, and it can strengthen a bond. Being responsible feels good today!* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
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