Today’s Moon:
- The Moon is in Aries until 12:29 AM, after which the Moon is in Taurus.
- A brief void Moon period occurs from 12:12 AM to 12:29 AM today.
- The Moon is waning and in its Waning Crescent phase until 12:12 AM, after which the Moon is waxing and in its New phase.
- The New Moon Solar Eclipse occurs early today, at 12:12 AM, in the sign of Aries.
- There are no major retrogrades (but Mercury will station and retrograde tomorrow).
- The Sun enters Taurus today (the Sun transits Taurus from April 20th to May 21st).
**Times are Eastern Daylight Time (EDT).
Daily Horoscopes/Astro Highlights for each Sign:
The Sun moves out of your sign and into your sector of values and resources today, dear Aries. During this month-long cycle, you’re well-positioned to take charge of your finances. You may be taking action on securing yourself, what to make of your natural talents, and how to better use your resources. You could also be accumulating more possessions if that’s what makes sense to you now. When the Sun is under strain in the month ahead, you may be inclined to overdo, overspend, or obsess over your means and material things. Otherwise, it’s a good time to get into a more secure, steady headspace. With today’s Sun-Pluto square, there can be tensions over matters of respect, ownership, or methods. It can be a time when people are touchy, sensitive, and defensive, and they may not readily accept help or your input. Through intense interactions, you might feel the motivation to be your best. With some self-honesty, you might uncover desires you didn’t know you had.Taurus
The Sun enters your sign today, dear Taurus, where it will stay until May 21st. You’re more noticeable in the month ahead, and this new Sun cycle encourages making an impression. If you want to change your image, now is a good time to do so, and if you seek to push your ideas, product, or personality, you’ll have better success at this time of year. The weeks ahead are strong for personal appeal, attention, and power in general. Today, however, the Sun is in discord with Pluto. Tensions with pressures to perform or from work or competition can rise. It’s best to identify these things and avoid letting worries take over. If you’re feeling watched and blocked, list your priorities or talk things through with someone you trust.Gemini
The Sun moves into your solar twelfth house today for a month-long stay, dear Gemini. It’s the time of year for increased focus on rest, relaxation, detoxing, and putting excess or outdated projects and situations behind you. It’s a tidying-up period of the year, with a focus on emotions and loose ends. A time of rest and replenishment, it’s less than ideal for pushing yourself or your plans. You might close matters that have run their natural course, and you may instinctively withdraw from the hustle and bustle of daily life to get to know yourself, your goals, and your needs a little better. This is an excellent cycle for preventing overload. Today, buried frustrations or fears can disrupt the flow and affect your mood as the Sun and Pluto square off. You would be wise to deal with matters you’ve left unfinished so that guilt doesn’t get in the way of healthy living. Philosophical disagreements can escalate quickly! Watch for holding on too tightly to your beliefs and customs if they’re only causing frustration. Take the time to center yourself and think of better ways to deal with irritating situations, as these things will serve your interests today and down the road.Cancer
The Sun moves into your social sector today, dear Cancer, where it will transit until May 21st. This influence is a supportive one. You focus on new beginnings, projects, and ideas, and you can feel quite hopeful about where your life may be heading. Instead, this is a time for experimenting with new ideas and plans or dreaming up new visions of where you’d like to go with your life in a general sense. There can be an increased focus on social activities, teamwork, friendships, group connections, and the community. Many shifts are happening this week that can be somewhat disorienting but also interesting. Personal opportunities can emerge through friends, networks, or groups. Today, there can be some tension that’s most likely about power and control. Focus on softening and moderating your impulses, even if getting involved is very tempting. Watch for a tendency to confuse hunches with fears since there is a tendency to be overly suspicious.Leo
The Sun moves into your solar tenth house today, dear Leo, putting you in a more ambitious phase of the year. Until May 21st, you experience a stronger need or desire to perform well, take care of business, and attend to responsibilities. You find yourself in higher demand than usual, both personally and professionally. There can be a lot of attention to your accomplishments and responsibilities. You’re particularly aware of your obligations and the impact you’re making on the world around you. It’s a sound period for taking charge of your life and clarifying your long-term goals. As an especially goal-oriented period, you might treat it as a checkpoint of sorts for your performance and accomplishments. Today, close relations and career-related matters can be heavy and loaded with a Sun-Pluto square. Worries can undermine confident decision-making, and people can be stubborn. It can be challenging to turn the other cheek and hard to see a direct route to your goals. Consider ways to plan your next move rather than push your agenda now when the chances of achieving your goals are temporarily small. You can work on getting your life or a relationship to a better balance as you go along.Virgo
The Sun heads into your solar ninth house for a month-long visit, dear Virgo, stirring your desire to experience life beyond the ordinary routine. Opportunities are coming your way, and they’re likely to do with creative, publishing, transportation, promotional or educational channels. It’s a great time of year for exploring new ideas, enjoying new experiences, and venturing into unknown territory. Anything that expands your understanding of the world around you appeals. Today, insecurities can seem to emerge out of nowhere with a Sun-Pluto square in play. These might be delayed reactions to recent events if you’ve been working on auto-pilot and haven’t processed your feelings. Pressures to meet health and work goals may be at the root of tension, as you also want to experiment with new ideas and projects but can’t find the space for all of your pursuits now. Draw on your reserves of self-control and channel your considerable energies into something beneficial to you. Consider simplifying things if you’ve taken on too much.Libra
The Sun enters your solar eighth house today, dear Libra, starting a month-long cycle in which you have more power to make personal transformations. It’s a more introspective, deeper, intense period of the year. You’re completing a solar cycle that emphasized your relationships, but now, you’re exploring a deeper level of intimacy and sharing. During this cycle that lasts until May 21st, you’re more interested in digging deep than skimming the surface of things. The Sun is now shining its light on some of the things typically hidden from view, and you stand to learn a lot about your inner workings, motivations, and desires. Your private world assumes more importance, and you take special notice of the layers of circumstances and people around you. You may need to take charge of financial matters and resources shared with a partner or non-income sources of money and support. A more profound, passionate attitude towards life emerges now. It’s a time of year when you might be going through some form of self-transformation. Today, however, a Sun-Pluto square can point to concerns or disagreements related to money and power dynamics, sharing, or level of intimacy. Dismissing a problem area can take a lot of work. Be selective about what you allow to take center stage in your head right now. If you feel indebted to others in ways that frustrate you, or if someone seems to be relying on you without giving back, it’s best to plan how to manage things. Pushing for a quick solution to a complex, long-standing problem can be a lesson in frustration today.Scorpio
The Sun moves into opposition with your sign today, dear Scorpio, and this month-long cycle can be about coming to a more balanced state of being and a larger perspective of what you need and want from your life. There can be a stronger focus on companionship or partnerships in the weeks ahead, and you can benefit from the insights of a significant other. Some of your personal plans may need refinement, or you may put a little less energy into them as you attend to other areas of life, particularly social ones. Lasting until May 21st, this cycle reveals your need for a different perspective on your life and your innate need for others. You’re taking more pride in a partnership, or perhaps a partnership demands more attention than usual. You’re more willing than usual to adjust and adapt to the needs of key people in your lives. Today, however, a Sun-Pluto square is in play, and efforts to make peace can end up with you trying to prove yourself, which doesn’t help anyone. There can be a competitive or tense feel, but through it, seek opportunities to grow and excel. Self-awareness is helpful with difficult energies stimulating fears of losing a position, label, title, or person.Sagittarius
The Sun heads into your solar sixth house today, dear Sagittarius, and you take more pride in your work, and as a result, your performance improves in the month ahead. This cycle is excellent for getting on top of your daily affairs–it’s a time for improving your work, health, and daily routines. Plans and lists can be drawn up for getting the details of your life in better order. This transit awakens a need to lead a more organized, productive, and healthier lifestyle. While there can be some annoying grunt work to take care of during this period, overall it’s a good time to find a little more meaning in your daily affairs or to catch up on important matters. However, today’s energies can be a little tense with a Sun-Pluto square in play. If your daily affairs are getting out of your control, pressures can mount. Avoid overthinking situations, especially if doing so doesn’t serve you well. It’s not the best time to gain an edge.Capricorn
The Sun begins its transit of the sector of your solar chart that rules your individuality and creative expression, dear Capricorn, and will continue here until May 21st. The weeks ahead are for expressing your talents, abilities, and affections more heartfully. A stronger urge is with you to create, put skills to use, show others what you can do, experience and enjoy romance, and partake of many of life’s pleasures. It’s a smooth, supportive cycle that encourages a more spontaneous, free-spirited approach to your life. If you’ve been working too hard or thinking too much, this is a time to find ways to let go of stress and add more playful or creative activities to your life. Making time for recreation is vital in the month ahead. Still, expressing yourself with power and positivity is not as straightforward today with a square between the Sun and Pluto. It’s not as easy to accept changes or let things go graciously. Money and fundamental values can be tricky topics now. Aim to be flexible and mindful of automatic responses to others or frustrating situations. Otherwise, fears of losing respect or a position can dominate.Aquarius
The Sun moves into your home and family sector today, dear Aquarius, where it will transit until May 21st. During this homey, stabilizing cycle, you’ll be pouring more heart and pride into your personal life. In general, worldly ambitions tend to take a backseat now. You are tending to the hearth and deriving security from the familiar. It’s an excellent time to get grounded and centered. Refueling and building up your confidence can be in focus. Give extra attention to your loved ones, home, and domestic routines for the best results in the weeks ahead. While outside interests and responsibilities are still important, this is a time for honoring your need for some familiarity or routine. Personal relationships require a softer approach. Today, however, watch for a tendency to magnify or obsess over problems. Consider that pushing yourself too hard and the stress resulting from this won’t help you. Aim to go easier on yourself. As well, try to avoid power plays and drawing on old, negative patterns of relating. Aim to move towards a greater understanding of important people in your life and your own emotions.Pisces
The Sun heads into your communications sector today, dear Pisces, jumpstarting a cycle of increased curiosity, learning, and mental activity. This year, Mercury turns retrograde soon after the Sun begins its transit, which can point to some complications–the impetus is to reach out and communicate more than usual, but there can be obstacles in your way. Even so, this cycle, as it progresses, is excellent for trying out new ideas, learning new things or developing current studies and interests, and reaching out to others to keep in touch. Today, however, hidden feelings of frustration or guilt can emerge and disrupt the flow until you sort them out. You could feel overwhelmed with things to do that prevent you from getting ahead in areas where your interests truly lie. Dwelling on problems that are beyond your control should be avoided. Aim to focus on solvable problems in the mental or mechanical world to release energy constructively.* Remember to read horoscopes for your Ascendant sign and Sun sign. If you don’t know your Ascendant sign (and you know your birth time), you can look it up here.
Astrology of Today – The Details:
If you’re astrologically inclined and interested in the details of the Astrology of today, here are some of the factors considered in the forecasts:
Planet Color Key: The longer the bar, the slower the aspecting planet, and the longer the duration of the planet’s transit.
The purple marker above shows where we are in the current moon phase cycle.
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